God of Blackfield

Chapter 285: The Star of David (1)

Chapter 285: The Star of David (1)

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Click, click, click.

Kang Chan opened the front door and entered their apartment. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw Kang Dae-Kyung and Yoo Hye-Sook inside.

Yoo Hye-Sook walked over to him and gave him the bouquet that she was carrying.

“Congratulations on your graduation, Channy.”

Kang Chan hugged Yoo Hye-Sook, his diploma and the bouquet that he had received at the office still in his hands. “Thank you.”

It was strange, but embracing his mother sank the chaos of emotions inside him to the bottom.

“Congratulations,” Kang Dae-Kyung praised, coming from behind Yoo Hye-Sook to pat Kang Chan’s shoulders.

From nearly falling to his death, their son was now living a life that was difficult for them to understand. Even so, they still tried their best to accept him. They had shown Kang Chan what a true family and parental love looked like.

“I can’t believe our son’s really moving up.” Yoo Hye-Sook said, her voice quivering with emotions, as she stroked the diploma that Kang Chan had handed her.

After quietly watching them for a moment, Kang Dae-Kyung finally spoke up. “Let’s go have dinner.”

Oh, right! Dear me!” Yoo Hye-Sook exclaimed.

Yoo Hye-Sook put the diploma in the living room cabinet and walked into the kitchen.

“I’ll follow. I want to change first,” Kang Chan said.

“Alright. Don’t take too long,” Kang Dae-Kyung replied.

Kang Chan went to his room and changed into something more comfortable, then put his pistol and walkie-talkie in the desk drawer. After leaving the fountain pen and watch on his desk, he walked out of his room with his phone, which he always kept with him, in his pants pocket.

He washed his hands in the bathroom and then finally headed to the kitchen.

“What’s this?” Kang Chan asked.

“Your dad bought it. It’s a special occasion, after all,” Yoo Hye-Sook responded.

“It looks delicious. Thank you.”

Kang Chan could easily tell the difference between beef and pork, especially since he’d had beef for lunch.


Kang Dae-Kyung put meat on the grill, and Yoo Hye-Sook carried the vegetables for wrapping the meat in, gochujang, and garlic to the table.

“I’ll do it,” Kang Chan insisted.

“No, let me. Beef doesn’t taste good if it’s overcooked, so move aside already,” Kang Dae-Kyung joked.

Hiss. Hiss.

Kang Chan thought he was flipping the meat too quickly, but it would be hard to convince his father otherwise, considering he had such a confident expression.

“Have a seat, Channy,” Yoo Hye-Sook urged him.


The distinctive aroma of beef filled the kitchen.

Kang Dae-Kyung cut the beef and held out a piece in front of Kang Chan. “Here!”

“It’s okay. You can serve Mother first,” Kang Chan said.

“Today’s your graduation day. You should get the first bite,” Kang Dae-Kyung argued.

Since Yoo Hye-Sook also watched him with expectant eyes, Kang Chan quickly ate the beef hanging on the edge of the tongs.

Whoa! This is really good,” he remarked.

“Your turn, Honey.” Kang Dae-Kyung picked up another piece and put it inside Yoo Hye-Sook’s mouth.

Mm! You cooked the meat just right, Honey,” Yoo Hye-Sook praised.

“You think so? Let me try one...”

Kang Dae-Kyung ate a piece of the beef. He then exaggerated his delight.

“You should take a seat too, Honey,” Yoo Hye-Sook urged.

“All right,” Kang Dae-Kyung replied.

Kang Chan put some white rice, pepper, garlic, mixed seasoned scallions, and gochujang on a lettuce leaf and ate it. It was delicious.

The atmosphere right now couldn’t even be compared to the ambiance of their lunch, which had felt more like the last supper. Kang Chan was happy.

That punk!

If Seok Kang-Ho had bothered to give him a call before leaving, he would probably feel a lot happier right now.

After eating to their hearts’ content, they helped each other clean up. They then sat back down at the table and had some yuzu tea instead of fruit.

After taking a sip of his tea, Kang Dae-Kyung cautiously asked, “Do you have any plans for the future?”

As Kang Chan’s father, he had every right to ask him about his plans for the future or how he wanted to live his life.

Wanting to tell him the truth and discuss some of the things that were on his mind with him, Kang Chan replied with a question of his own. “Have you seen the news?”

“News? Which one?” Kang Dae-Kyung responded.

“The development of next-generation energy.”

Kang Dae-Kyung glanced at Yoo Hye-Sook and then brought his gaze back to Kang Chan.

Kang Chan added, “It’s probably going to be French technology backed by Russian oil.”

“Are you saying... You’re involved in that too?” Kang Dae-Kyung asked in disbelief.

“Yes. The denadite and cetinium from Mongolia will serve as its core materials.”

Kang Dae-Kyung looked flabbergasted, while Yoo Hye-Sook seemed more worried than anything.

Kang Chan continued, “I had a brief meeting with the President today. Because it’s related to the ambassador, I will probably be working on this project for the time being.”

“Won’t it be dangerous?” Yoo Hye-Sook asked. She turned to Kang Dae-Kyung to see if he agreed.

“Well, what do you think?” Kang Dae-Kyung asked Kang Chan.


“Yes. Feel free to say what you think,” Kang Dae-Kyung replied. His gaze on Kang Chan was filled with trust and assurance.

I trust you. I just hope you don’t say anything that would surprise your mother.

Was this what a father-son relationship should be?

Kang Chan replied to Kang Dae-Kyung with a look that said “I won’t.”

Now that Kang Chan had thought about it, he realized that people’s eyes could convey so many words.

“I know it’s been hard for the two of you, especially with what happened in the underground parking lot, you being forced to stay at a hotel, and having to see me return home with injuries,” Kang Chan said.

Yoo Hye-Sook fiddled with her teacup, seemingly remembering every moment he mentioned.

“They say this is a huge opportunity for our country. To be honest, I don’t know about any of that. I want to work on the next-generation energy for other reasons.”

Yoo Hye-Sook slightly raised her gaze. She looked a bit afraid of what Kang Chan would say, but at the same time, she looked curious about it too.

Kang Chan continued, “Even if I quit, its development will likely push forward in some way. Either way, until it’s completed, we may still have to cooperate with the French.”

“Will this project be handed over to the French if you give it up?” Kang Dae-Kyung inquired.

“I think so.”

Kang Dae-Kyung nodded in understanding.

“It’s not something I’m dying to do, but I also don’t want to disappoint the people who’ve worked hard to get us this far.”

“So you’re saying you want to try your hand at this project?”


“Because you don’t want to turn a blind eye to the people you’ve worked with?”


Kang Dae-Kyung looked straight at Kang Chan. His eyes seemed to be asking him, ‘Do you have to keep doing dangerous things?’

Kang Chan’s momentary hesitation was answer enough. Although it might seem insignificant, it was enough for a father to understand his son.

As Kang Dae-Kyung let out a quiet sigh, Yoo Hye-Sook suddenly spoke up.

“Honey? Is this energy thing dangerous for Channy?”

“Well, it’s not...”

“It’s not that...”

Kang Dae-Kyung and Kang Chan quickly shut their mouths, realizing they were about to say the same thing. Yoo Hye-Sook looked at them.

“Well, Channy’s education is a bit of a concern for me,” Kang Dae-Kyung said.

“Education?” Yoo Hye-Sook echoed.

Was Kang Dae-Kyung sly or was Yoo Hye-Sook a bit slow? Kang Chan didn’t know what to think. Either way, Kang Dae-Kyung's remark seemed to have somewhat diverted Yoo Hye-Sook’s attention away from her question.

“Won’t our son be in even more danger than before?” Yoo Hye-Sook still asked with concern.

“You know how strong the people who protect us are. There’s no need to worry,” Kang Dae-Kyung answered, reassuring her.

“That’s a relief, Honey.”

Unable to look Yoo Hye-Sook in the eye, Kang Chan dropped his gaze to the floor. He felt like he was tricking her even though she wholeheartedly believed her husband and son.

“What do you think?” Kang Dae-Kyung asked Yoo Hye-Sook.

“Well, I...” Yoo Hye-Sook trailed off when she saw Kang Chan. Her suddenly eyes turned red, and she began to sniff.

Kang Chan raised his gaze, finding Yoo Hye-Sook already dabbing her eyes with her palms.

“I’m okay. I felt safer after Min-Jeong protected me that time too. Don’t hang your head low for school, Channy. I’m okay. I really am.”

“Goodness, you crybaby,” Kang Dae-Kyung joked.

“You always have to say that, don’t you? How can I not cry when our son is acting so timid on his graduation day?” Yoo Hye-Sook complained, frustration in her voice.

“Does that mean you also support Channy doing what he wants?”

Sniff!” Yoo Hye-Sook inhaled, seeming unable to let go of her wishes about Kang Chan’s education yet.



“Do you trust Channy?”

“How can you ask me that?” Yoo Hye-Sook replied with a tinge of sadness.

“Then let him do what he wants until he’s thirty. After that, if he wants, I can teach him the trade, I suppose.”

Yoo Hye-Sook looked at Kang Chan, regret filling her eyes. “Okay.”

Kang Dae-Kyung turned his attention to Kang Chan. “I need you to promise me something?”

“What is it?”

“If you still don’t have a proper job by the time you’re thirty, I want you to take over the family business.”

“I promise,” Kang Chan answered.

Kang Dae-Kyung chuckled, pride written all over his expression, while Yoo Hye-Sook looked upset for Kang Chan’s sake.

They spent a bit more time reminiscing about Kang Chan’s high school days. Kang Chan didn’t know anything about the things that happened before his accident, so he just went along with the flow.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Amid their conversation, his phone vibrated.

Was that Seok Kang-Ho? Or was it from the DGSE?

Kang Chan quickly picked up the phone.

[Can you call right now?]

“It’s Mi-Young,” Kang Chan told his parents.

“What is it? Oh! She must have texted to congratulate you. You can go into your room and call her,” Yoo Hye-Sook said.

“I can just do it later.”

“It’s okay. Go to your room. I want to get some rest after cleaning this up anyway.”

Kang Chan supposed they had been sitting at the table for a while now. He got up and went to his room, then called Kim Mi-Young.

- Hello? It’s me.

“Hey. Congratulations on your graduation.”

- You too. It sucks I couldn’t see you today. It would’ve been nice to get a picture together.

“Yeah, too bad.”

Time always seemed to fly whenever he talked to her, even if it was just about random things. The call also always ended with her distinctive laugh, which he found strangely addictive.

“Good night. Hehehe.”

Kang Chan didn’t know how he felt about other people hearing this laughter.


Waking up at six in the morning, Kang Chan headed outside for a workout.

Seok Kang-Ho had likely already arrived at Tripoli Airport in Libya. All Kang Chan could do now was wait for Hugo to contact him from the French DGSE. Still, just to be safe, Kang Chan had taken his phone with him.

After warming up, he began to run around the apartment complex.

His enemy right now was the UIS. No one could say for sure that he wouldn’t be approached by some random person with a bomb strapped to their body. Hence, whenever he went outside,

he always had to be wary of anyone who came close to him. That extra work only further exhausted Kang Chan and the agents protecting him.

For that reason, Kang Chan just ran around the perimeter of the garden that was along the complex.

Haah. Haah.”

He slowly picked up the pace, eventually getting to the point where he was running at his top speed.

This was Seok Kang-Ho they were talking about. He was a step above Gérard and just as good at fighting as Kang Chan. Lately, he had also been using his brain so well that it sometimes surprised Kang Chan.


Kang Chan propped his hands on his knees and spat out the sweat dripping into his mouth. As he did, Choi Jong-Il came over and handed him a bottle of water.

“I haven’t received any word yet,” Kang Chan said.

Choi Jong-Il didn’t ask, but he was probably curious. Kang Chan felt inclined to tell him any updates first.

“I’m going to the French Embassy an hour before noon.”

“Understood,” Choi Jong-Il replied.

Kang Chan sipped some water, then walked to the stairs to head back up to the apartment. He always felt bad whenever the agents greeted him with a smile on the occasional flight of stairs.

“Oh? Did you work out?” Yoo Hye-Sook asked.

“Yes. How was sleep?” Kang Chan responded.

“It was great.”

Kang Chan took a shower, put on fresh clothes, and ate breakfast with his parents.

Since Yoo Hye-Sook needed some more time to understand, Kang Dae-Kyung and Kang Chan sat together in the living room and turned on the newscast.

[It remains to be seen if Japan has consulted with our government on this recent announcement, but it is so shocking that it will come as a surprise to our people, as well as the people of China and Japan.]

“What could be so surprising that they had to say that?” Kang Dae-Kyung mused.

“I wonder,” Kang Chan agreed.

Kang Dae-Kyung’s question was soon answered.

[It has been an unusual morning. Earlier today, Japan announced at seven o’clock that it acknowledges Dokdo as a territory of the Republic of Korea and that the country sincerely apologizes to South Korea for the war of aggression. Japan will resolve all issues regarding reparations and compensations with the South Korean government. Again, here is the announcement made by Japan Prime Minister Ida.]

The screen switched to a shot of Japan’s prime minister standing in front of his cabinet. Subtitles played as he made his announcement, followed by a series of flashes too numerous to count.

Yoo Hye-Sook came over while a reporter stated that there was no mention of an apology to China and the rest of Asia in the announcement.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Japan has acknowledged Dokdo as our territory and is apologizing for the war of aggression,” Kang Dae-Kyung answered.


It was such a random announcement that it was understandable why Yoo Hye-Sook couldn’t immediately comprehend it.

“Let’s head out. We can take our time watching what’s happening in the office,” Kang Dae-Kyung suggested.

“All right, Honey,” Yoo Hye-Sook replied.

Kang Chan saw both of them off and told them that he would be visiting the embassy today.

“See you later,” he said.

Once back inside, Kang Chan sat down at his desk and searched for more articles related to the news on his computer.

There had to be more to it. He didn’t know what it was, but this couldn’t be happening just because someone suddenly grew a conscience. Unfortunately, the articles online only focused on the apology as well. They didn’t mention anything about the reason Japan suddenly apologized.

Soon, it was time for Kang Chan to go. He got dressed and strapped his gun and walkie-talkie in their rightful positions before picking up his phone.

As always, he was fitted in a dress shirt and a suit.

He had just graduated yesterday. In a way, he felt unshackled. It wasn’t like school had gotten in his way of doing anything in the first place, yet he still felt more freedom for some reason.

Kang Chan debated on making a phone call but decided to just leave straight away. As he expected, Choi Jong-Il came over as soon as he exited the apartment complex.

“You’re not cold?” Kang Chan asked.

“The weather’s warmed up quite a bit,” Choi Jong-Il replied.

Kang Chan realized he had just asked a stupid question. Choi Jong-Il couldn’t really say, “It’s so cold that it’s unbearable.”

They all left as soon as Kang Chan stepped into the car that Lee Doo-Hee was driving.

The topic of conversation on the way there was, of course, the announcement from Japan.

“Manager Kim is going to be worked to death at this rate,” Kang Chan remarked.

“He does seem a bit tired recently,” Choi Jong-Il joked back with a smile.

As they pulled into the parking lot of the embassy, French agents came rushing out. Kang Chan got out of the car and abruptly paused when he saw a familiar face.

“Monsieur Kang. It’s been a while.”

“Louis! How are you?” Kang Chan greeted warmly.

“Perfect,” Louis replied with a grin.

Kang Chan was happy to see him. Now, they had more people to protect Lanok. Maybe it was because it had been a while since he last saw Louis, but Louis’ legs seemed longer than ever.

They entered the embassy, went up to the second floor, then walked straight into the office.

“Monsieur Kang!”


Seeing her again made Kang Chan ten times happier than when he saw Louis.

Anne walked over with a slight gait and embraced Kang Chan.

“I’m glad you’re here, Anne. Your presence makes me feel a lot more relieved,” Kang Chan said.

“Thank you, Monsieur Kang.”

Kang Chan was genuinely glad to see Anne. He felt much more at ease having her and Louis around than if they had added ten more agents to the security detail.

After exchanging greetings with Anne, Kang Chan shook Lanok’s hand.

“Let’s sit down and have some tea,” Lanok offered.

The three sat down at the table that Lanok always gestured at. Louis stood guard at the entrance with his hands clasped in front of him.

Kang Chan felt as if it took quite a while, but little by little, things were finally coming back to where they should.

Raphael brought them tea, and Anne poured it into the cups.

Lanok took a cigar, and Kang Chan and Anne took cigarettes. The father and daughter didn’t seem uncomfortable at all to be smoking around each other.

“Why don’t we go golfing now?” Lanok joked.

Kang Chan started to chuckle.


However, he was stopped short by the loud beating of his heart.

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