Chapter 392: Otto Targets Daemon

The brief interruption passed quickly, and the meeting was officially called to order.

Corlys, full of ambition, began, "Your Grace, with the collapse of the Triarchy and the end of the war between the Kingdom and the Disputed Lands, it is time to discuss strategies such as reopening ports and trade."

The conversation had to be calm and focused.

He didn't mention the distribution of benefits directly, but politely used maritime trade as an introduction, acknowledging the primary advantage of a free-trading city-state.

Viserys looked carefully at his eldest son and smiled, "Lord Corlys and I are of the same mind. It is essential that the three city-states resume trade."

Hand of the King Lyonel replied sternly, "The three city-states have not been completely stabilized. There is still a large portion of the population opposed to the Iron Throne. Opening the ports at this time is somewhat dangerous."

"If we don't open the ports, who will take care of the food and drink of the three city-states?" countered Master of Laws Jaspy, his words sharp. "Our port exports countless goods every day. Sooner or later it will drain the treasury."

Otto looked at him and nodded in agreement.

Several advisors joined the discussion, and a debate ensued about reopening trade.

Lyonel was reluctant to reopen trade, citing the uncertainty of Braavos' movements and the unfolding Dornish invasion as detrimental to trade at this time.

Jaspy disagreed, citing the cost to the treasury.

Otto was secretly supportive, while Lyman, Orwyle, and Tormund remained silent.

The war was fought not only with strong soldiers and horses, but also with logistical supplies.

The Battle of the Narrow Sea began in late June and ended in early August, lasting just over a month.

However, in that month, the treasury's depleted financial resources became an astronomical figure.

On the eve of the Battle of Myr, a large number of fleets and soldiers suicidally lured the enemy, resulting in losses on both sides of Lys and Tyrosh.

One of the primary contributors to these losses was the Velaryon House, where Corlys was situated. The soldiers on the ships, with armor and weapons, were still largely a responsibility of the Iron Throne.

In the ensuing Battle of Lys Harbor, ports across the realm formed fleets and stormed the city-states with ordnance provided by the treasury.

Combined with the garrisoning of the Stepstones Islands, it was another large sum of money.

And that's not counting the cost of rebuilding the city-states of Myr and Lys, repairing the ports, and dealing with ships and merchants.

All sorts of troublesome internal issues arose.

The discussion became more and more heated. Lyonel was alone and disliked by the others, sweating profusely.

Rhaegar watched with interest, occasionally glancing at Corlys, whose face remained stoic.

Rhaenyra had a dumbfounded expression, rubbing her stomach with one hand and holding Rhaegar’s hand with the other.

Viserys exuded a look of distress, frowning involuntarily at the noise.

He preferred when his advisers voted unanimously on issues. Arguments made it difficult for him to make a decision.

Most of the time, he would deal with it based on preference.

Knock, knock...

The sound echoed as Corlys, his face dark with frustration, rapped the table. "My lords, you might as well listen to the opinions of His Grace and the Prince."

"The financial resources of the treasury are quite depleted. It's better to reduce expenses," Viserys said immediately, inadvertently undermining his old ally Lyonel.

Lyonel's face fell and he sank back into his seat, visibly disappointed but hiding his anger.

Rhaegar nodded in agreement. "The port still needs to be reopened and made self-sufficient."

It was hard to fight for new land. If it couldn't generate income, wouldn't it be in vain?

When the discussion came back on track, Corlys' demeanor improved. "Then we should discuss some specifics and plan ahead."

The advisors, including the ambassadors of Pentos and Volantis, all agreed.

"Wait!" Otto suddenly interrupted, bringing up a controversial topic. "Your Grace, as far as I know, Prince Daemon has occupied Tyrosh and made it known that it is already his private territory."

"Don't mention that scoundrel to me!" Viserys' face darkened and he spoke through clenched teeth.

He was well aware of his brother's actions - invading and fighting privately, massacring the rebellious inhabitants of Tyrosh, and bypassing the Iron Throne to privatize the city-state. One disgraceful act after another, without the honor or responsibility of a knight.

Rhaegar interjected, "Father, I have spoken to Daemon, and he will guard Tyrosh for the time being."

"For now" was a carefully chosen word, paving the way for later negotiations.

"He's a disgrace, with no sense of shame!" Viserys was indignant.

"Your Grace, Daemon is deeply mistaken, and he will follow your will," Laena added, breaking her silence. "He oppresses the rebels, so I will discuss everything on his behalf." freeweɓnø

Viserys looked at her. After a difficult labor and the loss of her son, Laena looked extremely pale. Her deep skin was dull, her lips bloodless, and her eyes showed deep fatigue. With one hand resting on her waist and wearing only a white dress, she seemed a sickly beauty.

Viserys' eyes softened with pity. "Ask Daemon himself to speak to me if there is anything."

Then he motioned to Erryk, who was standing behind him, and said, "Ser, move a chair for Lady Laena."

"Yes, Your Grace," Erryk replied, meticulously following the order.

Laena was attending the Small Council as a spectator this time and did not have a seat.

Viserys, understanding her predicament, showed leniency.

"Take it easy," Rhaenyra said, looking back at her friend and gently assisting her.

Laena pursed her lips, grateful for the support, and allowed herself to rest.

The difficult labor had affected Laena both physically and mentally. Her uterus had been cut open, and the Maester had diagnosed a permanent injury that would make it difficult for her to conceive again.

Mentally, Laena was determined. She was determined to help her husband secure the territory he desired and to find her own salvation alongside Vhagar. Her path in life was clear: to achieve success on her own terms, rather than relying solely on her husband and family amidst internal struggles.

Otto continued to press the issue, "Your Grace, Daemon's private occupation of Tyrosh cannot go unaddressed by the Iron Throne."

Lyman frowned slightly and replied nonchalantly, "Prince Daemon's actions were indeed improper, but a stern warning should suffice." As far as the Small Council was concerned, the three city-states were now Westerosi lands and should rightfully be incorporated into the Targaryen realm. Daemon's unauthorized seizure of any of the city-states was considered an act of treason.

Viserys stared intently and said in a deep voice, "I promised him a city-state before the war. Daemon claimed it."

"But that promise was not formalized by Your Grace. Daemon took it upon himself to occupy Tyrosh," Otto countered, his eyes burning with conviction.

No one disagreed. Even if the King had promised to grant his younger brother a city-state, it should have been done with a charter and an official decree. Daemon's actions were indeed in defiance of the Iron Throne.

Viserys held his forehead in frustration. "I will call him back to King's Landing to discuss this further. For now, let's focus on reopening trade and the port."

Rhaegar turned the stone ball in the alcove in silence, not rushing to voice his thoughts. He had privately agreed with his father not to escalate this matter just yet. With threats from Braavos and Dorne, now was not the time to stir up internal conflict.

The advisors, hearing the king's decision, retreated and refrained from pushing further.

Alicent's voice, faint but cutting, broke the silence. "How long can you continue to favor him?"

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