Chapter 325: The Final Trial

"It looks like you're not dead yet." The figure of Darth Plagueis was reflected in the holographic projection, "Planet Loen is still too simple, there is food and water everywhere. It looks like you are on vacation."

"As long as it is the Lord's arrangement, I will do my best to complete it." Darth Malthael knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"I am very satisfied with your loyalty. Next, it is my final trial for you. If you can complete it, then you will truly become a Sith, your name will be recorded in the Book of Sith, and you will become a Sith Lord!" Darth Plagueis said with his head raised as if in his opinion, it was a great honor to be recorded in the Book of Sith.

"Please ask the Lord to order."

Darth Plagueis nodded in satisfaction, "If you can cross this last step, it means that I have read the right person. Now our plan is at the most critical moment, but next, my time will be more. I will try my best to teach you and make you the strongest existence in this Galaxy! Don't doubt, you have such potential!"

"It is my honor." Darth Malthael bowed his head in response.

He also did know that Darth Plagueis spent less and less time teaching him, and more recently he was letting him study his manuscripts by himself, or arranging some murderous trials for him.

But this also allowed him to take advantage of a loophole, at least now Darth Plagueis is a little eager for success. Perhaps because of his deference and loyalty, Darth Plagueis focused on improving Darth Malthael's knowledge and power but reduced the process of brainwashing him with Sith dogma.

Perhaps Plagueis felt that a loyal apprentice like Darth Malthael didn't need to be brainwashed.

Plagueis transmitted a set of coordinates to Darth Malthael, "You can go back and rest for three days, and then go to this coordinate."

"This is...the Planet Hypori?" Darth Malthael thumped in his heart.

"That's right. The coordinates of this planet will not appear in the star map of the Galactic Republic, because the entire planet is a Huge Droid Factory. Countless Droids are produced non-stop and sent to every corner of the Galaxy. Here, apart from the Droids, there is an endless desert. There is no food, no water, only Droids all over the mountains and endless pursuits!"

After Darth Plagueis finished speaking, he stared at Darth Malthael with a fierce look, "You can choose not to go, but I need to tell you that whether it is Darth Sidious or Darth Maul, After going through such trials, they survived on Hypori for a month. Do you can do it?"

Darth Malthael knew that although Darth Plagueis said he could choose not to go, in fact, if he dared to say no, he might not survive tomorrow.

Therefore, even though he didn't want to go, Darth Malthael still showed a smile, and responded firmly: "I will definitely complete this trial! I will prove my ability, my lord."


Back in the Glory Mothership in the Endor System, Tang Xiao summoned the core leaders of the Fourth Civilization and arranged the next work again.

In fact, there are not many major decisions that need to be made before he has ordered the overall development of military power, and everything is proceeding step by step.

What the Fourth Civilization needs to do now is to seize the time to expand its basic market, Increase population, expand factories, add mines, infrastructure and supporting facilities must keep pace, only in this way can we meet the needs of rapid military expansion in the future.

There are only two things that Tang Xiao needs to make a decision on. One is to order 10 Predator-class Heavy Supply Ships from the Trade Federation, which will be converted into Light Carriers for use after they arrive. The Predator-class captured and transformed from Garrulan was named Homeworld, so the next 10 Predators will also be officially finalized as Homeworld-class Light Carriers.

The Predator class has been transformed into a Carrier. Although there is a fatal flaw that only one Fighter can take off at a time, the takeoff speed is very low, but the armor is thick and its own firepower is relatively fierce, so it is very suitable as an Escort Carrier. Before the first type of Carrier self-produced by the Fourth Civilization enters service, the Homeworld-class Light Carrier will support the current fleet's Carrier line.

Another thing is to order another 10 million B-1 Battle Droids from the Trade Federation, and these Droids will all be used as models controlled by warships. Logistical positions including firefighting, damage management, maintenance, ground handling, air handling, and transportation will all be replaced by Droids.

Of course, Tang Xiao really didn't want the B-1 Droid to take up these positions, because when he thought about it, his mind was full of Feilong, Dafeng, and Shinano.

This was the case during World War II. In the current space battlefield, the role of damage control and logistics is more obvious. Damage control can't keep up, and it's not a dream to be sent into the soul.

Although there are also professional maintenance ships in the technology library, in a fierce battle, the damage control team on the Battleship itself is obviously more reliable and flexible. But now the population of the Fourth Civilization is a huge problem. Take the 1,009-meter-long Hiigaran-class Battlecruiser as an example. Each of these Battlecruisers requires more than 3,000 crew members. The Navy of Fourth Civilization can't afford to build a few more ships.

After confirming these two things, the rest doesn't matter.

Tang Xiao rested for a few days, and after spending a few times with Gross Shelby who knows the taste, he took the Shuttle and stuffed it with food and water. According to Plagueis - Fly straight to the coordinates given by Plagueis.

Planet Hypori is located in the outer ring of the Milky Way, in the very remote Ferra Sector.

The planet is about 13,000 kilometers in diameter, slightly larger than Earth. But the entire planet is barren, with only a thin atmosphere, and ordinary people have no way to survive here. Only those who are powerful and sensitive to The Force can set foot here under the protection of The Force.

Planet Hypori belongs to the Techno Union, and their leader, Wat Tambor, uses it as a Droid Factory, and because of the harsh environment here, Hego Damask II also uses it as a training ground.

The Sun Guard he used to guard Planet Sojourn was trained here. Unfortunately, with the conspiracy of the former king of Naboo, Ars Veruna and others, Planet Sojourn was destroyed. This elite guard also withdrew from the stage of history with almost no record.

Just when Tang Xiao was driving the Shuttle and was about to land, suddenly the siren sounded loudly on the radar, only to see a Black Fighter rushing towards him like lightning!

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