Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 419: Canidi’s Wrath

Chapter 419: Canidi's Wrath

Volgograd Canidi drove the Mongoose all the way back to Pointe Noire City like lightning, his Adjutant came up to him, his face was a bit ugly, and he hesitated to speak.

Canidi also ignored him and said directly: "Send people to the Mine immediately and rescue all the Miners. Form a Patrol Team, each team has 1 Warthog and 3 Mongooses with Ammunition. Take the lead and send 40 teams to expand the scope of the inspection to 200 kilometers around Pointe Noire City, including the Mining Area. In addition, pick up Xiao Guanghua and Carls Wharton, and hold a Combat Meeting in half an hour."

"Then what if we meet the Ayrou Civilization?" The Adjutant's tone was a bit cold.

"Tang Xiao, what did he do?" Canidi asked back.

"The Governor General issued an ultimatum to the Ayrou Civilization."

"Since War has not been formally declared, if the opponent does not take the initiative to attack, fire a warning shot, and shoot and kill those who refuse to obey. If the opponent takes the initiative to attack, then shoot to kill." Canidi replied without hesitation.

The Adjutant bit his lower lip tightly, gave Canidi a Military Salute, turned and went out, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Canidi subconsciously reached out to grab a bottle of wine, but then his eyes flashed sharply, and he smashed the bottle against the wall with a bang, causing the smell of wine to spread. He took a few deep breaths and connected to Tang Xiao's communication.

After a while, Tang Xiao's figure appeared in the holographic projection, and he said slowly: "Mr. Canidi, if you still insist on resigning, then I can seriously consider it now."

"You planned all this, right? Including letting me serve as the Commander of this Colony!" Canidi's eyes were fierce.

"No matter how much you deify me, it won't be like this." Tang Xiao looked very relaxed now, and said with a slight smile, "Your appointment was not through me, it was the decision of the administrative department, and I never thought that it would be a conflict at this time. Maybe in the future, but definitely not in Kuna's Tooth... As it turned out, I still underestimated the determination of the Ayrou Civilization."

"Then you use me, use my trauma to give you a halo of being a victim! Cover up your wolfish ambition!!" Canidi shouted.

"As I said before, whether I use you or force you, it's just a side effect of my established policy. I really didn't expect the Ayrou to be so tough, but then I realized that I can take advantage of their toughness. An opportunity, an opportunity to occupy the Kuna Star Cluster and dominate the Moddell Star Area in a short period of time. So, yes, I took advantage of your weakness." Tang Xiao said frankly.

"Compared to the bastards I've met, you can at least tell the truth." Canidi gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you care about me!? But what about those Miners? What about those Pioneers? What about Teul and the others? What is their life in your eyes?!"

Tang Xiao crossed his hands on his chin, "This is an easy multiple-choice question, Canidi. They are a group of desperate refugees. Without my help, they might have starved to death on a certain planet." I don't want to kill them on purpose, but if necessary, I don't have much psychological burden to sacrifice their lives."

"This is just your War and has nothing to do with them." Canidi's voice lowered.

"Individuals and Countries are closely linked. Individuals who leave the Country are nothing, and the reverse is also true. I have emphasized more than once that we are facing War. If we cannot prepare for War, then I and my people will die without a place to bury them," Tang Xiao said.

"It's just your personal ambition!"

"Understand whatever you want." Tang Xiao smiled, "Okay, what's your answer? Is it resignation, or what? My Fleet is ready to go, and they will arrive at Kuna's Tooth in five hours."

Canidi's eyes were extremely sharp, "You put the lives of 500,000 people in my hands, how do you ask me to resign?!"

Tang Xiao changed his position to make himself more comfortable, "Actually, I'm also teaching the Ayrou Civilization how to use ultimatums. Ultimatums are not for blocking doors, spraying paint, or throwing dung. The used for, if you don't resign, then the War that is about to break out in the Kuna Star Cluster and even the Moddell Star District will involve you as well."

"My Pioneer Group, I will protect it! I don't need your Fleet!" Canidi said through gritted teeth.

Tang Xiao laughed, "It's good that you have this determination. Then, I will continue to let you serve as the Commander of the Pioneering Regiment. Let me see how far you can go. Your task is to do a good job. Hold on to Kuna's Tooth, and don't lose this planet until I open the situation in other directions! Remember, behind you is the entirety of Fourth Civilization."

Canidi turned and left without waiting for Tang Xiao to finish speaking.

He went straight to the command center, where Carls Wharton, Xiao Guanghua and others were already waiting. Seeing Canidi approaching, they all stood up and saluted.

Canidi's Adjutant, Jin Chen said: "I have just been notified that the Commander of Fleet A, Matt Horner, has led the Fleet to set off, and it is expected to arrive in the Kuna's Tooth System in 5 hours. We will launch a counterattack."

"Fleet A will not come, I will tell them to go back by themselves. The blood debt of Kuna's Tooth, I will find the Ayrou Civilization to pay for it myself." Almost every word of Canidi popped out from between his teeth.

"But without the support of Fleet A, we..."

"It's nothing but! Don't the Ayrou want War? Then give them War!" Canidi said decisively, "Let the armaments on the No. 5 Cargo Freighter start unloading and reorganizing immediately. I need a Mechanized Assault Force!"

"Leave it to me." Carls Wharton stood up and said, looked at Canidi and nodded, "Since I am here, I will temporarily accept your command, regardless of the rank of the Military."

"Thank you." Canidi nodded his thanks, and continued: "Next, we will cut off the supply line of the Ayrou!"

"Rush over directly?" Jin Chen asked.

"Of course...impossible." Canidi raised his finger and drew a route on the Star Map, "From here, let's start!"


"Did you find out? Why did Russo shoot!!" On the Planet Kuna's Tooth, in the Colony of the Ayrou, General Telsey was furious, "Because of his stupidity, we have completely lost the support of public opinion!!"

"According to the investigation results from Planet Annaj, he owed a large amount of money on Tatooine, and he killed his whole family before he left. It seems that he intended to die." The Colonial Officer bowed his head and said. "Impossible! There must be something wrong with this result!!" Telsey let out a sharp cry.

At this time, a communication soldier rushed in and shouted: "General! General!! The latest news from Planet Annaj! Queen Ayrou has officially rejected the ultimatum from Planet Dawn, and now we have entered a state of War!"

General Telsey looked at the time, "Our next batch of supplies will arrive at half a standard hour. After receiving this batch of supplies, we will launch an attack on the Colony of Planet Dawn!! Their Pioneer Group has a large population, and we cannot send those people to them." This is a chance to train as a Soldier!"


"Order all spaceships to deploy formations along the equator of Kuna's Tooth! Monitor the Hyperspace Channel at all times! Be prepared for the other side to use those large Cargo Freighters to make trouble!" General Telsey continued to order, one order after another.

Obviously, being able to be assigned by Queen Ayrou to the forefront of this conflict, Telsey's ability was recognized by the Queen.

At this moment, the radar soldier suddenly let out a scream, "Hyperspace Jump detected!! Coordinates are being calculated!! No...impossible!!"

"What happened?"

The radar soldier's face turned pale, and he looked at General Telsey blankly, "The coordinates of the Hyperspace Jump are inside the gravitational circle of Kuna's Tooth!!"

"Are they trying to kill themselves?" General Telsey frowned.

"Wait a minute...the further coordinates have been calculated...the landing point of their jump happened to block our Supply Fleet!!" the radar soldier said loudly.

"What did you say?! Tell our Fleet to come back immediately! Immediately!!!" Telsey's voice became sharp because of her extreme panic.

However, the warning time for the Hyperspace Jump was less than 1 minute, a burst of white light flickered, and a huge Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter suddenly appeared in space!

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