More embarrassing moments later, and EVE was finally done with their solo shoots. Acting out their 'superpowers' had taken a toll on them, so they were now silently eating cheese balls in their tent as they waited for Jay to take them home.

"I can't believe they'll edit you into a ball," Jisung absentmindedly said, stuffing his face with cheese balls. He started the shoot not liking how they tasted, but now, he was quite addicted. 

"He also became cheese balls in the end, and we had to eat him," Ren added. 

Akira mindlessly chuckled. "I think our astras will like that very much, though. I see plenty of posts on Navel saying they'd like to eat June."

June turned to him with raised eyebrows, obviously weirded out. 

"What?" Akira exclaimed. "It's how they show their affection." 

June sighed and shook his head. "I'm just glad it's already over."

Jay entered the room with a wide, suspicious smile, causing the members to warily look at him. 

"What is it again?" Jaeyong asked.

Jay looked at him with confusion. "I haven't even said anything yet." 

"I could already tell by the look on your face," Jaeyong said. 

"Well, I'm glad I'm an open book," Jay smiled. "The shoot still isn't finished!" 

The boys groaned, their shoulders slumping in disappointment. 

"I want to go home," Casper whined.

Jay ignored his statement and continued explaining the situation.

"Ms. Parm went over the clips and was satisfied. However, she believes the commercial needs something more…bizarre for it to be a greater hit!" 

"What is it now?" Zeth groaned. "I don't want to act like I have ultra-flexible limbs again!" 

"Don't worry," Jay chuckled. "This clip won't involve your powers. In fact, only one of you needs to act the scene out." 

"June," Jisung quickly said. "June should do it. He's our center!" 

June glared at their youngest member and threw a cheese ball toward his way. 

"I already had to act out being a ball!" he defended. "Anyone but me should do it."

"But you're the star of EVE," Zeth said, shocking his members since he was the self-proclaimed 'star' of their group. "You should definitely do it." 

"I know you want to do it, Zeth," June said. 

"Right?" Seven asked. "And these are very popular too. I'm definitely going to buy the limited pink edition they announced. It's EVE's official color!" 

Ocho raised his eyebrows. "Just switch groups at this point." 

"I wish I could," Seven groaned. "I watched June's fancams yesterday, and he's really legendary! He doesn't try to stand out, but he just does. I feel like he's very underrated." 

"He's the center of EVE," Dos countered. "How can he be underrated?" 

"I just feel like he is," Seven said. "Someone like him needs to be more appreciated." 

For once, Uno agreed with Seven's statement. Although June's popularity was no joke, Uno believed he wasn't as appreciated for his skills compared to other idols. 

Meanwhile, in a smaller dorm at a well-known university, Jia and her friends waited for a certain commercial to air. 

"Are you sure it will come on tonight?" Bora asked. 

"Yes," Jia snapped, looking at her watch. "My mom said it'll be aired tonight at 11:17 PM." 

"Why is it so specific?" Soo-min asked. 

"My mom works in a TV station," Jia vaguely said. 

"What? No way!" Wei exclaimed. "Is it Azure?" 

"Yeah," Jia casually said. 

The other girls gasped in shock. "What? Then she must have met June already. Lucky her." 

'I've met him too. I've even spoken with him!' 

Jia pursed her lips, her nares flaring as she thought of the times she had met June. She wanted to share it with her friends, but she knew she'd be called delusional if she did so. 

In the end, she decided to keep the secret to herself. 

'That's right. These peasants don't know they're friends with the girl who inspired June to finish Oasis!' 

"Jia's being weird again," Bora said, already eating the pink-colored cheese balls they bought from the store. 

Jia snapped out of it when she saw this, quickly slapping Bora's hand and placing the cheese ball back in the container before closing it. 

"Don't eat this!" 

Bora looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "They're literally meant for eating!" 

"This is a representation of June," Jia said, staring at the pink puffy balls with adoring eyes. "We need to treasure it." 

"Oh gosh," Bora said. "It's just cheese balls. We can buy some from the store again." 

"We can't do that, though," Wei said. "The pink ones are sold out everywhere." 

"Shut up!" Soo-min exclaimed, cutting their conversation short. "I think it's here!" 

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