Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 324: The Hero’s End

Chapter 324: The Hero's End

The wild space of the Milky Way, Planet Kaleesh, and the Temple of the Ancestors.

"The Galactic Republic has abandoned us..."

"The Jedi are supporting our enemies..."

"We fight alone, alone..."

"But you, still stand by our side..."

"You are our last hope..."

An elderly Kaleesh elder stood in front of Grievous, who was kneeling on one knee and spoke slowly. There are more than a dozen elders lined up on both sides. They bowed and chanted ancient Kaleesh prayers.

The elder held up a ferocious animal bone mask with both hands on the altar next to him, put it on Grievous's face, then stretched out two fingers, and scratched his chest hard, blood dripping immediately. Then he put his blood-stained fingers on the eyes of the mask and stroked it from top to bottom, drawing two hideous bloodstains on the mask.

"May the spirit of the ancestors bless you, and be invincible! General Grievous!" the elder said loudly.

"I will." Under the animal bone mask, Grievous' eyes gleamed fiercely. He walked out of the temple and came to a simple and dilapidated spaceship, followed by the elders.

"This is the best spaceship we can find..." the elder sighed.

"As long as it can fly, that's enough for me." Grievous rolled over and jumped into the cockpit.

The spaceship soared into the sky, and the elders chanted ancient prayers loudly with their arms, sending the blessings of their ancestors to their demigods, their last hope.


The spaceship crossed the largest ocean on Planet Kalee, the Jenuva Sea. While driving the spaceship, Grievous has already begun to plan in his mind how to rebuild his army. This time, he does not intend to show any mercy. The Yam'rii must be wiped out!!

However, at this moment, near an unnamed island in the Jenuva Sea, a mysterious man in a cloak is leading a group of Droids standing by the sea, watching the direction of the spaceship.

"He's here, let's start." Under the hood of the mysterious man in the cloak, a neatly combed white beard was exposed.

"Roger Roger!" A B-1 Droid responded, then picked up the binoculars to confirm the direction, and said to another B-1 Droid on the side: "The target is locked, fire!"

Whoosh!!! The shoulder-fired Missile Launcher held by the B-1 Droid sprayed out a burst of flames, and a Missile instantly flew out of Grievous' spaceship!

At the same time, a piercing siren sounded from Grievous' spaceship, which was locked by the active fire control radar!

Grievous was shocked and hurriedly controlled the spaceship to avoid it, but it was too late.

Boom!!! There was a violent explosion, and his spaceship was blown into a ball of fire and fell into the sea. No one is immune from such explosions and crashes.

Qymaen jai Sheelal, the hero of the Kaleesh people, led the Kaleesh people to resist the invasion and enslavement of the Yam'rii people and called himself Grievous. He once cornered the Yam'rii and was called a demigod by the Kaleesh.

However, because of the decay of the Galactic Republic, Sheelal's efforts were in vain, and the victory that countless Kaleesh people exchanged for their blood and lives came to naught.

And Grievous himself also came to an end amidst various conspiracies...


Wow~~~Wow~~~~~ A few underwater Droids salvaged a lump of rotten meat that could barely be seen as a human being and placed it in front of the mysterious man in the cloak.

"He's still breathing, Master Dooku, but he should be dying soon." Said the Medical Droid beside him.

"I'll use The Force to protect his heart veins, you first perform emergency treatment, and then put it in the bhakta jar for treatment." Master Dooku said.

However, at this moment, the lump of rotten flesh on the ground trembled and raised its head! He also desperately tried to lift his hand, which was so scorched that it was almost bone-less.

"Oh, that's not a good idea." Master Dooku took out an electric shock device and released an electric current with a sizzling sound to stun the rotten meat again, "However, your tenacious vitality and will to survive still amaze me, Kaleesh people. What kind of belief is it that allows you to hold your head up in such a state and still want to struggle to survive? In this incomparable pain, do you just want to live?"

But he didn't think about getting an answer, he just waved his hands, and the two Droids immediately carried the rotten meat onto the spaceship.

Master Dooku turned on the communicator, and the Planet Naboo Senator, Sheev Palpatine's figure was projected in the projection, "Senator Palpatine, I have completed your commission and dealt with this Kaleesh. I just don't know, what is it about this Kaleesh that deserves our attention?"

"We are planning a great feat, Master Dooku. We need more power...and this Kaleesh, the most powerful master of strategy and tactics I have ever seen, will lead us to victory! "Sheev Palpatine said earnestly.

"I hope so." Master Dooku nodded, turned off the communication, and returned to the spaceship.

In the spaceship, the mass of rotten meat has been put into the bhakta tank, and the bhakta liquid inside has begun to repair his body tissue. A Medical Droid is inserting a large number of pipelines into his body to maintain his minimum vital functions.

Master Dooku smiled coldly, and said, "It's just a beast."


In the dense jungle of Planet Loen.

This place can almost be said to be a restricted area for intelligent life. There are countless vicious and cunning beasts hidden in the jungle. Some terrifying beasts can even tear apart armored vehicles!

But there are also many rare products produced here, such as the fur of those beasts and the rare plants that cannot be cultivated artificially. So there are occasional bounty hunters, but even fully armed bounty hunters would never dare to enter the depths of the jungle.

But at this moment, in the deepest part of the jungle, a terrible battle is breaking out!

Alone, with a group of beasts!

That person was wearing a black cloak, flipping and flipping his sleeves, revealing the black outfit and explosive muscles underneath him!

He held a Red Lightsaber in his hand, swung it at an incredible speed and angle, flexibly sideways to avoid a sharp claw, and the lightsaber in his hand flashed across in an instant! From the perspective of that cat-shaped beast, there was still a person here just now, but what appeared in its eyes after an instant was just a Lightsaber!

The Blood-Red Lightsaber sliced ??off the head of a wild beast like cutting tofu, and then his body suddenly stopped, several sharp tentacles almost flew past his nose, and penetrated deeply into the trees beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the Lightsaber flashed at high speed, the tentacles were cut into more than ten knots, and a roar came from the shadow of the forest. The man's eyes froze, he raised his hand and pulled it back, and the invisible force actually grabbed a beast as big as a tiger from the shadows!

This beast has eight sharp claws, more than a dozen flexible tentacles growing on its back, and a big bloody mouth letting out a terrifying roar!

A cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the Lightsaber flew out of his hand, spinning rapidly like a top, smashing the beast into countless pieces almost instantly!

After the battle, he looked at the messy forest around him, and the fragmented beast corpses lying on the ground, snorted coldly, and lifted his hood.

The person under the hood is Darth Malthael!

The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr𝒆e(w)𝒆bnovel

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