Chapter 119: Small Council Meeting

Rhaegar didn't even look back; he'd gotten used to it. Syrio made a mistake and decided to face the consequences instead of running away. Rhaegar respected his swordsman teacher's decision.

Rhaenyra quickly reached the corner of the stairs, jogging down to meet him. The two siblings embraced tightly.

At 21, Rhaenyra had blossomed into a beautiful woman, her slim figure accentuated by a black skirt, her long silver hair framing her face.

Rhaegar, now more imposing and confident, grabbed her by the waist, looked her over, and asked, "Did the trip go well?"

Rhaenyra, slightly shorter than her brother, leaned into his arms and lifted her chin proudly. "Syrax laid three dragon eggs, three whole eggs!" She held up three fingers, beaming with pride.

"Syrax lives up to her name. The future of our family depends on such a productive dragon," Rhaegar praised her with a smile.

Suddenly, Rhaenyra's smile faded a bit. "Are your dreams still troubling you?" she asked, her gaze full of concern. She gently stroked his pale complexion, noting the dark circles under his eyes.

"It's okay, just one dream every few days. I've gotten used to it," Rhaegar reassured her, shaking his head.

Over the years, his Dreamer talent had been kicking in, bringing vivid images of dragon fights, flames, and battles into his dreams.

There were even glimpses of another world, mostly useless except for some historical facts about dynastic changes.

Rhaenyra, full of pity, wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "I haven't seen you for a month. Did you miss me?"

"Of course, all the time," Rhaegar replied, a smile breaking across his pale cheeks.

"That's a good boy. Here's a reward for you." Rhaenyra cupped his cheek and placed a light kiss on it.

Rhaegar coughed softly, breaking away from the embrace and changing the subject. "I need to take a shower first. Let the kitchen prepare a reception for you."

"No problem," Rhaenyra agreed with a smile.


Rhaenyra's bedroom smelled great. It was filled with the aroma of a sumptuous meal. The round table was loaded with fried and sautéed dishes, along with a variety of desserts.

Rhaenyra, not worried about her image, took a big bite of the food and enjoyed every bite.

Rhaegar, having eaten a few simple bites, sat back to watch.

The dishes were based on common ingredients but were delicious and easy to prepare.

He had arranged for a small kitchen and trusted staff to prepare his meals.

Ostensibly, this was to develop new recipes, but in reality, it was a precaution against poisoning—two birds with one stone. freeωebnovēl.c૦m

Knock Knock

Halfway through the meal, there was a knock on the door and Erryk's voice came through. "Prince, the king has convened a Small Council meeting and invited you to attend."

Rhaegar's eyes flashed slightly. "Got it, I'll be there in a moment."

"Father is calling you; you'd better go quickly," Rhaenyra suggested, swallowing a mouthful of cake, her cheeks puffing out.

"There's no rush. We'll go together once you're done eating," Rhaegar said nonchalantly, leaning back in his chair.

"What am I going to do? I'm not a adviser," Rhaenyra said hesitantly.

As the Princess of Dragonstone, she was technically qualified to attend the Small Council Meeting, but her status as the former crown princess made it somewhat awkward.

"It doesn't matter. There's a good show to be seen today," Rhaegar said, a smile spreading across his face as he thought of the issues discussed at the last Small Council Meeting.


Half an Hour Later

Rhaegar escorted Rhaenyra to the council hall. As they approached the solemn gates, Rhaegar glanced at her nostalgically. "Rhaenyra, do you remember the first time I came here?"

"You were just a little kid then, clinging to me and calling me sister," Rhaenyra replied, resting her hands in front of her belly and smiling at the memory.

"That's right. Last time, you led me through the door. This time, it's my turn," Rhaegar said, placing his hand on the gate and giving it a firm push.


The door opened wide, revealing the scene inside. Viserys sat at the head of a round table, flanked by the other advisers of the realm.

Rhaegar stepped through the door, looking around before opening his arms. "My lords, forgive me for being late."

Viserys rose slowly, his eyes on his eldest son. "Rhaegar, it is not a good habit to be late," he said with mock sternness.

"Of course, but I have an excuse," Rhaegar replied, stepping aside to reveal Rhaenyra behind him.

"Rhaenyra, will you be attending the Small Council meeting as well?" Viserys asked, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his daughter.

Viserys knew that Rhaenyra had returned to King's Landing from Dragonstone yesterday, but she had not come to see him.

He was not angry about this. Rhaenyra had deliberately distanced herself from him since the heir exchange, but he believed it was worth it.

Rhaegar had grown into a better heir, bringing him hope and making him feel much better in recent years.

"Oh, I didn't plan on it," Rhaenyra shrugged, walking calmly inside. She'd grown up in this place and it felt like home to her.

"Father, what's the big topic today?" Rhaegar asked, more relaxed than Rhaenyra, as he strode in and swept his gaze over the small council.

Present were: Lyonel Strong: Hand of the King, Tyland Lannister: Master of Ships, Maester Mellos: Grand Maester, Lyman Beesbury: Master of Coin, Jasper Wylde: Master of Laws.

Beside Viserys stood Ser Criston Cole, the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, appointed in 112 AC after the death of Ser Harrold Westerling.

The advisers all stood up to show their respect as Rhaegar approached the conference table. "Sit down, no need to be polite," he nodded gently.

Rhaegar noticed only one empty chair at the table and turned to Ser Criston Cole. "Ser, please fetch a chair."

Cole glanced at the king, hesitating. The Master of Laws, Jasper Wylde, frowned and spoke up, "Prince, the Princess is not a member of the small council and should be excused."

"I am not a member of the small council either, should I recuse myself as well?" Rhaegar replied, pulling back the chair in front of him and tilting his head towards Jasper.

Jasper blanched and said, "You are the heir, and it is in accordance with etiquette for you to participate in political affairs."

"Very well. Rhaenyra was also once heir and is the Princess of Dragonstone. She is eligible to participate in the council," Rhaegar said firmly. He was the heir, and what he said was the rule.

He then pulled Rhaenyra's hand and pressed her into the empty chair. Looking back at Cole, he said coldly, "Ser, do I have to say it a second time?"

Cole remained silent and looked to the King. Viserys, somewhat helpless, said, "Go on, move a chair for the princess."

Rhaenyra was the Princess of Dragonstone, holding one of the most important lands of the Targaryen family. Her participation in the council indicated a desire to mend her relationship with her father, which was beneficial for both the family and the realm.

When the chair was brought in, Rhaenyra sat down beside Rhaegar and reached for the platter in the center of the table. Inside the plate was a black stone ball with a green dragon pattern.

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