Gospel of Blood

Chapter 295: The Ethereal Glow

The Borde-Violet coalition forces launched their formal assault on Northport from the sea.

When the grand fleet of the duchies followed the army and sailed into the waters surrounding Northport, the battle erupted once again.

With the entire Castell fleet, led by the Roman-Four family, dispatched to patrol the Dorn River, Castell had no naval forces left to directly confront the duchy fleet in the open sea.

In truth, the smaller, raid-suited Castell fleet was not adept at direct naval battles against the duchy fleet. Entering the Dorn River was both a defensive move and a means to preserve Castell’s naval strength.

However, the result was that Northport, without the cover of its fleet, faced the duchy fleet directly.

Dozens of duchy warships patrolled the nearby waters, almost encircling Northport. The ships aligned their broadsides towards Northport and, with thunderous roars, spewed white smoke.



Enchanted stone projectiles flew through the air like meteors. They either splashed into the waters around Northport or crashed into the city. The fortress walls surrounding the main island and the harbor of Northport were the primary targets.



Stone projectiles hit the thick outer walls of Northport.

Fortunately, the defensive magical shield on Northport’s outer walls had already been activated. The stone projectiles did not penetrate the walls but left ripples on the shield’s surface. The walls, protected by the shield, remained undamaged.

However, the harbor within range did not fare as well. The ships docked in the harbor became sitting ducks under the duchy fleet’s bombardment, with some ships struck and sinking amidst screams and cries.

The Shallow-Water District on the outskirts of Northport turned into a hellish scene. The flimsy waterside houses had no defense against the duchy fleet’s firepower, easily torn apart and reduced to floating debris.

Had Charlotte not ordered the forced evacuation of the Shallow-Water District’s residents in advance, many would have perished in the initial bombardment.

“Clang—! Clang—! Clang—!”

The piercing sound of bells rang out across Northport as the city hall’s alarm blared.

Explosions echoed from various parts of the city as projectiles breached the outer walls, each impact signaling the destruction of a building.

However, Northport was not merely on the defensive. After the duchy fleet initiated its bombardment, Northport’s coastal stone-throwers retaliated, launching projectiles toward the fleet with thunderous roars. These coastal cannons had greater range and power.

Nonetheless, the scattered formation of the fleet made them harder to hit. Although Northport’s cannons were powerful, their success was limited, with most projectiles splashing into the sea, creating huge water columns.

Occasionally, a lucky shot would severely damage a duchy warship.



Following a series of retaliatory shots, the duchy fleet sustained some damage, and the coalition fleet became wary of Northport’s coastal cannons. The frontline galleys and brigantines retreated beyond the cannons’ range. Only the longer-range carrack heavy warships continued to bombard Northport from a distance.

“Countess, the magical shield over the mansion is up. Please return to the mansion for safety. It’s too dangerous here.”

Urged a noble defending the fortress on Northport’s outer walls, approaching Charlotte.

Charlotte glanced at the carracks continuing to bombard the city and then at the damaged areas of Northport.

She heard the whistling of solid projectiles overhead and the rising smoke within the city.

The cries and screams of terrified residents mixed with the sounds of bombardment, amplifying the fear and despair through her heightened bloodborne senses.

Charlotte frowned slightly.

“If I remember correctly, doesn’t Northport have a magical shield that covers the entire city? Why are only the mansion and the fortress walls being protected?”

She asked.

The noble hesitated before answering.

“Countess, Northport has been at peace for so long that we lack sufficient mana stones. The existing reserves are prioritized for the magical cannons and the defense of Northport Bridge. Deploying the city-wide shield consumes too much. According to Master Layton’s calculations, even with the mana stones provided by the Mercenary Association, we can only sustain the city-wide shield for five days. But if we only protect the military installations, we can hold out for two months.”

Master Layton was the president of the Northport branch of the Mercenary Association.

After the war began, Charlotte hired all available mercenaries in Northport, including Layton, a Silver Moon mage. As one of the few Silver Moon mages in Northport, he was also responsible for maintaining the city’s magical defenses.

“Five days? That’s enough. Tell Layton to fully activate Northport’s magical shield without worrying about the cost.”

Charlotte instructed.

The noble hesitated.

“Follow my orders. Activate all shields and protect the civilians! If anyone questions it, say it was my command! If anything goes wrong, the Castell family will bear the responsibility!”

Charlotte reiterated.

The noble finally nodded, bowed, and left.

Soon, knights on horseback spread the word to Northport’s magical nodes, shouting,

“Countess’ orders, activate all shields, protect the civilians!”

As Charlotte’s command was executed, blue glows rose from Northport. The magical shields extended from the mage tower and the fortress walls, covering the city. With the shields up, the duchy fleet’s bombardment lost its impact, and fewer projectiles breached the defenses.

Cheers erupted across Northport as residents recognized the shield’s protection. With her sharp hearing, Charlotte even caught words of gratitude and praise directed at her.

Moreover, shortly after the shields were raised, Charlotte noticed ethereal lights drifting from the city towards her.

Watching the starlike glow, she was amazed.

Reaching out to touch them, she felt a subtle transformation in her soul as they merged into her being.

“Did you see anything?”

She asked her personal guards.

The knights exchanged puzzled glances and shook their heads.

“Never mind, it’s nothing.”

Charlotte said thoughtfully, abandoning further questions.

Meanwhile, in the Borde-Violet coalition forces, the Third Prince Philip sneered at the sight of Northport’s magical shield.

“A fool’s compassion leading to self-destruction!”

He scoffed.

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