Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 393: New System and Distribution of Benefits

Chapter 393: New System and Distribution of Benefits

The voice wasn't loud, but it reached everyone's ears.

Viserys' face turned grim, but he could not retort.

With a heavy "humph," he changed the topic, "Lord Corlys, tell us about reopening trade. You are an expert in this area."

"No problem," Corlys agreed promptly and began speaking eloquently.

Rhaegar ignored this, his gaze implicitly sweeping over Alicent.

Alicent's face was subdued, once again remaining silent, a touch of dissatisfaction hidden in her eyes.

Otto's eyes were lowered, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Helaena, who kept her mouth shut.

Rhaegar followed his gaze and landed on Helaena's lovely freckled face.

Helaena hadn't inherited Alicent's stunning beauty but instead took after her father's more modest looks. However, the young girl had a slender figure, and when she was quiet, she looked like an orchid, possessing an inexplicable intellectual beauty.

Noticing someone was watching, Helaena quietly looked up and smiled cheekily at him.

"Naughty," Rhaegar couldn't help but smile as he focused back on the council table.

There was a great deal of Targaryen territory at stake, and he had offered to call a few of his younger siblings to join him.

Aegon was guarding the Stepstones Isles, Aemond wandered the Stormlands, and little Daeron was too young.

In the end, the only ones accompanying him were Rhaenyra and Helaena.

"Your Grace, the program is roughly like this. I wonder how much you intend to set the harbor tax?" Corlys narrated with a flourish and then began to reveal his true thoughts.

Viserys had not yet realized it and patiently said, "Customs matters are supposed to be the responsibility of the Master of Ships, and since you and Lord Tyland have successively withdrawn from the Small Council, this duty was taken up by the Hand of the King and the Master of Coin as well."

Duties of the Master of Ships included taxation of the Great Ports and control of the Gullet. This office had largely been held by members of House Velaryon since the Conqueror's generation of the Small Council.

In a sense, the office was passed down as the hereditary authority of House Velaryon. The Iron Throne lost its hold on the Gullet when Corlys withdrew from the Small Council. Even Tyland's reign could not regain that power.

His only role was to collect tolls, using his experience in running Lannister Port.

This is why Viserys feared a rebellion from House Velaryon in the first place. Driftmark Island was extremely close to King's Landing, and with dragons and warships, Blackwater Bay could be breached in a single day.

Corlys hesitated and said politely, "Your Grace, the customs tax is a matter of great importance. It would be better for you to make the promotion sooner rather than later."

"Lord Corlys, I believe you are the best candidate for the post," Rhaegar smiled, expressing what was in his father's heart.

Corlys furrowed his brow and did not answer immediately.

Viserys followed up, "Lord Corlys, your handling plan for the harbor is incomparably thorough, and it is rightfully yours to serve."

Father and son exchanged a knowing glance, seeing the agreement in each other's eyes.

Rhaegar's smile widened as he increased his leverage, "Lys's Council system will be implemented, and both your daughter and son are candidates for councilors. This will prevent Lord Corlys from having to manage duties both here and there."

Corlys pondered for a moment, looked at his daughter sitting across from him, and agreed, "Since Velaryon is trusted by His Grace, I will not disappoint the King."

"Haha, welcome back to the Small Council," Viserys laughed, raising his glass in a gesture to share a drink.

Corlys nodded gently and raised his glass to drink.

Through the King and Heir Prince's words, he had already discerned the key message.

The Velaryon House would share the benefits, and the councillors of the Lys Council System would be part of this arrangement. But the councillor couldn't be Corlys himself. He was politically overqualified, and any royal family member serving as a Prince risked being overshadowed by him.

Instead, he was granted the position of Master of Ships, reserving the Councillor of Lys for one of his children. With positions in King's Landing and Lys, the Velaryon House's power had undoubtedly increased.

Rhaegar raised his glass as well, smiling without saying a word.

A wise man knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

After the Battle of the Narrow Sea, the prestige of the Targaryens had soared and no force could shake it. House Velaryon had been wounded, so it was only right to return to the embrace of the royal family.

Such is the power that influence brings.

Lyonel was surprised, "Prince, what is the Lys Council System? What are the rights of an advisor?"

Otto crossed his arms, his eyes were deep.

In just a few words, the advisors heard the prince's special arrangement and realized that he was not prepared to follow the Westerosi or local system in the three city-states.

Rhaegar was prepared and explained without delay.

The advisors, with their extraordinary wisdom, quickly understood the deeper meaning.

"Prince, who will hold the position of Prince?" Lyonel frowned slightly and asked the question on everyone's mind.

Otto saw his chance and said, "The position of prince will of course be held by the royal heirs of the royal family."

Immediately, the faces of the present advisors changed, their minds changed.

Alicent's breath caught, and as she rose to pour wine for her husband, she watched his demeanor. Being crowned prince was a treatment not even Daemon had received. With the two city-states of Myr and Lys, her child stood a good chance.

Rhaegar, noticing the room, took Rhaenyra's hand and said brightly, "A Prince can also be a Queen, and I'm going to support Rhaenyra in running Lys."

He declared that he would make Rhaenyra a Queen.

Having taken down the Triarchy, this promise deserved to be realized.


Even though she was mentally prepared, Rhaenyra was still filled with emotion.

"Good! A very good proposal."

Viserys smiled broadly and clapped his hands in loud approval.

His eyes noticed his eldest daughter's stomach, and his smile became a little more genuine. The eldest son would inherit the Iron Throne, and the eldest daughter would manage the newly occupied Lys.

According to Grand Maester Orwyle's judgment, Rhaenyra had a high probability of being pregnant with twins. A twin birth would mean one of the brothers could inherit the throne.

Alicent's face changed slightly, but she quietly poured the wine and sat down. Viserys was oblivious and gave his wife a smiling look.

Otto's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "According to the will left behind by King Jaehaerys, the male heir to the throne has a higher line of succession than the female heir."

Before Rhaenyra could respond, Viserys said in displeasure, "Rhaenyra was once the heir to the Iron Throne. I believe she has the ability to manage Lys."

"Your Grace, you still have many heirs," Otto said unwillingly.


The stone ball smashed heavily on the groove. Rhaegar's gaze was unkind, and his tone was forceful, "Lord Otto, the three city-states were conquered by me. It's not for you to comment on how to distribute them."

"As a royal advisor, I have the obligation to boldly and directly advise."

Otto spoke out in defense.

Rhaegar grinned, a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

"Take it easy, I'll handle it."

Sensing her brother's defense, Rhaenyra patted the back of his hand and stood up, holding her round belly.

Rhaenyra smiled peacefully, her eyes scanning the group of advisers. "My lords, some of you once swore allegiance to me when I was still a clueless young girl."

Lyonel and Lyman nodded, not denying this. Even Corlys straightened his back, his majestic face taking on a more solemn expression.

Excluding the new Orwyle and Tormund, the advisers present vividly remembered the allegiance ceremony back then. freeweɓnø

Rhaenyra cupped her hands around her stomach and smiled coyly, "In the blink of an eye, many years have passed. I've become a woman and will soon be a mother. My shoulders now bear another kind of duty."

"Princess, we've seen it all."

Corlys's gaze sharpened.

Several of Lyonel's men nodded in agreement.

Breeding the Targaryen bloodline and producing the rightful heir was practically as significant as conquering the disputed lands.

Receiving the ministers' approval, Rhaenyra gained more confidence and said, "The Iron Throne already has an Heir Prince, and Lys still needs a Queen."

"For the sake of my father and husband, and equally for the sake of my unborn child, I will govern with all my heart and soul."

With that, she looked tenderly at Rhaegar, meeting his gaze for a moment.

Rhaegar smiled softly and clutched her hand.

Rhaenyra smiled shyly, her eyes falling on her father.

Viserys looked at his sons and daughters with relief, and couldn't help but miss his late wife Aemma Arryn.

If Rhaenyra could be made Queen of Lys, the guilt of the original change of the Heir Prince could be wiped away.

Happening to meet Rhaenyra's eyes, Viserys froze slightly, and an encouraging look appeared in his eyes.

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