Chapter 310 Rooting for us

Liam couldn't stop himself from blushing at her teasing if he tried. She so easily knew how to make him flustered, and she seemed to like doing it. He wondered why. Maybe she got a kick out of it, but he knew that she wasn't doing it to be mean. She wanted to play, and he didn't mind playing right back.

"Well, this is me," Ying Sheng murmured as she turned and leaned her back against her door. She seemed to bat her eyelashes at him in a coquettish way, a tease of a smile adorning her lips.

Liam paused in front of her, feeling his heart rate spike as his eyes met hers. He could walk away or he could kiss her. There were other smaller options, but those were his main two, and he wanted to do one of them very badly. His eyes graced the soft curves of her lips, which gleamed with that bold burgundy color.

"It was nice going out with you," Liam told her as he slipped his hands into the front pockets of his pants. He didn't want her to see how they slightly shook. He thought that twenty-three years on the planet would have been enough time to teach him how to not be nervous around a girl, but he had learned no such trick. Since it was her, it was even worse.

"It almost kind of felt like our usual hangouts, but I guess that's a good thing. We're comfortable with each other," Ying Sheng pointed out.

On the surface, it seemed like any other Friday night between them. However, deep down, there was definitely more at stake for him. He wanted to show her that he could be romantic and that he could fulfill her wants and needs as a partner, not just a friend. He knew that would take a little more time and a little learning on his part, but getting to spend time with her was great on its own.

"I'm rooting for us," Liam chuckled, knowing the outcome he wanted from this. He knew they were on the same page, but he knew that things could change. She could change her mind, which he really hoped she didn't. Things felt so right between them.

"Me too,Cutie," Ying Sheng murmured warmly as she gazed at him.

Silence fell between them, and Liam felt like she was waiting for his official goodbye. It was showtime, and he was racked with stage fright. Her lips were there. Right there. Still, they seemed so unattainable and risky. He had to do something, though. He couldn't just walk away and leave her there.

Quietly, Liam gently placed his hand on her arm and then leaned closer to her, his lips caressing the soft curve of her cheek in a brief touch. When he pulled back, he noticed that her eyes had fluttered shut, making warmth bloom in his chest at how beautiful she looked. He almost wanted to dive back in and kiss her right there, but he coaxed himself away. The moment was already over with.

Part of him wanted to kick himself for giving her a mere kiss when he wanted to give her an actual one, but another part of him was fine with it. Tonight in its entirety was a tease, a glimpse at what they could have together. His kiss was too. Maybe he was just trying to excuse his chickening out, though.

"Goodnight,Baddie," Liam told her before turning and heading down the hallway to his own room. He thought about turning back to look at her, but he kept his eyes trained ahead on his own door. He was desperately head over heels for her, but he didn't want to show that just yet.

Once he reached his room, he shut his door behind him and then collapsed on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes. It was just a cheek kiss, and not even the first time his lips graced her so why was he acting like a kid. The thought made his face burn a little as he smiled to himself and pressed his hand over his rapidly beating heart.

The happiness that he felt right now was what he had been looking for since forever. For so long, he thought that he would never be able to find it, but then Ying Sheng came into his life. She made him feel like he could take on the world, no matter how daunting it seemed. He just hoped that he could hold on to this feeling forever because it would kill him to once again be lost without it.


Broken up conversations and overlapping footsteps surrounded Ying Sheng on all sides as she ventured through her campus' main business building, the light tap of her sneakers mingling with the noise. She strode through the halls to her capstone class, her backpack bouncing on her lower back as she moved. She was a few minutes late, but she knew that it wouldn't make a difference as long as she showed up.

She actually felt pretty good today. The days following her date with Liam were good ones because they spent most of their free time together, whether they were cuddled up on the couch watching movies or attempting to cook dinner together. Even those little things were fun with him because coexisting was so easy. She knew his habits, and he knew hers, so there were no sudden surprises to disrupt them.

Things weren't too different between them. They still hung around each other, but there was a little more touching and a lot more flirting. The filter had been removed, and they were free to say what was on their minds. It was fairly relieving to not have to hold back her quips and teases so much anymore. Plus, she liked seeing him blush.

When she reached the first classroom on the right on the second floor of the business building, Ying Sheng quietly pushed the door open, avoiding eye contact with Dr. Harris, who paused his lecture once she walked in.

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