Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 410: Colonial Plan (Part 1)

Chapter 410: Colonial Plan (Part 1)

The Outer Rim of the Galaxy, the Moddell Sector, the Kuna's Fist System, and Planet Kuna's Tooth.

A large Space Station with a length of more than 400 meters is under construction in an extraterrestrial orbit, more than 10 Engineering Ships are constantly busy, and a large Raloz-class Heavy Constructor is preparing to dock a spherical Agricultural Warehouse with a diameter of 300 meters to the Space Station.

The diameter of Kuna's Tooth is about 7,800 kilometers. It has a halo and four satellites. Most of the material in the halo is ice. It can be seen from a huge crater with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers in the southern hemisphere on the surface of the planet. It should have been caused by an asteroid impact 1 billion years ago.

The original place of the crater should have been a sea, but this impact caused almost all the sea water to fly into outer space, and then it was recaptured by the gravity of the planet, which formed the halo.

It was also because of this impact that the original atmosphere of Planet Kuna's Tooth was destroyed and became very thin, so the originally suitable climate became what it is now.

Seen from a distance, the entire planet appears as a strip of rocky gray and khaki. Because the atmosphere cannot block the ultraviolet radiation of the star, the surface of the planet is almost barren of grass.

5 circular-shaped Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighters are waiting here, 3 of which are running synchronously in extraterrestrial orbits, and 60,000 people live in the spaceship. There is another Cargo Freighter docked next to a satellite. More than 10 Engineering Ships are constantly coming in and out based on this Cargo Freighter. They are planning to open a space mine on this satellite and build four factories to meet the needs of Colonial Development.

The last Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter is mainly responsible for cargo delivery.

Those in charge of protection are 100 Blade Fighters piloted by B-1 Droids. These Fighters were withdrawn from the Navy of the Fourth Civilization and then sold. What could not be sold were thrown over as security guards.

At this moment, on a Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighter in the outer orbit of the planet, Volgograd Canidi is discussing specific colonization matters with a few staff members with a bottle of wine.

After Volgograd Canidi was half-forced and half-deceived by Tang Xiao to participate in the battle of Malastare, he suffered a huge blow and was decadent for more than a year. Later, he was sent to Planet Sy Myrth to be in charge of the construction of the Warship Shipyard that the two parties cooperated with, and then went to Planet Kalee to be in charge of aiding the Kaleesh for a period of time, and also had a second job in the United Mining Group.

Later, Tang Xiao basically forgot about him. As a Master Figure, he has never been able to truly take charge of himself. Some things he manages now are not Tang Xiao's need to personally intervene.

Fortunately, Daphne Clement, the Minister of Administration of the Fourth Civilization, has not forgotten him. In view of his previous qualifications, Clement still gave him a relatively important command position, to be the General Manager of the Kuna Tooth Planet Colonization Group.

At this moment, Canidi and the others are discussing the construction of the first Ground Colony.

"Commander, Ship No. 5 is back, bringing a batch of supplies we urgently needed earlier." A civilian staff came over and said.

"How much did the modular living quarters send over?" Canidi asked.

"Large Modular Living Complex sent 15 blocks, which can accommodate 8,000 people. Also sent some Factory and Agricultural Area Equipment, ah yes, there are also 50 SCVs, 40 M-12 Warthogs as well as Troop Varients, and... ...Well, 80 M-290 Mongooses?" The Civilian Staff was a little puzzled holding the shipping bill in their hands.

"What Warthog? Mongoose? What are those people on Planet Dawn doing? Didn't I ask them to send some Vulture Hoverbikes?" Volgograd Canidi yelled unhappily.

The Civilian Staff flipped through the documents in their hands with some embarrassment, and said, "Uh, they have responded to this...Minister Clement said that the Vulture Hoverbike is too expensive, so it is given priority to supply to the Army."

"Expensive? Fuck it's expensive!! If you have the money to build Warships, why don't you have the money to get them out of your teeth and give me a Vulture Hoverbike? Does she think Kuna's Tooth is too flat?" Canidi cursed. The receipt was snatched and flipped through casually, "What else did she say?"

"She also said that she has already given us five Lucrehulk-class LH-3210 Cargo Freighters, which should be enough..." the Civilian Staff said.

"Ah, yes! Give us 5 Lucrehulk Freighters, and then give us 100 Blade Fighters to protect! Don't think I don't know 5 years ago when the colony of Planet Dawn was first raised, the Blade Fighters had an ugly record." Canidi was indignant, "If Pirates are really coming, do you want me to drive these donuts to collide?"

"That...the Blade Fighters at that time did not have Shields and Blue lasers..." the Civilian Staff whispered.

"You don't know, the Army has already started to replace it with Ultraviolet Laser Weapons! The old guy Cheng Shitao of the Army spends his days in the Scientific Research Department, and he has a good relationship with those nerds!" Canidi casually threw away the receipt, " Let's go! Go to No. 5 ship, let's go to the ground together."

Canidi took the Shuttle and flew towards the No. 5 Lucrehulk Cargo Freighter that just came over. The Shuttle flew past the circular hull with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters. Surrounded by this huge spaceship, it was like being in a steel ship. Same inside the castle. The core of the castle is a huge sphere with a diameter of 1029 meters.

Arriving at the bridge of the No. 5 ship, after completing the procedures for handing over the goods, Canidi gave an order, "Okay, don't delay! Start landing immediately!"

"Roger Roger!" The B-1 Droid controlling the spaceship responded and pressed the button.

Long~~~~! Canidi only felt the ground shake violently, and then saw the huge sphere in the center of the Lucrehulk-class Cargo Freighter slowly separate from the hull, and flew towards Planet Kuna's Tooth.

"Entering synchronous orbit, the right Thruster is turned off," said the Navigator.

"Roger Roger!" "Okay, we have been captured by the planet's gravity, the thrust has been increased by 5%, and the balance is maintained! The Thermal Shield is running at full power!" The Navigator continued to issue instructions, and the B-1 Droid operating the spacecraft completed these operations accurately.

I only saw that the huge spherical hull with a diameter of 1029 meters began to descend continuously. The huge mass and speed made the surrounding air burn, but they were completely isolated by the Thermal Energy Shield. Then the hull continued to correct its direction, and finally, it landed 20 kilometers away from the ground base.

"Let's go, unload the goods. By the way, let's see what the pigs and cats are instead of the Vulture Hoverbike." Canidi said.

"It's a Warthog and a Mongoose," corrected the Civilian Officer.

Canidi snorted without speaking, put on a simple respirator for himself, and walked to the elevator.

The atmosphere of Planet Kuna's Tooth is very thin, but it is harmless, so you only need to wear a respirator to move freely on the planet. When I came to the huge warehouse, I saw that many pioneers recruited from all over the world had already started to act. Together with the B-1 Droid, they manipulated the gantry crane to hoist the huge cargo box down to the unloading platform and made preparations.

These pioneers are basically recruited by Claire's Outer Rim Planet Mutual Aid Fund in the Outer Rim Star Region, so there are all kinds of races, such as Nikto, Twi'lek, Devaronian, Mustafarian, and Quarren, Rodians, etc., except that there are very few humans.

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