Greatest of All Legends

Chapter 252: Duration of Recovery

Chapter 252: Duration of Recovery

The plane soon took off.

Due to being in the first class area and the plane lacking a few passengers, Jason somehow ended up not having anybody seated beside him.

He ended up sleeping throughout the three-hour flight, only waking up just before the plane was about to land.

The plane soon landed and Jason got off, once again battling with his luggage but managing to handle all of it.

After doing all the necessary things, Jason got out of the airport and got a taxi to take him straight to the CTFD Portogaia training center.

As soon as the words ‘CTFD Portogaia’ came out of Jason’s mouth, the driver did a double take and glanced into the rear-view mirror trying to discern which of the Porto players he was carrying and it didn’t take him long to recognize Jason’s blue eyes that stared right back at him through the mirror.

Luckily, Jason had waited till he had gotten into the car before telling the driver his destination because the driver may have reacted completely differently if he was not behind the wheel of his car.

“Can we go now,” Jason asked while continuing to stare right at the driver through the mirror.

“Uh, yeah…”

“Weren’t you injured?” The driver asked in surprise as he was a major Porto fan who kept up with the news.

“I still am. You did see me lift like four bags with only one hand right which I wouldn’t have done if I had two functional arms,” Jason replied with a bit of sarcasm in his tone, wondering why someone would be dumb enough to miss something so obvious.

“Good point…”

“… Can I get an autograph from you, my son would like to have something like that,” The driver requested as he began driving.

“Sure, do you have a pen and a jersey?” Jason replied, not seeing any reason why he shouldn’t give the driver an autograph despite the question he had asked earlier.

“Ah, I only have a pen here, I left my jersey at home, I’ll check for a book,” the driver scratched his head with one hand while his other hand stayed on the steering wheel.

“Ah wait a minute,” Jason muttered as he pulled open one of his bags and took out a jersey.

It was the jersey he had worn in the match against Inter Milan that they ended up losing and Jason had it with him because he wore it to the health center.

Since there was no point in keeping a stockpile of jerseys at his house, especially when it was a jersey he wore in a match that the team lost, Jason didn’t mind giving it away.

“Where’s your pen?” Jason asked the driver who didn’t know what was going on in the back seat.

“My pen?” The driver repeated the question out of habit and quickly looked around for a pen and handed it to Jason in the back seat.

Jason took the pen, placed the jersey on a bag on his lap, and quickly signed on it before the taxi that was currently at a standstill behind a red light began to move again.

As he finished, he handed the pen back to the driver and then gave the jersey to the driver as well.

“Isn’t this one of your jerseys?” The driver asked in surprise.

“Yeah, I wore this last match, too bad we lost,” Jason sighed.

“You can give it to your son,” he continued as he lay back in the back seat.

“Give it to my son? I’m keeping this…” the driver shot back, amazed.

“…or maybe we can share it, he’s too small to fit into it right now anyway,” the driver began to justify his actions after thinking his earlier words through.

“Just give it to the kid bruh…” Jason laughed, amused by the driver’s reaction to receiving his signed jersey.

He had always heard about things like this back in his previous life, but he never experienced such a thing as nobody would want the signed jersey of a washed-up player in the lowest leveled leagues in the world.

If anyone did, it was likely a ploy of some kind… or maybe the stupid thing called love was tampering with their brain cells.

After receiving Jason’s signed jersey, the taxi driver who was already very animated became even more animated and kept talking all through the trip and Jason was relieved when the training center appeared within view.

The taxi drove up to the gates of the training center and the security guards were about to turn it away when the back window slid down.

Jason explained to the security guards that he needed the taxi driver to take him and his luggage to where his car was.

After securing permission for the taxi to drive inside the training center, the taxi driver followed Jason’s instructions and soon parked beside Jason’s car which was still at the training center.

Jason took out his keys and put his stuff into his car with the help of the driver before paying the driver before he drove off despite the insistence of the driver to make the ride free.

With his stuff safely secured into his car, Jason locked the doors of his car once again and headed to the medical center on the training grounds for his appointment with the team doctor.

There wasn’t much for that needed to be done apart from a scan to check how his recovery was going.

Glancing at the results of the scan, Luis Pinto gave Jason a verdict.

His shoulder was already recovering but a full recovery was still a distance away.

The dislocation wasn’t too severe but it would still take at least another four weeks of recovery before he could once begin physical therapy for at least two weeks and even then he wasn’t fully recovered and would have to keep wearing a brace to protect his shoulder for a few more weeks after that even if he could begin featuring in matches again.

Thus earliest Jason could get back on the pitch was six weeks from then and depending on the manager, Jason could end up in recovery for a longer period, but Jason hoped not.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do but wait patiently while preparing himself for his return to first-team football.

Luckily, he had gotten injured just before the end of the season so by the time he recovered, he wouldn’t have missed any important matches.

The only things he would be missing were the first few matches of the season and a few friendly games before that.

That was the only thing that served as a consolation for Jason.

After getting the results of his test and finding out his recovery period, he got a prescription for a few painkillers as his shoulder still hurt like a motherfu**er.

Taking the prescription, Jason bid goodbye to the doctor, walked back to the car, and turned on the engine before glancing at the time being displayed digitally on the car’s dashboard.

*2:15 pm*

“Was it 196 miles?” Jason wondered as he tried to remember the distance between Porto and Lisbon by road.

“I guess I should be able to make it there by 4,” he muttered as he began driving out of the training center and onto the streets of Porto, his speed gradually rising until he was just below the speed limit as he sped through the streets of Porto.

He soon made it out of the areas with high traffic and the needle that measured his speed began rising once again until it was over 90 degrees.

A blue BMW i8 tore down the road between Porto and Lisbon, somehow managing to evade every car in its path despite the dangerous speeds it was achieving velocity at.

Inside the car, Jason somehow managed to keep the car under control despite only driving with one hand, anyone who saw what he was doing would think that he was cutting things a bit too close with how recklessly he was driving, but Jason thought differently and wished he was able to achieve higher speeds.

Unfortunately, the electrical limitations of the BMW i8 wouldn’t let him achieve this and as Jason drove, he was already considering adding another car to his collection.

He had already been planning to buy a car for comfortability and blending in, but now he was thinking of making an extra order and bringing along a car that brought to light the terms “dangerously fast”.

‘Maybe an AMG… or should I go full psycho and get one of those supercars, maybe a Lambo… or a Ferrari…’

‘They’re a bit above my pay grade for the time being though,’ Jason continued his internal deliberation that would have his previous reality’s self squeaking in jealousy.

His previous reality self had quite the experience with cars and that was why Jason was able to handle a car going at speeds over 100 miles per hour with just one hand.

In his previous reality, due to not having a good relationship with his aunt Daphne, he had had a few financial problems and he had found a solution to it by doing illegal street racing.

He never owned cars though, he just lent them from their owners and raced with them, and he had to give more than half of his earnings to the owner of the cars he used whenever he raced.

It wasn’t a fair deal, but Jason was more than happy to take it, especially since he didn’t own the cars.

After all, the cops couldn’t arrest him for illegal street racing if he didn’t even have a car to race with, could they?

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