Godly Choice System

Chapter 3372: Sprouting saint

Li Yun was the first to wake up the next day. Six or seven girls, including Zhao Tianfeng, lay on this temporarily remodeled super-large bed made up of three double beds.

They each have a quilt and a pillow, and they sleep tightly and comfortably on the big bed, just like a hamster is hibernating.

I have to say that winter is really a good day to sleep in, especially when it is windy and snowy outside, it is even more unpleasant.

The evidence is that Li Yun took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the Sage of Fanqing as usual, but after an hour, the sage master yoyo returned him a picture.

[I am yawning and waking up cute map.jpg]

Li Yun watched this anime girl get up and sell cute pictures, he burst out laughing, couldn't help but imagine that if the current saint is like the cute loli in the picture, she stretches out a big lazy waist. Holding a fist high in the sky with one hand, patting your mouth with the other, making a long sound, what a cute and soft picture it would be!

Of course, I can only think about it. Let Fan Qingsheng do such an action herself, she will definitely...will not refuse.

Yes, Master Saint seldom refuses Li Yun's mischief. Whether it is intimacy, hugs, or eating baked sweet potatoes with two people like last night, Master Saint seldom refuses. In my impression, Li Yun does not seem to have any. When she refused to find her, she always silently agreed.

Of course, even if Li Yun asked her to yawn and sell cuteness, it is estimated that Qingsheng is only doing it stiffly. Although it is also very cute, it is definitely different from the soft and cute girl in the anime.

"I understand why Qingyu likes watching anime."

Looking at the pictures Qing Sheng sent to him, Li Yun smiled and typed these words and sent them to her.


"Sage Qing, where did you find the picture, it's so cute~!" Li Yun added solemnly, "I want to go downstairs now, so cute, I will give you a bite."

"I asked Qingzhu to find it. Before, they had a lot of expressions in the group chat."

The Lord Saint means, because when she saw Hu Xiaomeng and Gong Qingyu in the Fairy Club chatting group, they were fighting each other to express their love packets, so she felt that she had to express some more expressions, so she let Qingzhu, her personal maid, went to help her find a set of emoticons, and then used emoticons to express her meaning.

I have to say that in many cases where the text is not suitable, it is too blunt and difficult to express, it can often be solved with an expression.

For example, if the goddess doesn't want to reply to the message of licking the dog, she sends a "I'm asleep" emoticon. The licking dog naturally understands the meaning and immediately sends a "good night" emoticon, and is excited for the goddess willing to say goodnight to herself.

Don’t know, the goddess is just annoying him...

"Very good, very cute!"

"If you are cute, come down and kiss me."

"Go downstairs and gnaw me."

Fan Qingsheng added another sentence. She responded to Li Yun's sentence just now: I am so cute that I want to go downstairs and give you a bite.

Li Yun was taken aback by this message, and then the lower abdomen actually faintly gushed out of fire-it was obvious that he had only played with Fang Xue and Jin Liuli for most of the night last night, but got up this morning and was caught by the saints. A message from the female adult was irritated again.


Li Yun did not reply to the message of the Vatican Qingsheng, opened the quilt, let Feiyao who was sleeping beside him continue to sleep, put on her pajamas and put on a coat, went to the bathroom and touched a few faces, and immediately moved to the second floor. Go.

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