Greatest of All Legends

Chapter 253: University Once Again...

Chapter 253: University Once Again…

Jason had used the funds he managed to raise from his racing outings to survive while once again trying to start professional football.

Eventually, his efforts paid off, but due to his less-than-average skills at the professional level, he always had financial issues so racing had been something he had stuck to doing for most of his life even as he traveled to different places around the world.

He had to make ends meet and anything past street racing was way too illegal and dangerous for Jason.

He could have used his martial arts skills to join underground fighting rings, but doing that was very dangerous and he could end up sustaining serious injuries.

It was also not something he could hide as easily as his involvement in street racing, so he had avoided it.

Racing wasn’t as easy to learn for Jason as martial arts, but luckily, he managed to win enough times to not enter debt and over the years he got better and more comfortable behind the steering wheel.

That was why he was able to keep his car under control with one hand at speeds over a hundred miles an hour.

For him, it was easy to do this much, after all, with all of his experience, only at speeds of about 200 miles per hour could be termed as speeding.

However, going above his current speed would be cutting it close, even for him with all his experience behind the wheel.

Luckily, the speed at which he was moving allowed him to reach Lisbon in under two hours just like he had intended to.

Driving through the foreign roads, Jason followed the map that was leading him to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon.

Sofia was studying to be a nurse so it only stood to reason that she had to be at the Faculty of Medicine of the University.

Also, considering the kind of workload that students involved in anything that had to do with medicine were subjected to, then Jason was almost sure that she would probably still be at class at 4 pm.

Normally, there shouldn’t have been a reason for all this speculation, but Jason hadn’t exactly told Sofia that he was coming and these were the consequences of his actions.

He was doing exactly what Sofia had done fourteen days ago, but in his case, he already knew that Sofia could not be out of town for any reason.

He had also sneakily confirmed her location by asking questions like,

“Aren’t you going to class tomorrow, you should be sleeping by now?”, “Did it rain at your place?” e.t.c., the day before.

They had spoken a bit after that day and Sofia’s responses had first been a little guarded and it became clear that she was particularly annoyed at having her surprise visit go completely wrong and that was why Jason had thought to return the gesture because despite her talking more the last few days, Jason felt there was something off about her lately.

Thinking that maybe she was still peeved was what had prompted Jason to head straight to Lisbon after his arrival in Portugal despite his condition because even though he had purposely been putting the brakes on what was going on between them, he didn’t want to lose what they had.

Thinking that maybe it was time to take the next step in their relationship, Jason had decided to move fast before he managed to change his own mind again.

This led to the current situation where a Blue BMW i8 with its colors especially pronounced in the light drove into the Cidade Universitaria, making it’s way to the Hospital de Santa Maria where the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon was located, attracting eyes as it moved through the grounds of the educational facility and came to a stop at a car park outside the Hospital de Santa Maria.

Bringing down the windows of the car before turning off the car’s engine, Jason pulled out his phone.

{Are you still in class?} He typed in and pressed send.

If Sofia was having a class, then she might not see the message until later, but if she by some luck wasn’t having a class then she would respond soon enough.

Either way, Jason planned to get some fresh air while he waited for her response.

Taking dark-colored sunglasses from the safe at the passenger’s side of the car that he wore to cover his eyes and putting on his nose mask as well, Jason pushed the button to open the doors and stepped out.

After stepping out of the car, he went to go sit on the front of the car, thankful that the engine of the car was on the back and not in front, otherwise he’d have burned his ass off.

Making a mental note to fill up his gas soon, he took a deep breath and just stared at the surroundings while waiting.

He was so focused on just staring at the surroundings that he failed to notice the sounds of footsteps that slowly approached behind him.

The footsteps seemed a bit out of sync for a person walking or running and sounded more like sneaking around, but Jason failed to notice and he only managed to react when two hands just appeared from behind him and covered his eyes.

At the moment when the two palms had appeared in front of his eyes, Jason’s instinct flared up and he almost instinctively struck backward to counter the sneak attack, but he managed to catch himself in time.

His right hand instinctively rose towards his face to pull away the hands covering his eyes, but before his hands reached his face a scent that he recognized assaulted his nostrils.

“You know, when I left Porto to travel all the way to Lisbon, it was to surprise someone, why am I the one being surprised?” Jason said as he pulled off the pair of hands that covered his eyes and turned to face Sofia.

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