God of Blackfield

Chapter 284: The Nation Calls (2)

Chapter 284: The Nation Calls (2)

“Are you sure you should be wasting any more time here?" Michelle asked as she got up. She walked over to her desk and opened a drawer.

“Here.” She placed a gift box in front of Kang Chan. "I got you a gift.”

The French agents in Libya had not yet found a place to hide, and the reinforcements from South Korea had not yet departed. Suppressing his impatience, Kang Chan unwrapped the gift.

Nestled inside was a watch with a leather strap.

"Thank you," Kang Chan replied.

Following proper etiquette, he strapped the watch onto his left wrist.

"It looks great," he said.

"It suits you. Now, hurry along," Michelle urged.

When Kang Chan got up, she approached and gave him a warm embrace. They then exchanged French greetings.

"Thank you," Kang Chan said.

Thank you for the gift and for understanding why I’m in such a serious mood even though it’s been so long since we last saw each other.

Feeling Michelle’s body getting warmer, Kang Chan kept the hug brief.

"You’re even more fit now," she commented.

Kang Chan could only laugh in response.

She continued, "Do you remember the birthday promise you made me?"

"I remember it as a one-sided request," Kang Chan said.

"Let’s have dinner next time."


Kang Chan lightly patted Michelle's back and left the office. The newly hired staff tried to read the room, but he couldn’t really afford to care right now. Outside, he found Choi Jong-Il and Woo Hee-Seung guarding the entrance.

As soon as he walked into the office on the 17th floor, he checked the message he had received from Hugo earlier. It pinpointed the agents’ rendezvous location. He then calling Kim Hyung-Jung.

"I just received the meeting location. Is it alright if I come over?"

[I was just about to ask you to.]

"Understood. I'll be there soon."

Kang Chan left the office and headed straight for Samseong-dong. Since it wasn’t that far, it only took him ten minutes to reach his destination. Kim Hyung-Jung was already waiting in the underground parking lot by the time he arrived.

"Mr. Kang Chan, if it's okay with you, I’d like you to come with me to Naegok-dong," Kim Hyung-Jung offered.


Kang Chan transferred to the car that Kim Hyung-Jung had pointed him to. Due to the situation, a significantly large number of agents accompanied them.

"In Naegok-dong, you'll be referred to as Deputy Director," Kim Hyung-Jung explained. Noticing Kang Chan’s somber expression, he didn't say anything else.

Taking a large roundabout, they eventually turned into the National Intelligence Service building in Naegok-dong. Just before reaching the entrance, Kim Hyung-Jung took out an ID card and attached it to Kang Chan's chest.

They got out of the car and passed by four elevators in the lobby. After taking a corner, they stopped in front of an elevator guarded by agents.

Once Kang Chan was inside, Kim Hyung-Jung pressed a button that had no floor number, sending the elevator down. Its doors soon opened, revealing agents wearing helmets and bulletproof vests in front of it. They were armed with assault rifles.

Kang Chan walked through the inner door of the corridor and bowed. In response, Moon Jae-Hyun rose from his seat and extended his hand to Kang Chan.

"Deputy Director, congratulations on your graduation," Moon Jae-Hyun greeted.

"Thank you, sir," Kang Chan replied.

"Please have a seat."

Hwang Ki-Hyun pointed to the table. Bottles of water, juice, and cups were on it.

"We've confirmed that one of our local informants in Libya has betrayed us. If it weren't for your, Deputy Director, we would have had more casualties. Thank you, and I’m sorry,” Hwang Ki-Hyun said.

After a brief pause, he continued, "The United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom have expressed their willingness to assist with this operation. Saudi Arabia has also proposed mediation with the UIS. Of course, we interpret this as their way of asking to be prioritized in the next-gen energy agreement.”

Silence followed. Moon Jae-Hyun, Hwang Ki-Hyun, and Kim Hyung-Jung all looked at Kang Chan. Thinking about the situation and Kang Chan, who held all the keys, keeping his mouth shut likely frustrated them.

"I’m not familiar with the proper reporting procedures, so I’ll just start by sharing what I know," Kang Chan said, breaking the silence.

Hwang Ki-Hyun nodded, signaling him to speak without inhibitions.

"I have an appointment at the French Embassy tomorrow. It's been hinted that it's far more important than any other meetings I’ve had and that it concerns the power plant construction.”

Moon Jae-Hyun listened intently.

Kang Chan continued, "Seven agents of the French Intelligence Directorate lay down their lives in Libya today to rescue our men. I don't know what will be discussed tomorrow, but I honestly feel like we’re holding onto something much bigger than what we’re currently capable of.”

Hwang Ki-Hyun’s expression hardened, and Kim Hyung-Jung lowered his gaze, perhaps out of embarrassment.

"Maybe not the Eurasian Rail, but it's worth reconsidering our stance regarding the energy facilities. I appreciate your desire for retribution, but this is the second time we’ve been in this situation already.”

Moon Jae-Hyun quickly gave Hwang Ki-Hyun a questioning look before focusing back on Kang Chan.

"Our informant in Mongolia also deceived us, causing the deaths of our agents. Now, for the same reason, our men died not long after they arrived in Libya. We’ll keep finding ourselves in the middle of incidents like this," Kang Chan finished, holding himself back from suggesting that they give up on the power plant.

Contrary to his expectations, Moon Jae-Hyun was gently smiling at him.

"Deputy Director," he called.

“Sir," Kang Chan responded softly, his eyes on Moon Jae-Hyun.

"If we were to name what we desire the most, it would be you, Deputy Director.”

What is he trying to say?

"You’re the reason we effortlessly got the rights to the Eurasian Rail and, unexpectedly, the next-gen energy," Moon Jae-Hyun praised.

"Mr. President—"

"There's more," Moon Jae-Hyun interrupted. "You single-handedly brought our special forces team to the highest global standard. I'll always remember how you performed in China and Afghanistan. As embarrassing as it is to admit, you and your team's bravery in Afghanistan moved me, Deputy Director.”

Kang Chan remained silent, unable to predict where the conversation was heading.

"What should I do? My nation—our country—has seized this opportunity to stand tall. If you decide to go to France, I will cling to your ankles to persuade you to stay. I don’t care if it brings me shame.”

Surprised, Kang Chan muttered, "Mr. President...?"

"I have to cling to you, Deputy Director. It's in the best interest of our people and our country," Moon Jae-Hyun declared, his eyes shining with determination.

"I cannot bear sacrificing our agents and soldiers either, yet time and time again, we have endured. With limited land and resources, we have only people to rely on," Moon Jae-Hyun explained, displaying his compelling persuasion skill with his calm voice.

"I am aware that we have sent many sons and fathers to their deaths, but I cannot give up. Our inability to properly nurture talent has already cost us many lives. Failing to seize this opportunity now cost us even more. Moreover, it would take years before we get a chance like this again.”

Is he done?

Moon Jae-Hyun looked at Hwang Ki-Hyun.

"Deputy Director, if the President is clinging to one of your ankles, then I'll cling to the other," Hwang Ki-Hyun said with utmost seriousness.

Kang Chan sighed internally.

The President and the Director of the National Intelligence Service were clinging to the pants of a mere high school student—who was actually already thirty years old—all in the name of serving the country.

Was it because of his time in the Foreign Legion? The unit and camaraderie always seemed to take precedence over the state for him.

The three people surrounding Kang Chan looked at him with eyes full of passion, the same kind that the fallen soldiers and agents had in their eyes before they died.

"We've also been informed of the rendezvous location. Deputy Director, if you were to lead the next operation as the head of anti-terrorism, how would you proceed?"

Hwang Ki-Hyun's question snapped Kang Chan out of his thoughts.

"Rescuing our men and ensuring everyone’s safe return is crucial. We can get revenge once the Intelligence Directorate has given me a list of the people behind this," Kang Chan stated.

Many likely shared the same thoughts.

Raising his gaze, he continued, "I have a few questions.”

"Go ahead," responded Moon Jae-Hyun.

"If I go to the embassy tomorrow, there's bound to be a discussion regarding the development of next-generation energy. I would like to know how much authority you’re giving me over this matter.”

While Moon Jae-Hyun and Hwang Ki-Hyun silently contemplated, Kang Chan voiced his requests.

"I also have a favor to ask. Regardless of the cost, for the sake of the projects we are pushing forward, we have to secure a satellite exclusively for the National Intelligence Service. I would also like you to consider rewarding the people who joined the operations in China, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Africa, and compensating the families of those who lay down their lives for South Korea.”

“The President and I are already discussing providing rewards, but compensating our fallen exceeds our regulations. Making exceptions would differentiate them from other meritorious individuals,” Hwang Ki-Hyun answered. “As for the satellite, our technology is far too outdated for one.”

"If I were to purchase it, could you manage the transaction?"

Hwang Ki-Hyun glanced at Moon Jae-Hyun for his reaction, then answered, "That would require employing some expedient measures. We'll look into it."

Their willingness was strong, but reality had its limits.

"On another note, do we really have to rely entirely on French technology for the energy facilities?" asked Moon Jae-Hyun.

"As far as I know, yes," Kang Chan replied.

"Then I’ll give you the authority to handle this matter, Deputy Director. However, I do hope to get some leeway in negotiations with other countries, including the United States."

"Understood," Kang Chan responded.

"The Eurasian Rail used to be our main objective, but we have stumbled upon something even greater. This might sound too ambitious, but I want you to understand this one thing."

Drawn in by Moon Jae-Hyun's manner of speaking, Kang Chan eagerly waited for him to continue.

"I doubt the Eurasian Rail and the next-gen energy will see results within my term. I am satisfied with having laid the foundation. The completion of these projects will ultimately be up to you.”

Damn it!

They presented it as if they were offering something nice, but all they were really saying was that Kang Chan had to see things through to the end.

Swallowing a sigh, Kang Chan bid them farewell and left the room with Kim Hyung-Jung.

After sending Kang Chan off, Moon Jae-Hyun and Hwang Ki-Hyun sat back down.

"The deaths of our agents seem to have broken his spirits," said Moon Jae-Hyun.

"That does appear to be his greatest weakness," Hwang Ki-Hyun commented.

Moon Jae-Hyun nodded. He then asked, "How are we doing with the special forces team's rewards?"

"We're pushing for a one-rank promotion."

Considering their contributions, not even a three-rank promotion would be too much. However, not even Moon Jae-Hyun could order a promotion of more than one rank.

"Find a way to offer the families of our fallen some actual help, not just some way to improve the Deputy Director's mood,” Moon Jae-Hyun ordered. “Don’t forget to consider the fairness with previous honorees, though. Due to budget allocations, it will be difficult to increase their compensation.”

With a soft sigh, he changed the subject. "What about our plan to invite other presidents and prime ministers over?"

"After listening to the deputy director's story tomorrow, we’re thinking of inviting them over under the pretext of a conference on the development of next-gen energy."

"Are you suggesting we expand our scope?"

"Wouldn’t getting them all in one place lead to bigger outcomes?" Hwang Ki-Hyun confidently replied.


Kang Chan left the National Intelligence Service's main building and hopped in the car. He then checked the time. It was already five in the afternoon. Seok Kang-Ho’s team was likely on their way to Libya now.

The bastard didn’t even call me before he left!

"Have they been informed of the rendezvous location?" asked Kang Chan.

"It was sent to the plane in code," Kim Hyung-Jung replied.

"What about their local guide?"

"The National Intelligence Service has already received a response from the Intelligence Directorate regarding our request for a liaison,” Kim Hyung-Jung paused for a moment. He then hesitantly continued, "The fallen French agents will be compensated according to the standards of the French Intelligence Directorate."

At Kang Chan’s lack of response, Kim Hyung-Jung continued, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, Manager. We do still have to follow regulations."

Kang Chan knew that being hardheaded right now wouldn't change anything.

When asked about dinner plans, he told Kim Hyung-Jung that he planned to go home early. When they arrived at Samseong-dong, he had Choi Jong-Il drive him home.

His chest felt tight. For the Eurasian Rail and the new energy to succeed, they would need a power stronger than the National Intelligence Service, just like France had both an intelligence bureau and an intelligence directorate.

"Let's stop by a coffee shop for a bit before I head home."

They parked parked in front of the coffee shop at the intersection. Kang Chan went inside and took a seat on the terrace with Choi Jong-Il, Woo Hee-Seung, and Lee Doo-Hee. Although they had left three other agents outside, he still wanted to spend some time with these three.

He could feel the wind growing colder, signaling nightfall.

"I've had enough coffee. Something mild would be nice," Kang Chan ordered.

Lee Doo-Hee soon brought back four cups of yuja tea[1].

"Is Mr. Seok’s departure bothering you?" Choi Jong-Il asked.

"Not really," Kang Chan replied. He took a sip of the hot yuja tea before setting the cup down. "We're just too inexperienced to take on projects as massive as the Eurasian Rail and the next-gen energy. Everything feels clumsy. Filling in the gaps with the deaths of our brothers doesn’t sit right with me."

Choi Jong-Il awkwardly held his disposable cup.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, sir," he quietly said. "Think of this as the process of the agents who survive turning into veterans so they can pass down their experience to others."

"Are you sure?" Kang Chan asked.

"We've never even used the term 'retaliation' before. We lose more than ten agents every year in Europe alone, yet we’ve never received a direct order to fight back."

One could only sigh at such a statement.

"Honestly, no one expected that we would ever get to solve issues this way."

"That’s kind of naive," Kang Chan said.

Choi Jong-Il and Woo Hee-Seung burst into laughter. Lee Doo-Hee turned his head away, hiding his smile.

"It might be tough, but please keep leading the National Intelligence Service, sir. Instill pride in our agents and give them the chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with the agents all around the world."

As Choi Jong-Il spoke, Woo Hee-Seung and Lee Doo-Hee surveyed the surroundings. Perhaps because of their intimidating looks and scars, the tables nearby were empty.

"I don't know much about the world of intelligence," Kang Chan admitted.

"I think you'll manage," Choi Jong-Il replied.

Kang Chan felt as if Choi Jong-Il was grabbing him by the ankles.

"Don't you think our fallen agents in Libya died regretting their decision to join?"

"The special forces soldiers didn’t,” Choi Jong-Il answered.

"Those men at least managed to accomplish their objectives, though. The agents died nearly as soon as they arrived, didn't they?"

"They were the first to volunteer when the National Intelligence Service announced its intention to retaliate."

"So, you're saying their deaths weren't in vain?"

"It was an order from the state. When the nation calls, we gladly answer it. We have lived and will continue to live this way." Looking straight at Kang Chan, Choil Jong-Il added, "We agents exist for the moments our country needs us. I believe now is precisely one of those times."

Listening to Choi Jong-Il's words, filled with unprecedented passion, Kang Chan felt as if an unshakable grip had irrevocably caught him by the ankles.

1. Yuja tea is a traditional Korean beverage made from yuja (citron) fruit, honey or sugar, and hot water ?

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