Godly Choice System

Chapter 3373: Saint who loves to learn

Entering the door quietly, Li Yun found the Lord Saint.

When he opened the door, Fan Qingsheng had raised his eyes and looked at Li Yun who was standing at the door, with a slight smile in his eyes.

"hug me."

Afterwards, the lady of the saint stretched out her hands towards Li Yun at the door, looking full of expectation.

"Qing Sheng!!"

Li Yun was in agitated mood. He really loved the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary at this moment. No, the Sanctuary of Sanctuary at all times and the Lord of the Saints at all times, he loved him to death!

In the world, there is no second Brahma Sanctuary to be found.

Li Yun walked into her room step by step. The little maid Qingzhu, who slept on the next bed without paying attention, went directly to the bed of Saint Fanqing, leaned down, and embraced the saint in the quilt. .

"Qingsheng, I love you!!"


Wearing a silk pajamas, with her black hair scattered behind her head, she looked particularly lazy and hummed with a voice like a natural sound, which really made Li Yun's bones tingle.

Embracing such a beautiful and cold saint, what is there to worry about in the world?

Li Yun kicked off and took off his shoes and went to Fan Qingsheng’s bed—don’t get me wrong, it’s not that way, but just lying on the bed with a quilt underneath the two of them, looking comfortably. To each other, or to kiss, say some affectionate words.

In fact, when he opened the bed that Sage Fan Qingsheng had slept for all night, Li Yun immediately smelled a virgin fragrance that only belonged to Sage Qingsheng, elegant and pleasant. When Li Yun got into her bed, she and her When lying in a hug and covered with a quilt, the fragrance became stronger.

"It's so fragrant~"

Li Yun took a deep breath and couldn't help but said intoxicated, making him as cold as a sage, his face was slightly hot, and his breathing became a bit short.

"Qingsheng, did you do something bad last night?"

Li Yun and a girl in the bed asked with a smile, and couldn't help but hurt her waist. Sage Fan Qing twisted his body a few times to escape, shook his head, and said that he had done nothing bad last night.


Li Yun was shocked, "Qing Sheng, didn't you always ask me not to lie, and you never lie? Now you actually lied! Say, are you a Fan Qing Sheng?"

Having said that, Li Yun had already begun to knead her face, to see if she had just got up from the bed, and there was a blushing fairy on her Qingli face, whether it was the cold and beautiful Vatican Qing sage.

"It's not a bad thing."

Fan Qingsheng answered Li Yun's question with a beautiful voice.

The feeling of sleeping on a bed with him made her a little fascinated, and her heart was warm, very happy.

"Isn't it a bad thing?"


Sage Fanqing nodded slightly, let Li Yun stroke her cheek, and said, "I took a look and study last night."

The Sanskrit and Qing sacred classic segmented speech method.

The first paragraph, indicating the time, means that she did something last night.

The second paragraph shows what she is doing. Look, of course, not with her eyes, but with her spiritual sense, secretly "watching" what happened on the third floor from the second floor.

For example, Li Yun and Zhao Tianfeng were all fooling around and they were all seen by Qing Sheng.

The third paragraph is to argue that she is not doing bad things, just learning, not for anything else.

The last two words "just" surprised Li Yun very much.

This is clearly the words used by the Vatican to justify!

And it wasn't just to argue that she took a peek at the third floor, but to argue that she just watched last night and didn't do anything!

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