“Someone who chooses…?”

Celine asked as if she had heard the term for the first time.

Oliver nodded while maintaining eye contact, utterly serious.

“Yes… Celine, you are more than qualified. Because you are brave and resilient.”

Celine, seemingly moved but unable to pinpoint the reason, blushed and closed her mouth.

Slowly, Oliver spoke, considering Celine's feelings.

“Celine, I'll ask again. Please answer without feeling pressured. Are you really okay going alone?”

After a brief moment of contemplation, Celine nodded, her thoughts drifting to Marie and her other colleagues.

Recognizing her resolve, Oliver handed her a substantial stack of bills along with a sheet of paper and a pen-shaped mechanical device he had brought along for just such a purpose.

The pen-shaped device served as a communication tool. By pressing the button at its tip, it could transmit a signal to the intended recipient.

According to the seller, while its features were somewhat limited, it boasted durability and an extensive range covering the entire Landa region.

“Use this money when needed, keep the paper safe, and if you ever need help, press the button on this call device.”

Oliver indicated the button at the device's end.

"This one?"

“Yes, then I will come to help.”

Celine, her gaze alternating between the device and Oliver, nodded with trust.

“Th-thank you, Mr. Oliver.”

“Just call me Oliver. I'm not so great to deserve such a title.”

“Well, I'm more comfortable addressing people with respect.”

“Then, there's nothing I can do about it. Anyway, Celine, it was a pleasure meeting you.”Please visit https://novel-next.com website to read fastest update

Oliver expressed his genuine respect.

Upon hearing his words, Celine bashfully bowed her head and retraced her steps.

Once Oliver confirmed that Celine had left, he immediately proceeded to his next course of action.

“Magic is always better, isn't it?”

Muttering to himself, Oliver employed the remaining energy of nature within him, effortlessly leaping and adhering to the relatively high sewer ceiling.

He then released some mana, applying it directly to the ceiling and activating a spell.

Utilizing the Earth Magic of the Gaia sub School, Oliver endeavored to meld with the bricks and cement composing the ceiling, pressing his body into them, infiltrating the ceiling, and emerging inside the pharmacist's residence.

Within, the environment was dimly lit, warm, and infused with a variety of scents, including various herbs, medicinal plants, and flowers.

"And someone who has been here since earlier."


Oliver heard the distinct sound of a gun being loaded from behind him and the voice of an elderly man – a voice he hadn't heard in quite a while.

"Who's there?"

The pharmacist inquired, lighting a lamp.

The yellow light illuminated the surroundings, unveiling a plethora of plants. The basement seemed to serve as a greenhouse.

“Mr. Pharmacist, it's been a while.”

"Raise your hands and turn your head this way, slowly."

Following the instructions, Oliver raised both hands and gradually turned his head. Subsequently, he dispelled the illusion magic concealing his face, revealing his true identity.

It was the face of Oliver.

The pharmacist, armed with a double-barreled shotgun, aimed a lamp emitting a yellow light at Oliver.

"So, I wasn't mistaken… It's you, Oliver."

"Yes, it's good to see you."

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same."


It appeared that the pharmacist's words held a measure of truth.

Upon recognizing Oliver's face, the pharmacist increased the illumination in the room to get a clearer view, but he kept his firearm trained on Oliver's head, maintaining a cautious stance.

Oliver, with his hands still raised, inquired, "It seems I've come at an inopportune time, haven't I?"

The pharmacist, whose hair was partially gray and who wore gold-rimmed glasses, responded with astuteness, "Aren't you aware of the situation here?"

"Ah… Yes, I am, but how did you know?"

"Firstly, the mere fact you came like this indicates you're aware. Secondly, I heard the conversation you had in the closed sewer below."

"Ah, I see… So, the communication device installed in the sewer was set up by you."

Recalling the magical device he had encountered in the sewer, Oliver asked. It was such a discreet device that only someone as perceptive as a warlock would have noticed it.

"Yes, showing vulnerability makes the enemy feel at ease. Makes it easier to counteract… Now, I have a question for you. I'm curious. Why seek me out during these times?"

The pharmacist fetched a chair and took a seat.

Though shorter and smaller in stature compared to the average person, Oliver sensed in him a presence and courage that rivaled the best in Landa, combined with a cold rationality.

Despite knowing that harming Oliver with the gun he held would be challenging, he kept it aimed at Oliver, not wanting to appear weak and ready to signal nearby paladins and servants if necessary.

Oliver proceeded to articulate his true reason for the visit.

"I've come seeking your assistance."

"In the past, I advised Marie to expand her influence to Landa and possibly set up a safe house there. Landa is a good place to hide."

Oliver nodded, recalling this conversation from his time with Forrest when they were dealing with the Kell Liberation Army.

"However, Marie said she couldn't do it. She had even glimpsed the opportunity to engage with the Crime Firm to expand her influence but suddenly stopped everything… Is this related to you?"

"Probably, because of me."

Oliver's mind drifted back to his initial encounter with Marie in Landa. After overpowering her, he had admonished her not to intrude into his daily life.

"Neither you nor Marie seem to respect me. Whatever the case, both of you ignore me, the biggest client. One broke a promise, and the other didn't share crucial information… Do either of you know what respect is?"

"I have nothing to say but apologize."

"It's regrettable… However, even more regrettable is that, just as I am Marie's biggest client, she is also my biggest client. The product she provides is currently my flagship product. Losing her would be a major blow to my business."

Oliver spotted an opening.

"I came to seek your help for Marie. All I want from you is Marie's location."

"I don't know where that cultist girl is, but I do know someone who does."

"Who is that?"

"Lawrence. The confidant who guards Marie and the priest of ‘The Chosen Ones' who worships you as a god. He was captured by the paladins while fighting on Marie's behalf a few days ago. He's probably being tortured right now. The Parter believers particularly enjoy torturing those who serve other gods."

"Hmm… Do you know where this Lawrence is?"

"Why? Do you plan to break into the paladins' territory and rescue him?"


Oliver responded with unwavering determination.

The pharmacist raised an eyebrow in surprise. He understood that Oliver was not one to make empty boasts, so this declaration was perplexing.

"Do you believe you, a warlock, can defeat a paladin?"

"No. I can't be certain that I'd win. The paladins are strong and well-trained. However, I have a few strategies to counter them. If you permit, may I move my hand a bit? I think it would be faster to show you."

Without hesitation, the pharmacist holstered his double-barreled shotgun, recognizing its futility at this point.

Nonetheless, Oliver expressed his gratitude and retrieved a test tube emitting a green glow from his pocket.

"What's that…?"

"Just a moment."

Oliver, seeking permission, extracted the green radiance from the test tube and produced a green bean from his pocket, causing it to sprout.

Upon witnessing this, the pharmacist immediately remarked, "That's the power of a Druid."

"Yes, you recognize it?"

"I have had some minor dealings with the Enjoyment Druids. A few of the greenhouse plants here were purchased from them."

Oliver glanced around at the plants scattered nearby.

"I wonder, how do you harness the power of nature? Especially as a warlock?"

"It's a long explanation, but I ended up using it somehow."

It was a seemingly inconsequential statement that held significant importance. Despite his surprise, the pharmacist maintained his composure and contemplated.

There was only one warlock he knew of who possessed the power of nature.

"So, you are Dave? Recently, the most sought-after solver in Landa !"

"…How did you know?"

"Didn't you wish that the rumor of a warlock wielding the power of nature wouldn't spread? Of course, I thought it was just a rumor."


Oliver unintentionally let out a sound. After all, it was rather unusual that there hadn't been rumors circulating about him, considering he had openly displayed his abilities in front of so many people.

"I have some business in Landa , so I occasionally hear such rumors. For instance, a warlock who defeated a powerful Druid named Shamus, or someone who retrieved and returned a whopping 3 trillion?"

"I got a bit lucky."

"With that luck, you might stand a chance against the paladins. It's said that the power of nature, like divine magic, is a blessing and is not influenced by black magic or other magics."

That was accurate. The book Oliver had perused in the Magic tower had explained it in that manner. It was why Druids continued to maintain their status and influence, even in the presence of the Parter Church.

From what he had gleaned during their conversation, the pharmacist, despite residing in a small town, appeared to be quite well-informed and perceptive.

"…If you were to flee with Marie, the paladins would no longer be interested in this city. They are more interested in the pseudo-religion and its chosen ones rooted in this city."

The pharmacist regarded Oliver, seeing a potential opportunity.

His initially reserved demeanor gradually transformed into enthusiasm.

"If you rescue Marie, what's your plan? Will you kill all the paladins?"

"No, I have no intention of harming the paladins or their servants, due to certain circumstances. For now, I'm thinking of escaping to Landa with Marie."

"Landa ?"

"Yes. As you mentioned earlier, Landa is a good place to hide. The city's treaty also restricts the actions of the Pater Church."

The pharmacist probed further.

"I understand that the city treaty grants investigative authority in cases related to demons or heretics?"

"I might ask for some help in that regard. I'm not sure if it will work."

"From whom?"

"The City of Landa . Somehow, we've become unofficial allies. So, I think I might get some assistance."

Upon hearing the explanation, the pharmacist paused to contemplate and then uttered,

"…Make a deal with me."

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