Chapter 420: The General

When the huge ring-shaped hull of the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter appeared out of Hyperspace, even though they knew it was just an Unarmed Cargo Freighter, the Ayrou were shocked.

This ring with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters has a sphere with a diameter of 1,029 meters in the middle. Such a huge scale represents an industrial capacity that Ayrou can hardly match in a few lifetimes.

What's even more frightening is that the location of this spaceship happened to stop the coming Supply Fleet of Ayrou!!

"How is it possible! How did they do it!! The Jumping Point is obviously inside the Gravity Well of Kuna's Tooth!" General Telsey was shocked, "Notify the Supply Fleet to evade immediately!"

"They are still in the Hyperspace Channel, how can I notify them?" In desperation, the communicator also directly sent back.

"Where's our ship!?" Telsey yelled.

"There are still 5 minutes!!"

And at this moment, white light flashed for a while, and more than a dozen Transport Ships escaped from the Hyperspace Channel and appeared in space! After seeing the scenery outside the porthole clearly, the drivers of those Transport Ships were all stunned by the huge Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter in front of them!

Almost at the same moment, Canidi gave an order, and Fighters took off from the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter.

More than 100 Blade Fighters took off from the Cargo Freighter's extremely wide flying platform at the same time and went straight to the Ayrou Transport Ships.

Limited by performance and space, the Blade Fighter can only be equipped with Blue Lasers, Primary Energy Shields and up to 4 Gemini Air-To-Air Missiles, which has squeezed the structure of this model to the limit.

But these Fighters piloted by B-1 Droids are enough to pose enough threats to those Transport Ships with only basic defensive firepower! The Ayrou's Transport Ships fled in all directions, never daring to approach the direction of the planet, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Telsey was very decisive and immediately issued an order, "They don't have enough Fighters! All spaceships take off Fighters and concentrate on attacking that Freighter!"

The Transport Ships were all dispersed by the Blade Fighters, and now it takes a lot of time to rescue them one by one. At this time, it is very likely that some Transport Ships will be shot down. It is better to encircle, rescue directly, and attack the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter so that the opponent's Fighters have to return to help.

The Ayrou Fleet currently on Kuna's Tooth includes a total of 10 Defender-class Frigates and 5 CR-12 Light Frigates. The Defender class is an early warship produced by Rendili StarDrive. It is 94 meters long and 71 meters wide.

Of course, like the Defender class, this so-called 'early' refers to the period of the Sith War, about 3,000 years ago... Although Technology has developed to a certain level, there will be a bottleneck, that is to say, there will be no more from steam to this leap forward in electrical development. Therefore, the technology of 3000 years ago is not necessarily backward to the point where Bows and Arrows are against Electromagnetic Guns, at most it is Assault Rifles against Electromagnetic Guns.

Therefore, these Battleships that were mass-produced during the war and then eliminated were taken over by those planets and became their Defensive Fleet.

After thousands of years of imitation, the Ayrou have been able to build some shoddy imitations of this kind of Warship, which is where their greatest confidence lies.

Regardless of the quality, the Ayrou Civilization with two Industrial Worlds at least have a Large Fleet.

Sure enough, as Telsey expected, the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter didn't even fight back and just kept being beaten passively like this.

"Keep attacking me!! Destroy that Cargo Freighter! Give Planet Dawn a little bit of color!" Telsey yelled.

"General! Planet Dawn has dispatched a large number of Off-Road Vehicles, and they have arrived at the outskirts of our City. They are firing at the houses!" The communications Soldier shouted. "Send 5 Brigades to resist! Other Ground Troops should not act rashly!" Telsey ordered immediately.

Hundreds of Ayrou Soldiers disguised as civilians got on the Hoverbikes and rushed towards the Convoy of Planet Dawn, and there was a burst of gunshots outside the city.

Dawn Planet sent more than 30 Warthogs and more than 50 Mongooses. They strafed the houses on the outskirts of the Ayrou Colony and even fired Rockets with M41 SPNKr Rocket Launchers. The Ayrou Garrison began to move and they immediately began to retreat.

The angry Ayrou followed closely behind, but soon they found that although they could catch up with the Warthog on the Hoverbike, they were not a match for the opponent's powerful firepower at all, and they were quickly dispersed. However, Planet Dawn's team didn't run far, they just kept hanging, constantly harassing everywhere with superior mobility.

General Telsey didn't realize that the three fronts now formed a strange balance.

The Blade Fighters lack firepower and cannot destroy the Transport Fleet in a short period of time, and the spaceships of the Ayrou cannot pose a threat to the Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighters in a short period of time, and the ground battlefield also appears to be unable to catch up.

At the same time, Volgograd Canidi stood in front of the screen in the Command Center of Pointe Noire City, watching the battle intently, without saying a word.

"Sir, how did you do it?" The series of operations just now made Adjutant Jin Chen, who had already had deep doubts about Canidi, drop his jaw.

"I have been monitoring the arrival time and route of the Supply Fleet of the Ayrou Civilization. With the electronic system of the Lukelihook-class cargo ship, it is not difficult to do this." Canidi said lightly.

" could that Cargo Freighter jump directly into the planet's gravity well through hyperspace navigation?! And it's not in that position, it is likely to make the other party's Transport Fleet run away!"

"It's not a Gravity Well, at least not right now," Canidi replied, "because in the last week of this standard month, because of the greatly increased flare activity around the star, this will affect the magnetic field of Kuna's Tooth, thus slightly reducing the actual range of the Gravity Well. The Star Map of the Navigation System will not record this change, because it does not affect navigation."

Jin Chen exclaimed: "So, you have been planning this battle for a long time?!"

"Understanding the astronomical laws of the jurisdiction and the activities of our neighbours is the job of a Colonial Governor. I never want to fight with anyone." Canidi slammed his fist on the table, full of resentment.

"But now we are... we should be able to kill this Small Fleet of the Ayrou?" Karls Wharton on the side also asked.

Canidi stroked the beard on his chin lightly, "With our strength, there is no way to checkmate all three lines, so I need to test the opponent's chess moves, and then think about how to... checkmate!"

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