Chapter 120: Dragonpit Reform


The stone ball landed in the slot in front of Rhaegar, signifying that the heir prince was ready and the Small Council Meeting had officially begun.

Tyland Lannister was the first to speak, his expression serious. "Your Grace, there are signs that the Kingdom of the Three Daughters is resurging after many years."

"According to the latest reports, ships near the Stepstones have been intercepted by an unknown group of pirates."

Viserys's face grew heavy. "Are you sure it's the Three Daughters?"

"Not confirmed yet, but the signs point to them," Tyland replied, shaking his head.

"The Three Daughters' pirates are a serious threat to the kingdom. We must send more spies to gather accurate information and should not underestimate them," Viserys sighed.

He didn't want the kingdom involved in a war, especially with the Stepstones so far from King's Landing.

Tyland nodded, concluding his report.

Next was Lyonel Strong, Hand of the King. Placing one hand on the table, the bloated Hand spoke slowly, "Your Grace, the construction of the Prince's palace has begun, and the cost is considerable."

"That's fine. We'll cover it from the treasury," Viserys said, smiling at Rhaegar. "That's good news for you."

"Thank you, Father," Rhaegar replied, leaning back in his chair with a smile.

Traditionally, the fiefdoms of Crown Princes were on Dragonstone.

To compensate Rhaenyra, the island was returned to her until her death, leaving Rhaegar without his own fiefdom.

After years of negotiations, it was decided that both the heir Prince and the Princess should have their own residences.

Viserys had given Rhaegar a piece of land of his choosing to build the Prince's Palace. Work had begun early this year, but due to its distance from King's Landing and the time required to select materials and labor, construction had only recently started.

Lyonel finished his report.

The Minister of Finance, Lyman Beesbury, rose slowly to his feet, holding a report in his hand. "Your Grace, the Prince has submitted a proposal for the reconstruction of the Dragonpit. The costs are so high that I cannot authorize it."

"Oh, let me see," Viserys said, puzzled. Criston Cole passed the report to him.

Viserys flipped through a few pages, his face darkening with each page he read.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Rhaegar, the Dragonpit is a significant structure for the royal family. It cost a fortune to build, and now you want to demolish and rebuild it?"

Rhaegar remained calm and replied, "Father, you yourself said the Dragonpit is extremely important."

"The current Dragonpit is merely a place of confinement, not a suitable nest for dragons."

"Dismantling and rebuilding a more appropriate nest will benefit our dragon breeding efforts."

Rhaenyra raised her hand in support. "I agree!"

"I disagree!" Viserys interjected sharply. Grimacing, he continued, "Look at your proposal. To build a tower-like Dragonpit, we'd need all the stone in the kingdom and immense resources."

He knew the Dragonpit was important, but he believed that power was the key to ruling the kingdom. Rebuilding would be so expensive that even emptying the treasury might not be enough.

Lyman Beesbury spoke up, "Your Grace, the construction of the Prince's Palace has already strained our finances. Rebuilding the Dragonpit could bankrupt us."

As the master of coin and lord treasurer, every gold coin in the treasury was his lifeblood. The idea of spending such a large sum distressed him deeply. Tyland raised his hand to speak. "We need to make sure the treasury is full, especially with the uncertain situation on the Stepstones.

"That's right, I veto the prince's proposal," Jasper added.

As the small council voiced their opposition, Viserys took a deep breath and said, "This proposal is dismissed. The country can't afford such extravagance."

"The kingdom is always short of money," Rhaegar muttered, undeterred. "The reconstruction can wait, but the reform program must pass."

The reform program included increasing the number of Dragonkeepers, dragon combat training, and reorganizing a research group.

Rhaenyra turned to Rhaegar in surprise. Despite her time as heir, she hadn't been allowed to present programs to the Pre-Regency Council so freely.

She suddenly realized the gap between them. Rhaegar was no longer a child but a grown man. His silver-gold hair, dark circles under his eyes, high nose, and firm lips gave him a dignified appearance. His posture was straight, his demeanor calm, and his manners impeccable.

Many noble ladies in the kingdom had been enchanted by him at first sight. Suddenly, Rhaenyra's earlobes turned slightly red, and she hurriedly looked away.

"Rhaegar is an adult now," she murmured to herself, her heart beating a little faster.

No one noticed the princess's thoughts as the discussion over the Dragonpit reform continued heatedly.

Half an hour later, the discussion concluded. Viserys clapped his hands and said, "The Dragonpit can be reformed, but it must be done within its limits. If anything goes wrong, it should be halted immediately."

"Yes, Father."

The motion passed, and Rhaegar, grateful, embraced his father. He had never expected the proposal to rebuild the Dragonpit to pass. Reform had been his primary goal. The current Dragonpit was still too weak and needed strengthening in every aspect.

Viserys, somewhat resigned, squeezed his eldest son's arm. It gave him some comfort. The mere sight of a healthy, intelligent heir was reassuring.

Viserys thought for a moment and then advised, "You can take charge of the Dragonpit, but after this, you will assist the advisers and learn how to run the kingdom."

Rhaegar understood his father's good intentions and accepted gladly. "No problem, Father."

With the Dragonpit matter settled, the Small Council moved on to other political issues.

Rhaenyra, not particularly interested in politics, rose silently from her chair. She walked around the council table, picked up a flask from the fireplace, and poured a glass of wine for her father. She then served each of the ministers. The ministers nodded their thanks, and for a moment, it felt like old times.

Rhaenyra, as a young girl, had often served wine while listening to the council’s discussions. When she finally reached Rhaegar, nostalgia filled her. She lifted the wine bottle skillfully.

Rhaegar, however, covered his glass and moved aside. Looking at her gently, he said, "You're not serving wine anymore."

After her teenage years, Rhaenyra had grown more beautiful, deserving the title "Realm's Delight."

Rhaenyra smiled. "I have to do something."

"Sit down. The meeting will be over soon."

Rhaegar pulled her back into her seat and pushed the flask toward their father, who had finished his drink.

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