Gospel of Blood

Chapter 296: A Sudden Downturn

After the naval assault reached a stalemate, the land battle erupted.

The horns of war blared, and the Borde-Violet coalition’s artillery engaged in a cannon exchange with the Castell fleet on the Dorn River.

Amid the thunderous booms, white smoke spread across the river and battlefield, with pale blue ripples appearing as stone projectiles struck magical shields.

This was a contest of ammunition and extraordinary resource reserves.

Within Northport, the towering mage tower shimmered, and the activated magical shield gleamed under the sunlight.

In the coalition forces, soldiers loaded stone projectiles inscribed with anti-magic runes into the dark cannon muzzles, firing them with loud blasts at the Castell galleys on the Dorn River and the outer walls of Northport Bridge, shielded by magic.



The ground trembled, and magical energy boiled.

Although protected by magical shields, the artillery of the Borde-Violet coalition was evidently superior to Castell’s cannons. Even as most projectiles’ power was diminished by the shields, some penetrated Castell’s defenses, hitting either the walls or the ships.

Especially targeted was the outer wall of Northport Bridge, the first line of defense.

Dozens of seven-meter-long stone-throwing cannons belched white smoke, each shot sending a projectile over 900 pounds (400 kilograms) accelerated through the air.

Despite magical attenuation, these projectiles, developed during the Star-Moon War to end castle dominance, remained formidable. The anti-magic inscribed stones, after breaching the shield, still carried terrifying kinetic energy, leaving jagged cracks on the walls with each impact.

Finally, after countless bombardments, the tall outer wall could no longer withstand the continuous fire. With a loud boom, another anti-magic projectile pierced the weakening shield and struck a wall segment riddled with cracks.

Amid exclamations, a section of Northport Bridge’s outer wall collapsed, bricks scattering everywhere.

A cloud of dust rose, revealing a massive breach four meters wide in the wall. Through this gap, the duchy army could see the bridge and the Castell troops on the other side.

On horseback, Third Prince Philip lowered his telescope, smiling with satisfaction.

“Northport’s defenses… are nothing special.”

Watching the crumbling wall, Count Linte beside him sighed deeply.

“Since the advent of stone-throwing cannons, times have changed.”

For centuries, nobles ruled from castles. Now, even the sturdiest castles faced obsolescence against enchanted stone-throwers. The Star-Moon War’s advancements in enchantment and alchemy quietly revolutionized warfare.

“The wall is breached. Order the vanguard to attack!”

The Third Prince ordered, narrowing his eyes.

The horn sounded again, signaling the charge and siege. The coalition vanguard, long prepared, raised their shields and, under a rain of Castell arrows and artillery, charged at the outer wall breach.

With the wall breached, the magical shield over the wall also faltered. Northport’s defensive system had been compromised, and soon, soldiers clashed at the breach.

First to engage were the conscripts, the cannon fodder meant to deplete the enemy’s extraordinary forces. Soldiers swarmed the breach, and ladders were set against the intact walls.

The battle for Northport Bridge had begun.

The breached wall lost its defensive advantage, and facing the numerous coalition forces, the outer wall of Northport Bridge quickly fell.

Castell soldiers retreated while fighting, and the battle concentrated on the bridge.

Arrows fell like rain, and magical glows filled the air. The narrow Northport Bridge became a slaughterhouse, mercilessly consuming soldiers from both sides.

Under continuous artillery fire, the sounds of battle and shouts echoed, while blood stained the bridge and turned the Dorn River crimson.

Third Prince Philip, observing through his telescope, frowned slightly.

“Too slow.”

“Deploy the extraordinary army formation. Capture Northport Bridge quickly and establish a defensive formation to prevent Castell from destroying the bridge!”

Count Linte hesitated.

“Your Highness, Northport’s magical defense system still protects their soldiers. Deploying our elite now might lead to heavy losses…”

“We must attack regardless. Our time is limited, and we can’t risk them destroying the bridge. It’s the gateway to Northport. If they destroy it, our advance will be severely hindered.”

The Prince replied, shaking his head.

Gazing at Northport’s magical shield, he sneered.

“As for Northport’s magical defenses… Inform the fleet to adjust their aim. Stop targeting the fortress, bombard the city!”

“Besides the anti-magic projectiles, use the latest enchanted projectiles from the Royal Alchemy Workshops!”

“Heh, if the little Countess wants to protect the entire Northport, let’s see if she can maintain the shield under our bombardment or if she’ll abandon her citizens!”

“The larger the magical shield, the easier it is to break. I doubt Castell’s Silver Moon mages can withstand this level of assault!”

Following the Prince’s orders, the coalition fleet soon shifted their bombardment towards Northport.

With thunderous roars, projectiles flew like meteors, striking the city.

Unlike the rune-inscribed walls, the city-wide shield was weaker and required more mana to withstand the attacks. As projectiles rained down, Northport’s magical shield flickered, growing unstable.

Inside Northport’s mage tower, Layton, President of the Mercenary Association’s Northport branch and a Silver Moon mage, personally maintained the shield. When the fleet’s firepower concentrated on the city, he felt immense pressure, coughing up blood from the magic backlash.

Simultaneously, elite troops from two duchies, forming a magic formation, marched in unison towards Northport Bridge.

The situation for Castell rapidly deteriorated.

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