The crew set up the cameras in a basketball court they had rented for an entire day. They were pleased with the weather since the sun was high up in the sky, making it perfect for a basketball tournament. It was pretty blinding, but it was definitely better than a gloomy atmosphere! 

"Our ambassadors are here!" Ms. Parm exclaimed, catching the attention of the crew members. As they turned toward the idol group, it appeared like they were more blinding than the sun itself. 

EVE, clad in their casual clothes, lit the set up with their handsome looks. 

"It's illegal to have a group with that many handsome members." 

"I can't believe they're here." 

"Ms. Parm did a great job casting them. I already want to eat balls—I mean, cheese balls at the moment." 

"Good morning, everyone," Jaeyong said, stepping forward and greeting everyone on behalf of EVE. "We are EVE, and we are very glad to be with you today. Let's all work hard!" 

The crew members clapped, welcoming the team excitedly. 

Ms. Parm beamed, capturing the attention of the members. "So, this is where the scenes are going to be filmed. We'll start off with the first scene, so go ahead and get dressed in our provided tent." 

The members of EVE quickly went to their designated tent and saw matching orange jerseys inside. 

Jaeyong chuckled as soon as he saw them. Aside from the atrocious neon orange color, it was evident that the team made it very well. 

The members got dressed quickly before putting on their accessories. 

Zeth, their supposed captain, had an armband on, accentuating his biceps. 

Meanwhile, June looked at the orange headband and put it over his head, causing his hair to go in all directions. 

"Hey, guys," he said. "Is this how you wear this?" 

His members turned to him, and June instantly regretted asking the question when they noisily flocked over to him. 

"Omo, what is this?" Akira asked. "June looks like our youngest member." 

"You look like a literal baby," Ren chuckled. "Why are your cheeks so plump with this on?" 

June groaned in frustration as Jisung started pinching his cheeks. 

However, the cool scenes were only the beginning—the easy parts, to be specific.

As the camera zoomed out, it was revealed that the boys were losing drastically to the other team with a score of 98-16. 

Now, it was time for them to bring out the big guns. In the end, Cheeze really couldn't create a normal commercial. 

"Time for the shift!" Ms. Parm exclaimed, and everything started moving at a quick pace. The boys were handed a bowl of cheese balls each, and they looked at them with dread, already knowing what was coming next. 

"Your boosters are here," Ms. Parm said. "Let's start with the first person. Ren, eat the cheese balls on camera, and run around the court so we can edit you with super speed."

Zeth laughed out loud, but he quickly halted when he realized the power he was given—'elasticity.' 

The members went to the bench as Ren had his solo shoot. He ate the cheese balls with gusto, and the members couldn't even chuckle because they knew they were next. 

"He looks stupid," Zeth exclaimed. 

"Shut up," Akira said. "I wish I had his power. I have 'multiple arms' as a power. I'm going to look ridiculous!" 

"You suit it well, though," Jisung said. 

"Jisung's calm because his power is 'precise shooting.' What a lucky bastard," Jaeyong grumbled. 

"You're also on the better end of the spectrum!" Sehun exclaimed. "How is yours 'incredible jump' while mine is 'ball telekinesis?' That's unfair!" 

"At least you're not going to have 'cheesy fingers.' The ball will literally stick to my fingers with cheese," Casper said. 

The team chuckled at their ridiculous powers, but one of them remained silent. The team turned to June, who looked absent-minded. 

They all pursed their lips when they remembered what superpower June had drawn. 

When they saw the list of superpowers curated by Ms. Parm, the members quickly fought for the 'normal' powers. However, since they couldn't come to an agreement, they decided to draw lots instead. 

June should have refused to do so. 

His black cat luck still hadn't left him from his time on Rising Stars. 

"What was your skill again?" Casper asked. 

"How could you forget?" Akira clicked his tongue. "It's 'ball.'"


"He's literally going to shape shift into a ball and shoot himself into the ring."

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