God Simulator

Chapter 171: Move mountains and fill the sea

Chapter 171: Move mountains and fill the sea

In the eastern continent, there are vast and flat grasslands, sparsely populated by locals, and most of the pixel people have migrated to the twin cities in the western continent.

Now this place is more like a dangerous and vast hunting ground. Hunters and adventurers come here to hunt, capturing live antelopes, wild horses, and even wolves and lions. Many people have died here.

Due to the existence of the local transcendent creature, the Firebird, the change of era has little impact on the eastern continent.

Lu Yao chose to set the experimental field in the eastern continent for three reasons: first, because there is a complete and stable ecological chain here; second, there is no influence of pixel people; and third, the area is large enough.

It is necessary to have a stable and balanced environment when introducing a new species.

Otherwise, as soon as a new species enters, it will encounter a group of Cannibal Crabs or a group of fish people, and the death rate will be very high.

Lu Yao fixed his gaze on the westernmost part of the eastern continent, where there was an oval-shaped protrusion, which was just right.

He triggered a miracle, an earthquake.

During the earthquake, the animals scattered and fled in fear, and the Firebird wisely retreated to the inland area to avoid the natural disaster.

The continuous earthquakes plowed through the eastern continent, forming a deep trench on the ground, almost cutting the oval area off from the mainland, causing the land on both sides to rise, forming two new mountain ranges and ridgelines.

Lu Yao then used a wide range of hurricanes, assisted by lightning and rain, to scare away the surrounding wildlife as much as possible and reduce unnecessary damage.

He repeatedly changed the terrain with miracles, trying to separate the experimental area from the eastern continent as much as possible.

The valley between the two places became deeper, and the mountain peaks rose. The seawater flowed in from both sides, forming a wide and steep strait.

Next, Lu Yao focused on the oval experimental site, further triggering earthquakes in the surrounding area, squeezing and creating high mountains, and enclosing the central area into a large basin, preserving the local plains and some forests.

There are also some small animals in the basin, including monkeys and squirrels in the trees, field mice in the soil, and some birds. They stayed for various reasons.

The entire terrain transformation project consumed 283 earthquakes, 77 hurricanes, 12 lightning strikes, and 4 rainfalls.

The total cost was as high as 13,910 points of faith.

This was just the initial terrain change of a small piece of land.

If it weren’t for a sufficient reserve of faith, Lu Yao wouldn’t dare to carry out such a large-scale regional transformation.

After building the basic framework, the next step was to release the species.

Lu Yao opened the transparent plastic box on the table.

Inside the box were three black beetles, pet insects purchased online. They were called the Chinese Fighting Beetle, with a black-brown body, a flat shape, and well-developed mandibles, resembling a serrated pair of pliers, and looked quite majestic.

Although these beetles were aggressive, they fed on tree sap and fruit and moved slowly. Lu Yao chose them to increase the diversity of transcendent creatures and because he personally liked them when he was young.

He released the first beetle into the pixel world.

【Unidentified Beetle entering dimension...】

Under the black beetle icon, the progress bar slowly filled up.

Lu Yao dragged it to the experimental basin and released it. The beetle immediately came to life, crawling on the ground with its robust body.

A new prompt popped up in the simulator.

【Unidentified Beetle has entered this world.】


【Unidentified Beetle LV1】

HP: 62/62

MP: 1/1

Damage: 3

Defense: 6

Speed: 3


HP is higher than normal, able to maintain vigorous fighting spirit for a longer period.


Lu Yao patiently waited.

About ten minutes later, a prompt appeared on the screen.

【Unidentified Beetle successfully integrated into the world.】

You may name it ___.

Lu Yao thought to himself that as long as the released animal could survive in the wild for a period of time, the simulator would determine that it had integrated into the world. In a sense, this was faster than going through the hands of the pixel people, but also more uncontrollable.

Lu Yao named it the "Fighting Beetle."

Next, he released the remaining two beetles into the experimental continent in batches.

This time, there were no unexpected variations, and they were all the same "Fighting Beetle."

In the experimental basin, apart from the female beetles, the two male "Fighting Beetles" immediately started fighting upon meeting, clamping and poking each other with their antlers.

Lu Yao knew that the beetles were fighting for territory. Neither of them could defeat the other, and they were unable to break each other’s defenses. The scene of them wrestling was lively, but ultimately futile.

After a while, they separated as if they had finished their battle.

This was followed by a period of peaceful development.

The Fighting Beetles began to gnaw on the leaves, and their size stopped growing when they reached the size of a wild boar. Their levels quickly rose, and they all reached LV5, after which their growth rate slowed down.

Next, a male Fighting Beetle set its sights on the outside world.

It spread its wings and left the basin, leaping over the strait, only to encounter an attack from the Firebird on the opposite shore.

Many transcendent creatures had a strong territorial awareness.

Physical defense could not withstand the forced damage caused by the flames, and the Fighting Beetle was forced to retreat all the way back to the experimental basin, escaping the attack of the Firebird.

The three Fighting Beetles returned to their peaceful lives, devouring the leaves in the forest. They either ate or slept. Slowly, the second generation of little beetles was born.

The Fighting Beetle clan slowly multiplied and grew.

Lu Yao began to release the next species.

He opened another box containing six green pupae.

These were the pupae of the Citrus Butterfly, which could hatch into butterflies.

Lu Yao carefully placed the pupae on the mouse. Unlike the beetles, there was a more specific reason for releasing the pupae.

Butterflies could spread pollen, benefiting the growth and hybridization of various plants in the entire world. In addition, after descending to a lower dimension, they would become transcendent creatures, with a lifespan and survival ability far exceeding that of ordinary insects, theoretically having a certain promoting effect on the plants in the pixel world.

【Unidentified pupa entering dimension...】

The pupa’s progress was very fast.

Lu Yao placed it in a relatively safe mountain hollow and kept an eye on the surroundings to prevent other animals from interfering with the hatching process.Before long, the chrysalis began to metamorphose, and a blue butterfly slowly unfurled its wings, taking flight.

A prompt appeared on the screen.

[An unidentified butterfly has entered this world.]

Lu Yao named it [Green Phoenix Butterfly].


[Green Phoenix Butterfly LV1]

Health Points: 22/22

Mana Points: 10/10

Damage: 2

Defense: 1

Speed: 8

[Scales Powder]

When it flutters its wings, it releases scales powder, creating illusory rays of light and scenery.


The Green Phoenix Butterfly danced between the trees and bushes, leaving trails of phosphorescence. Having just emerged from its chrysalis, the butterfly was cautious in the pixelated world, flitting about the basin.

Lu Yao dematerialized the remaining five chrysalises into the Simulator in one go.

However, this time only four were successful, and one failed.

Apart from the [Green Phoenix Butterfly], he also dematerialized a special species, which Lu Yao named [Stink Phoenix Butterfly].

The Stink Phoenix Butterfly had a similar color and panel to the Green Phoenix Butterfly, but its abilities were different.



When in danger, it releases a foul stench that makes enemies feel nauseous and vomit.


It seemed to have a stronger survival capability.

After completing all this, Lu Yao felt a bit tired.

He summoned the Apostle Phileas and gave it an order: to keep watch in the experimental area, observe the subsequent conditions of these two new species, and provide protection when necessary.

The skeleton was experienced and well-suited for this task.

Phileas, now the appointed biological observer, took up his post in the Divine Basin on the Eastern Continent.


Exhausted, Lu Yao returned to his room. He locked the door, drew the curtains, and lay face down on the bed.

"Xiao Huo, give me a fifteen-minute massage."

"Yes, Divine Lord."

The cactus in the pot shook off the mud on its body, wiped itself clean with a tissue, and then carefully made its way onto the broad back of the Divine Lord to begin the massage work...

On this tranquil evening, a brand-new species that had never existed before was born in the experimental area’s basin.

It would stand at the top of the basin’s pyramid for a considerable time to come.

Thanks to: The Crying Lunatic for the support of 500 starting coins.

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