Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 409: Tatooine Is Mine!

Chapter 409: Tatooine Is Mine!

Arok Besadii said in a deep voice: "In Hutt Space, the entry and exit of foreign Fleets is absolutely impossible at present, and you can't do it even if you kill me. Maybe the Desilijic Family has this influence, but Besadii after all, the Besadii Family is still slightly inferior. But you must also understand that it is absolutely impossible for the Desilijic family to cooperate with you."

"Hehe, it may not be the case in the future. As long as our cooperation can be carried out, I believe that the days of the Desilijic family are numbered. First, let's start with Jabba!" Darth Malthael said coldly.

"Jabba can't be killed... If he dies, the Republic won't have the power to interfere in Hutt space. In this way, the Hutts are likely to fall into civil war, which is not good for you or me." Arok Besadii said.

"It doesn't matter, what I want is the right of way. Also, the Bonta Night Classic Pod Race." Malthael said.

"Talk about your plans," Arok asked.

"Bonta Night Ring Galactic Pod Racing Grand Prix." Darth Malthael directly said a different name.

"Ring of the Milky Way?" "That's right, there is a cycle of half a year, and each cycle changes a track. Including the scenic natural track on Planet Cerea, the polar night track on Planet Malastare, the desert track on Planet Tatooine, the swamp race track on Planet Jabiim, and the space race track on... Planet Dawn."

Arok said: "The Desilijic Family has been operating the track on Planet Cerea for a long time. I heard that Jabba used Ephant Mon to provoke the civil war on Planet Cerea just for this race but, then he still failed to do so. Planet Malastare is one of the main producers of pod racing engines, and they are also engaged in their own racing competitions, and it is also unlikely to merge with Bonta. How can you, what do you think you can pull off a race that involves several planets?"

"I have my own way. You just need to use your own channels to attract enough customers and viewers. Remember, it's 50-50." Malthael said.

"There's no way the Desilijic Family and Jabba are going to give up this multi-billion game."

"They will soon be in danger!"

"What about the safety issue? In this kind of racing competition, the gambling involved is at least hundreds of millions. I don't want to be like Jabba, who directly robbed the racing competition." Arok continued to ask.

"The Atlas Security newly emerging in Nar Shaddaa will take over this job," Malthael said.

Arok Besadii thought for a while and said: "I promise you. I will give you a Smuggling Fleet Pass. Your Smuggling Fleet will be protected by the Hutts in Hutt Space. Who dares to attack your Fleet, will face the wrath of the Hutt Fleet."

"Great start."

"As for the right of passage of the Fleet, no one can give you. Maybe we will find a way in the future, but right now, no." Arok continued.

"I can wait for 10 years. Within 10 years, the Fleet's right of passage must be settled. I don't want to listen to excuses! Otherwise, our cooperation will end immediately." Malthael said coldly.

"Then, take Tatooine first, and prove that you are qualified to cooperate with the Hutts!" Arok said.

"Half a year." After Darth Malthael finished speaking, his whole body turned into smoke again, rolling away towards the door.

"You, are you a Sith Lord?" Arok said suddenly, "I know some history of the previous Sith Empire."

"I am... an Angel of Death..." Darth Malthael's figure still disappeared, and his voice came from all directions.


One month later, Planet Tatooine, outer space.

A tragic space battle had just ended, and the Black Hammerhead-class Cruiser Iron Fang was slowly sailing in space, surrounded by a large number of wreckages of spaceships, roughly looking at, at least 40 ships.

The space battle is still at an end, and the remaining two or three bounty hunter spaceships are fleeing in a hurry. Behind these spaceships, although there seems to be nothing, they continue to fire Pulse Laser Cannons out of thin air.

After the last spaceship was completely destroyed, there was a flash of lightning, and 5 Wraith Fighters painted in black appeared in the dark universe. The stealth system of these Fighters had overheated and needed to be recirculated.

Of course, now that there were no enemies, they began to turn around and return to the Hangar of the Hammerhead-class Cruiser.

The Hammerhead-class Cruiser also paid a considerable price. Several parts of the hull were damaged, and thick smoke billowed out. It was clear that the Battleship's Shield had been penetrated once, damaging its structure.

Now, the Cruiser was flying through the wreckage, constantly scanning for useful things, while pulling the wreckage of those spaceships into the cargo hold with a Tractor Beam.

On the bridge of the Cruiser, a man wearing glasses who looked very gentle but with a hint of prey on his brows was sitting in the captain's seat. He coldly looked at the battlefield outside through the panoramic porthole, adjusted his glasses, and said coldly: "Statistics of the battle results."

A Staff Officer next to him immediately stood at attention and saluted, and said: "Report Captain, this time we wiped out the Mercenary Group called 'Battler Roman'. They have a total of 44 spaceships, and it has been confirmed that they have been wiped out. We lost 7 Wraith fighters, the three compartments of H9, M66, and U7 of the Iron Fang were destroyed, and the structural stability dropped by 7%. If our Wraith fighters have not been equipped with Stealth Systems, maybe we will lose this time."

"It doesn't matter. Continue to cruise around Tatooine, and kill any spacecraft that wants to enter Tatooine without permission!" The Captain adjusted his glasses, and a ray of light flashed.

He is Wang Bin, who once served as the Deputy Captain of the Cruiser Iron Fang under Volgograd Canidi, and later transferred to Nar Shaddaa as the adjutant of Atlas Security. Now that the war on Tatooine has resumed, the Iron Fang has been assigned to the Atlas Security side, it is incorporated into the sequence of the S Fleet.

Big Boss, the Security Leader of Atlas Security also valued Wang Bin's thoughtfulness and ruthlessness, and his familiarity with the Iron Fang, so he appointed him as the Captain of the Iron Fang and brought 24 Wraith Fighters to Tatooine to support Scourge's operations.

"But Captain...our current state can no longer support today's high-intensity combat." The staff officer said.

Wang Bin sneered, pointed to the wreckage of a cargo ship outside the porthole and said: "Send a team of Droids over there, repair the Communication System, and then send out a Distress Signal. Let all the remaining Wraith Fighters wait near the wreckage, and once someone answers, enter Stealth mode, and then...hehehehe..."

He laughed darkly.

"But it's not a long-term solution after all, Captain... Jabba has already issued bounties all over the Galaxy, and more and more bounty hunters are coming to Tatooine..." the staff officer said worriedly.

"We are now waiting for the reply from the Hutts." Wang Bin adjusted his glasses, "As long as we get the pass from the Besadii Family, Mira Han will immediately lead the S Fleet to come to support."

"But the Besadii Family will not allow large Warships to enter. The Iron Fang has already been chartered by the previous Iron Fang Kuken relationship."

"Hehehehe... Who told you that the Predator-class Heavy Supply Ship and the Percheron-class Light Carrier belong to Battleships?" Wang Bin sneered again, "It's just that we added a Hangar passage to the Cargo Hold and filled it again. It's just Wraith Fighters. Get ready, when... between us and Jabba, it won't be a small fight."


Wang Bin waved his hand to make the staff retreat. He came to the porthole and looked out the window at the huge Tatooine Planet.

Although he couldn't see it, he knew that somewhere on the Planet, the Gardulla Command Carrier was also fighting fiercely. The Kapisi-class Command Carrier was also surrounded and suppressed by Jabba with all his strength, but it still used its mobility to move towards the desert to fight deep and retreat.

But Jabba didn't know that every battle would only make this Land Carrier and make the Scourge even stronger!

This Land-Based Command Carrier, together with various resource recycling equipment, was born to support war with war from the beginning of its design and, as the battle moves deeper into the deserts of Tatooine, Jabba's bounty hunters will find their battle tougher.

In the end, it will snap completely like a taut string!

Tatooine is ours! The smile on Wang Bin's face became a bit ferocious. He bit his finger and drew a big red cross on the porthole with blood. From a distance, it looked like it was drawn directly on Planet Tatooine.

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