Chapter 309 Date night (2)

"Let's go," Liam replied, flashing her a small smile as he guided her back to the walking path. It was still nice and peaceful outside, and he wished that he didn't have to leave now. It felt like a whole other world, one where it was just him and her. All of the chaos and responsibilities would melt away, and there would be nothing for them to worry about.

He didn't have to worry about going above and beyond at work so that he wasn't laid off and replaced by another talented game developer. He didn't have to stress about paying all of his bills on time. He didn't have to worry about ending up alone and unwanted. This world was perfect with her.

Once they both got back into his car, Ying Sheng turned to him, a sincere look gracing her face.

"You know, this is the best date that I've been on," she told him.

A bright smile broke across Liam's face as he gazed at her, his chest feeling warm all over. He could agree with that. It wasn't that he had bad dates, but they were stale and boring compared to this one. The natural chemistry wasn't there like what he felt with Ying Sheng .

"Me too. I'll remember this night for awhile," Liam told her, veering away from saying forever. He would remember this night forever, but he didn't want to scare her away by talking about so much commitment so soon. He knew that he was falling for her, but love was a big concept, one that he wasn't sure if she was ready for or not. They didn't really talk about their love lives all that much with each other.

Everyone that he dated felt like a placeholder, which he hated. He didn't want to make those girls feel like that, but he knew where his heart was at. He couldn't change that, no matter how hard he tried. Now, he was with the girl of his dreams, and everything felt different and fresh. He felt even more alive than he previously did, and he was starting to look past his insecurities and focus on the possibilities for them instead.

"Cute boy," Ying Sheng quipped.

"Cute girl," Liam replied as he turned his car on, feeling his face burn the moment those words left his lips. He hadn't even thought about them before saying them, but they were true.

"Gross," Ying Sheng smirked at their words as she put her seatbelt on.

Liam couldn't help but laugh. He typically wasn't cheesy like that because it made him feel awkward, but being that way with her only made him feel warm all over.

"You're the only one I'll be gross for," Liam informed her.

Ying Sheng bit her lip as she smiled, her eyebrow quirking up at him.

"Oh, I'm that special, huh?" She giggled, her face seeming to glow.

It would take Liam all night to explain to her all of the ways she was special to him. There was just something about her, a glow, an energy. He had never felt it from any other person, and he wanted to be near it, to bask in it. He felt like it made him feel better.

"You know you are," he replied, being serious for a mere second. They typically just played around with each other, but there were certain moments that he couldn't joke through. Some moments were meant to be real and honest, and that was one of them.

Ying Sheng merely smiled and nodded before turning back forward, her lips remaining curled up as she gazed out of the windshield of the car.

As he drove them back to the apartment, they chatted about the upcoming week. Liam had projects left and right to finish, while Ying Sheng had her classes, internship, and business plan to work on. They both ensured that next Friday night was free for both of them, though, in case of any future plans that were made.

Once Liam parked in his usual parking spot in front of their apartment unit, he headed out of the car and met her near the hood. A jolt of anxiety then suddenly struck him. He would be walking her to her bedroom since it was time to go to sleep, like if he was walking her to her door if they lived in different places.

From what he knew about typical dating, he either kissed her goodnight or he didn't, and he wasn't sure what to do. Were they even at that point yet? Did he need to wait for the next date? Slight panic took over him as he walked with her to the front door of their apartment. He wanted the date to end well, and he wasn't sure if a kiss would slap a bow on top or ruin the entire thing.

"Home sweet home," Ying Sheng sighed softly once he unlocked the door. She pushed it open and stepped inside, her white boots thudding against the wooden floor of the small foyer that faded into the living room.

Liam shut the door behind him as he quietly drew in a deep breath, trying to gather himself so that he could bring this evening home and not drop the ball at the last minute. He followed her through the living room and into the hallway that led to their rooms, his hand soon finding her back as he trailed her toward her end of the hall.

"Oh, taking me home, hm?" Ying Sheng lightly teased at him as she glanced at him over her shoulder.

"To your door, yes," Liam chuckled, giving her a slightly pointed look as he realized what she was hinting at. He felt like a nervous teenager at that point, but he wanted to act a little more put together than that as he dropped her off at her bedroom door.

"That's okay. It's only the first date," Ying Sheng giggled, flashing him a wink that made his face flush.

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