Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 946: Nourishing The Five Primordial Elements Lotus!

Ling Tian observed the changes around for a long time, realizing that everything seemed to return to the starting point at the time when he had first entered this space in his dantian. 

The dry and lifeless meadow had almost turned into a beautiful little forest, the grass grew and turned green, the flowers gradually grew and the trees rose towards the sky, reaching their peak. On one side of the forest and meadow stretching into the distance, was the world lake of the king of spirits exuding such a pure and vast aura. 

However, although vitality had been briefly restored, grey areas could still be seen in the distance, indicating that the vital aura was not enough. But these grey areas were slowly disappearing, as the vital aura did not stop and continued to spread everywhere, indicating that, although still not enough vitality, it is still regaining life in this space. 

"I guess all the sacred treasures, immortal crystals, weapons and other cultivation resources I had previously were absorbed and refined in this place..." 

Ling Tian muttered and smiled helplessly. He had many items in his old pocket world that previously appeared in this very place the first time he entered, but it seems that after everything that happened, it was absorbed by his sealed power in the depths of this space. 

Inserting his spirit sense into the storage ring, Ling Tian took out a small five-petalled multicoloured flower that was wrapped in several mysterious layers. 

"Hongmeng... thank you!" 

Ling Tian looked at the flower in his hands and smiled lovingly, his tone filled with tenderness as the face of a certain young woman, so beautiful and flawless, yet joyful and tender, crossed his mind. 

The Five Primordial Elements Lotus, it was the flower that Luo Hongmeng had created, developed and cared for for a long time, introducing her own power into it and causing a heavenly flower to be born, a flower that had probably never existed before! 

"You are the reason why I decided not to absorb this lake of spirits!" Ling Tian smiled as he felt the five-coloured lotus move vaguely, as if it could understand his words. A trace of familiar aura, as well as a peculiar aroma, emerged from this multi-coloured flower. 

The aura trail and scent undoubtedly belonged to Luo Hongmeng. 

Flying towards the lake of spirits, which had grown much larger than its thousand kilometres due to absorbing all the spiritual crystals, Ling Tian made a small island of just under 3 meters in diameter appear in the centre. The land rose to the surface, spreading out in a circle. 

Removing the seals he had placed on the five-coloured lotus, Ling Tian carefully planted it in the centre of the small island. His hands and fingers gently and firmly held Luo Hongmeng's last legacy, taking care that not even its leaves or roots were mistreated as he planted it. 

* Swoosh~! * 

The moment the five-colored flower touched the ground, its roots touched the land and began to spread out into the depths as it began to absorb the aura of the lake of spirits at the same time, refining the energy and nourishing itself with it. 

The water throughout the lake of spirits seemed to receive a boost as ripples spread out from the small island of land in the centre, growing rapidly and turning into giant waves that measured tens and hundreds of metres high. 

The water from the lake rose up to the heavens, and then spread out in all directions, falling over the meadow, the mountains, the forest and covering every space in the place! 

Trees began to grow rapidly, surpassing tens of metres in height and surpassing a hundred metres into the sky as they exuded traces of wood auras! 

An aura carrying a trail of fire flared up, stopping the uncontrolled growth of the trees, covering them completely and spreading out in all directions! 

The ground began to shake, with all the land trembling and becoming stronger as it absorbed the fiery aura and then the ashes left behind as it collided with the wooden aura, growing stronger by the second! 

Small minerals soon began to appear deep in the ground, growing rapidly as they absorbed the aura contained in the ground, mixing with each other and gushing with metallic energies! 

The minerals soon reached their limit of growth and a metal aura emerged from them, heading towards the lake of spirits and complementing the water aura harmoniously! 

Finally, what appeared to be small clouds vaguely appeared in the sky, gradually absorbing the aura of the lake of spirits and subsequently causing a rain that covered the entire place, carrying a trail of water aura to every corner.... 

Ling Tian carefully watched the entire process without blinking for a single moment, smiling softly and marveling as he recalled that the same thing had happened in the past when Luo Hongmeng interacted with nature, but this time, it was the 5-petalled lotus that did it by itself. 

The space became more vivid, growing much larger as the aura of vitality began to constantly surge. Even Ling Tian could sense that this place was beginning to look a little like the outside world, being almost comparable to those places that there are barely any traces of chi spirit to cultivate. 

The Little Mysterious World had strengthened once again! 

A small, almost transparent glowing butterfly emerged from the five-petalled lotus, flying towards Ling Tian, fluttering in front of him before turning back into energy particles and shooting into the air. 

"Hongmeng..." Ling Tian smiled with a bitter sweetness. 

In the little butterfly, Ling Tian could sense the familiar aura of Luo Hongmeng. It wasn't really Luo Hongmeng, but a part of her aura had been imprinted on the little five-colored flower and it recognized Ling Tian. 

The five-petalled lotus of different colours lay quietly on the small island. It seemed to be moving slightly from side to side, conveying happiness, as if it was happy to be able to absorb so much spiritual aura and there seemed to be no end to it. 

"But something essential is missing..." Ling Tian looked at the multi-coloured flower, and then looked around. 

The aura of five elements could be clearly perceived all over the place, and these auras coexisted in harmony and slowly spread out in all directions, gradually growing. 

But despite that, still this mysterious space could not be considered a real world. 

"A true world, besides having the five primordial elements, also has the elements of ice, wind and lightning... as well as having other essential auras and forces!" 

"The elements of Yin-Yang..." Ling Tian whispered, observing the place again. 

Every world, every place, every space, everything that exists, has a Yang energy and a Yin energy. They are like a coin, which has both sides and live together in harmony. There can be no Yin without Yang, just as there can be no Yang without Yin. 

This essential force is what Luo Hongmeng lacked in order to create a true world! 

Although the laws and principles of time, space and other types of forces would be missing, Ling Tian knew that there was a long way to go to make this place a true world. But the balance of Yin-Yang is essential and cannot be missing. 

"If I hadn't given the seeds to that woman, I would be able to transplant them here and let the flower be able to grow and even evolve, adapting the Yin-Yang Force in it!" 

Ling Tian sighed helplessly as he remembered Feng Zhiyun, the great daughter of the Feng Family in the Heavenly Sun Continent World. Because her body is an exceptional and unique physique, Ling Tian had decided to hand over the two Yin-Yang seeds that he had encountered the first time he arrived in that world and he was mistaken for the young master of a family in that place. 

"But this is no time for regrets, what's done is done... she can reach a height that she might never have imagined, so it could be said that it is also worthwhile to have helped her!" 

Ling Tian had no regrets and regained his calm smile, having helped Feng Zhiyun did not cause regret or doubt in his heart. In fact, if it happened again, Ling Tian would do it again. 

"It's time to once again delve into the Yin-Yang Force!" 

Ling Tian sat in front of the five-petalled lotus and immersed himself in meditation. 

Time and relativity was something that did not seem to exist in this space, but Ling Tian confirmed that the time spent here was exactly the same time spent outside. 

After several hours of concentration, Ling Tian opened his eyes and a trace of disappointment crossed his eyes. 

"After all, trying to create the Yin-Yang Principle from nothing is impossible for my current self..." 

Ling Tian let out a sigh and shook his head. If he tried to concentrate the Yin-Yang force on the outside, he could do it, but here, in this space that contains no law or higher force, it is impossible for his current self. 

Could it be that when he attains a significant realm in the gods' territory when he ascends to the higher plane, he might be able to create the true principles and laws out of nothing? 

Ling Tian shook his head and did not concern himself with such theories. For now, he could try to gather the Yin-Yang Force outside and try to transfer it to this space, that way, the Yin-Yang Principle could exist here. 

"I will finish recovering and get out of here. Once I am recovered, I will start practicing the divine level techniques and prepare for the nirvana state to transform my body to an immortal body!" 

Ling Tian took one last look around. Finding nothing abnormal, he concentrated again to heal his body completely. 

He had not forgotten that his true power of a Grand Supreme was still sealed, but Ling Tian had a hunch that the moment he broke the heavenly seal, there might be a small chance to transform this entire space into something extraordinary at that moment. 

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