Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 945: It's Still Not The Time?

In the centre of a transparent sphere that seemed to be made of terrifying energy, a cross-legged figure lay silently with closed eyes. 

"But what the..." 

Ling Tian stared dumbfounded at the figure in the centre, unable to comprehend for a moment what his eyes were observing. 

In front of Ling Tian, the figure who was sitting cross-legged in silence, and was being enveloped in a sphere of terrifying and mysterious energy, is himself! 

The same body, the same face, the same size, everything is the same as Ling Tian. Only the robed is different, it is like the one he used to wear mostly when he was in the Immortal World and ruled as a Supreme, while his hair is long and pure white, very beautiful and attractive. 

And this figure just like him lies quietly in the centre of this darkness while he is enveloped by a mysterious force. There was not even a movement when Ling Tian arrived, as if it was a residual image that is just cultivating peacefully. Tiny, almost imperceptible strands of immortal energy would sometimes emerge from the body. 

"This... this is my power... the power of a Grand Supreme!" 

Ling Tian spoke in a low voice as he carefully perceived this figure, which exuded a silent but very terrifying force that gave him the impression that it would make him vanish any moment he let his guard down. 

After a long time, Ling Tian confirmed that this residual image of himself represented his power as an Immortal Grand Supreme. 

"And this is the Seal of the Heavens!" Ling Tian frowned as he saw patterns, runes and symbols on the sphere that enveloped this figure just like him, flashing mysterious markings on the surface and kept the figure's power trapped. 

The seal that the heavens had placed on his dantian before was now around his former power, enclosing it and preventing it from leaving. 

Ling Tian could feel faint traces of spiritual aura coming from all directions, and gathering in the figure in front of him. The surrounding seals of heaven, although powerful and terrifying, still somehow could not prevent the figure in the centre from continuing to 'cultivate' and its power from increasing, gradually weakening the suppressing seals. 

All the energy in the Little Mysterious World was gathered in this place, that was why he could not perceive any trace of aura in the previous place! 

Ling Tian stretched out his hand, reaching out and wanting to break the heavenly seal to release his power. However, his hand stopped two centimetres away... 

"... it's still not the time?" Ling Tian muttered to himself, he frowned as he watched the figure of himself in front of him. 

Just before he touched the heavenly seal and tried to break it to see if he could obtain his power back, Ling Tian's mysterious intuition jumped out, alarming him and stopping him. 

However, the intuition that alerted him did not bring any sense of danger or caution, but rather it was more like a hunch that he should not break the seal just yet, and had to wait for the right time. 

"Wait? When?" Ling Tian deepened his frown even further, again finding this mysterious intuition of his somewhat despairing. 

But despite this, Ling Tian heeded his intuition. After all, if he kept denying his own intuition, and became too arrogant and thought that everything would go according to his plan, he might once again fall into a problematic situation where he could lose his life. 

Ling Tian reached out his hand and placed it on the surface of the sphere, feeling all that mysterious force that contained mysterious runes and symbols. He closed his eyes for a few moments and then withdrew his hand. 

"It's a bit troublesome, but I can remove the seal without any problem..." Ling Tian nodded to himself, talking to himself as well and added, "If I want to receive this power of mine back, I'll have to repair all my meridians and strengthen my cultivation base!" 

Ling Tian quickly realised that his intuition seemed to be right about this. If he breaks the heavenly seal right now, this Little Mysterious World would probably not be able to accommodate such strength, eventually destroying itself, so once he leaves this space, all this power might be detrimental to his current body, as he would have no way to retain and control it easily. 

The Little Mysterious World did not seem to be in good condition at the moment. 

Taking a last glance at his own reflection, Ling Tian returned back to the barren and completely colourless land. 

The storage ring on his hand had some fine cracks, and very small cracks were gradually beginning to appear. 

"I believe that in less than three days the formations would collapse and the ring would be destroyed." Ling Tian looked at his ring and calculated the time to either take out the lake of spirits or re-make another great seal. 

Taking out again and then setting up in different positions the formation flags and various formation discs as well, Ling Tian performed a large spatial formation in a short time. 

Ling Tian dug up much of the ground, creating the space of the shape of the lake itself so that it could be on the surface but not spread out in all directions. The lake of spirits could not be inside the land either, as Ling Tian would use it to cultivate or do other things. 

The discs and formation eyes connected with each other, strengthening and creating a slightly different space, enclosing it in all directions. 

The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures were once again activated, their energy surging into the interior of Ling Tian's storage ring as they grabbed the entire lake of spirits, spiritual veins and mineral vein, taking all of the ground and various mountains that had been taken earlier as well. 

The space began to tremble, the formations burst with increased energy as such pure and intense spiritual chi began to surge out from the storage ring rapidly. 

* Rumble! * 

The dry and sparse ground shook, as did the entire space where Ling Tian stood. 

* Fwoosh! * 

A few seconds later, a gigantic lake over a thousand kilometres long appeared in the air, falling directly onto the space Ling Tian had made. 

The water from the entire lake of spirits flowed out and filled the entire space, exuding a spiritual energy so pure and intense that just by breathing one could make a breakthrough so easily. 

The spiritual veins seemed to come to life, following the water of the lake of spirits and falling into it, moving into the depths and spreading their roots in all directions as it tried to seek out more spiritual aura from the place. 

Ling Tian took out tens of millions of low and medium grade spiritual crystals that he had collected earlier. He scattered them in all directions around the lake of spirits, letting the spiritual veins feed on them and grow much larger. 

"According to my memories from my past life, mineral veins containing High Grade and Extreme Grade Spiritual Crystals will have a probability of being born with small developed roots that can be nourished with sacred treasures or high-level cultivation resources to continue producing spiritual crystals... they might even evolve and turn the mineral vein into an immortal vein that produces Immortal Crystals!" 

Ling Tian smiled expectantly as he decided what to do with the Mineral Lode, whether to set it aside to collect its spiritual crystals or feed the lake of spirits. The benefits existed, only it could be in the moment or wait for greater benefits in the future. 

The memories he had obtained were many and of great importance, which was why Ling Tian had not decided to refine the entire lake of spirits and instead chose to transplant them into his storage ring and then to this place, this space of the small world! 

This Little Mysterious World is his own personal world, so here he can store all his very valuable and very important objects and treasures... he should even be able to create a real small world in the future! 

That's why Ling Tian waited all this time and decided to repair his dantian, so that he could leave the lake of spirits and spiritual veins here! 

Making a decision, Ling Tian threw the entire mineral vein into the centre of the lake of spirits, sinking into the depths. 

The mineral vein containing hundreds and billions of high quality and superior spiritual crystals was engulfed by the entire lake of spirits, reaching into the depths and burying itself into the ground as it settled in all directions. The high quality Spiritual Crystals turned to dust, but released a terrifying amount of spiritual energy that mingled with the lake of spirits, causing it to grow several kilometres in seconds. 

A small root in the centre of the mineral vein soon began to grow as the water of the lake of spirits covered it, quickly absorbing the pure and vast aura, growing rapidly to the naked eye and began to spread out as if it were a long root. 

A pure and dense spiritual aura soon began to spread out in all directions, filling the sky and land of the place. 

Ling Tian watched as the space around him seemed to gain a little colour in front of his eyes, turning from that dull grey to a slightly vivid colour, as if the world was gradually beginning to regain its lost life! 

Without using his spirit sense, Ling Tian could also see how the spiritual veins that had been buried in the depths stretched for tens and hundreds of kilometres, carrying the spiritual aura everywhere. Spiritual aura began to emerge everywhere, feeding the soil and the flora that had lost its life. 

Space slowly began to gain vitality, with the grey and dark sky gradually turning into a slightly blue sky, as in the outside world. The aura also spread into the sky, extending in all directions and increasing vitality throughout the space. 

The connection to this place and space strengthened, causing Ling Tian to feel that this Little Mysterious World regained its aura and vitality, slowly growing stronger as the spiritual aura of the lake of spirits combined with the spiritual veins and mineral vein spread everywhere. 

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