"Grab that kid! That kid!"

From a distance, as Oliver observed the Ham Sausage Factory, he heard an irate voice.

The voice emanated from the rear of the factory.

Without hesitation, Oliver retrieved a test tube emitting a green glow from his pocket, collected a small sample, and proceeded toward the source of the sound.

At the far end of a labyrinthine alley behind the factory, two burly men in lengthy overcoats confronted a young child.

The child sported a newsboy cap pulled low over his brow and was draped in a jacket that appeared several sizes too big for her.

"They say it's darkest under the lamp… I didn't expect you to hide around here. Where are the others?"

One of the men shouted. Oliver instinctively discerned him to be a Paladin's servant, thanks to prior encounters with Johanna's servants and other members of the Landa branch's staff.

"Why are you doing this to us? What did we do wrong? What did our leader do wrong, that you treat us so horribly?”

The child retorted, her anger palpable, her sense of injustice and fury radiating.

"You disrespectful…! Even if you're just a kid, do you genuinely not know what you did wrong?”

One man bellowed indignantly, but the other interjected calmly.

"Don't waste your emotions. She's a heretic. Instead of dealing with her, let's take her to the interrogation room. She must surely know where the other heretics are."

"But she's just a kid. Shouldn't we let her go?"

"A heretic is a heretic, even if it's a kid. A being that defies God's will. And you know the importance of this matter, don't you?"

"Well, yes, but…"

"Don't falter due to personal feelings. If we push her a bit, she'll talk."

"…Alright, you're right."

The two men agreed to escort the child.

Naturally, the child did not consent.

Unexpectedly, the young child, who appeared to be just over ten, produced a test tube and attempted to employ black magic, albeit unsteadily and with amateurish execution.

[Holy Light]

One of the men displayed a golden bracelet on his wrist and recited an incantation.

With the incantation, a divine light emanated from the bracelet, gently enveloping the surroundings and simultaneously dispelling the dark spell the child had been casting.


‘A divine item. Of course, he’s a servant.’ Oliver surmised as he witnessed the radiant light, having experienced it himself due to Johanna and Duncan in the past.

Divine magic counteracted black magic and weakened enchantments.

Holding the green light, the essence of nature, in his hand, Oliver contemplated.

‘The power of the druid collected in the forest by the Corpse doll-Shamus infused with the third… This is my first time using it directly. I wonder if it will work as I've read in books?’

One of the servants spoke up.

"Hey, kid. I'm letting you off because you're young. But if you use that blasphemous power again, I won't be so lenient. Be careful."

"How kind of you."

"Of course. Little…"


The two servants swiftly turned their attention to the disturbance.

Standing there was Oliver, who had interrupted their exchange.

Suddenly confronted by a stranger, the servants exercised caution, drawing pistols equipped with knives and maces.

Their actions displayed remarkable swiftness, a testament to their rigorous training.

In response, Oliver harnessed the power of nature, enhancing his physical capabilities and launching himself forward.

‘It's different indeed.’ Oliver mused as he sprinted.

The physical augmentation conferred by the power of nature felt even more gratifying than magic or black magic.

While both magic and black magic imposed strain on the body, the power of nature bore no such burden. Furthermore, its enhancement effects were superior.

In just a few strides, he had already closed the gap with the servants.


Startled by Oliver's surprisingly agile movements, the servants swung their weapons, armed with knives and maces.

Perhaps the power of nature had heightened his reflexes, but Oliver perceived their attacks as somewhat sluggish. He leaped into the air, surpassing their height, and effortlessly evaded their strikes.


The servants, visibly taken aback by Oliver's extraordinary agility, stared wide-eyed.

Oliver, too, found himself equally astonished.

Such physical enhancement without any strain on the body. In some respects, it felt even more remarkable than the black suit.

Thud! Thump-thump-thump!

After gracefully evading the servants, Oliver didn't look back and immediately rushed to shield the child.

The child, now seemingly startled and appearing markedly different from his enraged state earlier, muttered in surprise.

"…What is your name?"

Just as Oliver was about to make a move, Celine spoke a beat quicker.

It appeared that Oliver was taken aback as he responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Celine. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Oliver. Nice to meet you."

With that, Oliver courteously placed his hand over his heart and conveyed his introduction. Upon hearing his name, Celine's already wide eyes grew even larger.


"No, just Oliver."


Step by step, Oliver ventured into the sewer with Celine.

Celine took the lead, guiding him through the passages until they reached a particular point.

In one corner of the sewer, an "P" was inscribed.

"This is right below the pharmacist's house. The surroundings of the pharmacist's house are currently being surveilled by Paladins, but this part of the sewer is closed off, so it's safe."

"Thank goodness. If it wasn't for Celine, it would have taken up a lot of time. Thank you so much."

Oliver expressed his gratitude to Celine.

Observing this, Celine's emotions were tinged with both joy and embarrassment.

"Oh, it's nothing… If it's to help the leader, I should naturally help too."

"You seem to really like Marie?"

Even as Celine blushed and felt awkward in Oliver's presence, she nodded affirmatively. She held a genuine affection for Marie.

"Celine, you mentioned hiding with others, right?"

"Yes… We've been discovered now, but we can hide somewhere else."

"Will you be alright on your own?"

"Yes! I'm not a child!"

Celine declared with unwavering confidence, a display of bravery that left Oliver in awe.

He had never encountered someone of her age who possessed such fearless determination.

It was truly remarkable.

"So… please meet the pharmacist and help the leader soon… Can you save her?" Celine earnestly inquired, her wide eyes filled with hope.

Meeting her gaze directly, Oliver responded,

"To be honest, I can't promise. Whether I can save Marie or not."

In strict terms, he was extending his assistance, but given the nature of the situation, Oliver chose not to delve into specifics.

"But I promise you one thing."


"I'll do my utmost to save Marie, even if it costs me my life."

Upon hearing Oliver's heartfelt assurance, devoid of any arrogance or pretense, Celine felt a surge of relief. However, her emotions swiftly shifted back to uncertainty.

"…I'm honestly confused."

Oliver knelt down to meet Celine at eye level and inquired,

"What's confusing you?"

"The leader said you are a god. We were told we're chosen by such a god… But now you say you're not a god… It's confusing."

Celine's confusion was genuine, her emotions tinged with fear.

It was as if the ground beneath her had crumbled, leaving her feeling adrift.

It was heart-wrenching. Just because of his identity, this courageous child was filled with fear?



"May I hold your hand, if you allow?" Oliver asked, following the guidance he had received from the staff at Angels House.

Taken aback, Celine nodded.

With her consent, Oliver gently took Celine's hand and spoke.

"I didn't intend to, but I'm sorry for deceiving you. I sincerely apologize for the confusion, fear, and betrayal you feel. Unfortunately, I'm just me, Oliver. Of course, you all aren't chosen either."

Celine's expression showed signs of disappointment upon hearing Oliver's gentle yet firm words. Oliver held her hand firmly.

"But Celine… You will be an even better person than someone like me."

"Even… better person?"

"Yes. I saw earlier how brave you are. Despite facing two men much larger than you, you bravely spoke your mind."


"It's something I couldn't even imagine doing. Speaking confidently to adults who are bigger and stronger than me. So, Celine, you are braver than me, and you will become an even better person than me. Not a chosen one, but the one who chooses."

(To be Continued)

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