God Simulator

Chapter 170: Changes of the past

Chapter 170: Changes of the past

In the old god exhibition hall, the sculptures of the old gods were restored.

Jack, wearing animal skins, the totem pole of the Pray to the Gods, the foul-mouthed stone tablet of the Light God, the enthusiastic Yangwu God, the Skeleton God resembling an upright amphibian, the mushroom stone statue of the Trisom God...

Lu Yao looked up, and the battles between them seemed like just yesterday. He clicked to transform the wonder.

As faith decreased by 5000 points, a white light emanated from the rectangular museum surrounded by stone pillars.

- You shall name it the ______ Museum.

Lu Yao thought.

Salt City Museum? Too ordinary.

Old God Museum? A bit too crazy.

Let’s call it the Old Days Museum.


【Old Days Museum】: A museum built in Salt City, collecting and exhibiting various historical relics, storing restored old god statues and legends.

By increasing the collection of various ancient relics, the wonder’s level can be upgraded.

In the city where the Old Days Museum is located, everyone’s knowledge +1, and there is a certain probability of producing archaeologists.


The description of the wonder made Lu Yao happy.

Archaeologists themselves can grow from archaeology, and this profession has high growth potential.

The upgrade requirements for the museum are also very intuitive.

As long as Fabiani, the head archaeologist, continues to excavate everywhere and collect various artifacts to put in the museum, the wonder can be upgraded.

At the same time as Lu Yao transformed the wonder, the little people in the museum had exclamation marks floating above their heads.

"The will of the gods has come!"

"The wonder, this museum has been recognized by the great gods!"

"The Old Days Museum has been bestowed a name by the gods."

"Thanks to the great gods, Salt City has its first wonder!"

"We also have our own wonder! We’ve been waiting for this day for too long!"

The prophet Dorennunu announced on the spot: "To celebrate the grace of the gods, there will be an open-air banquet outside the temple tonight! Everyone is welcome to attend."

Old Merchant Li added, "Please remember to bring your own food cans, the temple only provides wheat beer, and you have to bring your own food."

Mayor Tonghai also laughed, "Come, come!"

The people of Salt City were all excited, with smiling faces floating above their heads.


It was only then that Lu Yao remembered.

In the three cities, Yao City had a theater, a monument, and a theological college, Sanilo had the World City Library, and now Salt City had its first wonder.

This kind of wonder might not bring rapid benefits, but it cannot be without it. Without it, it would fall behind in the brother cities.

The people of Salt City stood up!

While everyone was cheering and jumping for joy, a little person stood alone on the side, lost in silence.

It was the archaeologist Fabiani.

He looked at the Old God Exhibition Hall and pondered the statues of the old gods inside, with thoughts floating above his head.

"The fallen old gods cannot represent the truth, truth is immortal."

"God Yao, I admire and fear your wisdom, and I am afraid and timid of your wisdom. I long to follow the prophets into the temple, but I cannot face the disillusionment and betrayal of the past. You must find my foolish thoughts very laughable."

"I can only search for the traces left by history in this world, hoping to find some answers from them."

"The future cannot be judged, the present cannot be predicted, perhaps only the past can be seen and determined. Perhaps, this is the meaning of museums and archaeology."

"This is what I have spent more than ten years trying to understand. Thank you for giving me freedom and tolerance."

"Praise you, our heavenly father and savior."

Fabiani prayed silently.

Lu Yao thought it was good.

He shifted his focus to Merchant Li.

He didn’t know when, but Old Merchant Li had stepped down from the position of mayor, and Tonghai had taken over.

Lu Yao noticed that a ghost symbol had finally appeared above Merchant Li’s head.

For a 108-year-old man, his life had been long enough.

Merchant Li quietly left Salt City and traveled by carriage to Yao City in the east. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and a black robe, looking like an ordinary old man.

After arriving in Yao City, Merchant Li walked around the streets, and then seemed tired, sitting on the side of the street to rest.

A young man passed by and asked if he was feeling unwell.

Merchant Li said it was nothing, just that he was getting old.

After a while, the old man stood up and walked forward, this time all the way to the Wheat Beer Theater. After buying a ticket at the entrance, Merchant Li went in with the crowd and sat in the back row.

In the center of the stage, the latest play "Falling Sun" was being performed, telling the story of how God Yao expelled and shot down the Dim Sun. But it was nearing the end, and the crowd began to leave.

Next was another short play, "Death of the Demon," about the Pigfish Brothers’ battle against the Black Bear Demon.

This was a classic play from the early days of the theater. However, because the story was too familiar, there were few audience members, most of whom were elderly.

Merchant Li watched with relish, a smile appearing on his face.

Before long, a little person walked in and sat next to him.

It was the prophet Yaoshao.

Yaoshao was also old now, but in front of Merchant Li, she was still a young woman.

A dialogue box appeared above Merchant Li’s head: "Why are you also alarmed? I just came to watch the play."

"You need to take care of yourself.""My body is already in good shape," Shangli said. "For someone my age, being able to witness the dawn of a new era is already a grace from God Yao."

Yaoshao said, "You don’t have to serve as the mayor anymore, you should rest well now."

"Have you heard that the Flame Society’s research on magic potions is about to succeed?" the old man suddenly asked.


Yaoshao fell silent for a moment, then finally admitted, "A lot more experiments are needed. Magic potions are a dangerous yet powerful medicine. One can never be too cautious."

"You all have worked hard; the new era still relies on you."

Suddenly, Shangli said, "I want to play a game of War Chess."


Yaoshao signaled to a scholar from the temple outside, and soon someone brought in the war flags.

At this moment, the short play had quietly come to an end.

The two began to play chess.

After a while, ZZZ symbols appeared above Shangli’s head, and he fell asleep in his chair.

Soon, the word "Death" appeared above the old man’s head.

Yaoshao was calm about Shangli’s death, simply saying, "Rest well."

Then she turned and left.

Not long after, a ghostly figure appeared.

Lu Yao looked and saw it was the game kid Mu Ke, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time.

Mu Ke spoke beside Shangli’s body, "You’re finally dead, you lived a bit too long."

Shangli’s spirit also slowly materialized, "Were you looking forward to my death?"

"Living too long is boring; death is a new beginning."

Mu Ke said, "Stop the nonsense, come with me to Sanilo. Ghosts can’t stay away from Sanilo for too long, or they’ll become dull-witted. Yulian asked me to wait for you here."

"How did that guy know I would die here?"

"Heh heh, Yulian said this is where you made your first big deal and a place you never forgot. He said you’d most likely choose to end it here. He thought you would."

"...Pfft, just a coincidence."

The two ghostly figures chatted as they walked towards the ghost city in the south.

Thus, the second-generation leader and mayor of Salt City had both retired.

Lu Yao moved his neck.

Next was the divine experiment phase.

He had already listed a table with some species suitable for release.

But before that, Lu Yao needed to do an important preparatory task.

To create a dedicated experimental field.

The previously failed ladybug and earthworm species might not be completely unable to integrate into the pixel world; it was just that they were released into the wild before they were fully developed, which made them die on the spot by accident.

Therefore, a specialized experimental garden for release was needed, to observe repeatedly for a period of time, waiting for the species to breed initially. Once they reached a certain scale, they would gradually integrate into the outside world.

Even if a dangerous species was demoted, it could be quickly contained to avoid harming the ecology of the pixel world.

Lu Yao turned his gaze to the Eastern Continent.

This place was very suitable.

Thanks to: Autumn Mountain’s Totoro for the support of 2000 starting coins.

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