First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 441 Sovereignty, Tears, & Bodyshots!

Yamaya's first inclination that her father may have been inebriated was the fact that he did not fall over into tears at the sight of her or her sister as teenagers.

She knew just how much her father enjoyed babying them, so a sight like this should have broken his blazing phoenix heart right into two.

And yet, he was totally chill about this whole thing.

He also had more of a happy and innocent smile on his face that was different from his usual reserved one.

It was endearing and precious, but absolutely not how they saw their father act on a day to day basis.

"Ah, well… the adults just started having a little bit more fun after the two of you went back to bed is all."

"So you waited until we were gone to start having fun..? Mean…"

"What kinda parents do that to their children?"

When drunk, Abaddon has three dastardly bad habits that he plans to take to his grave.

1. Music is his kryptonite.

If he's drunk enough, the right melodic tune turns the destroyer into a useless pile of pudding who cannot even pick himself up from the ground.

2. He becomes egregiously horny.

Clear liquor makes Valerie act really slutty, and it does the exact same for him.

3.. He becomes just like his father.

Overly emotional, super expressive, and prone to small bursts of crushing physical affection.



Abaddon suddenly tightened his grip around both of his daughters necks and almost killed them accidentally.

"I'm sorry if we hurt your feelings, my precious girls..! It wasn't intentional, but sometimes adults need some time to do adult things, you know?"

'We're both over 2000 years old…!'

"But I don't want you to feel slighted, so I'll make it up to you however I can!"

Suddenly, Abaddon's red eyes noticed the underwater city populated by both water spirits and sea monsters, and he got a brilliant idea.

"My girls seem pretty attached to this place, huh..? How would you like it if I were to grant this domain sovereignty?"

Immediately, both girls forgot all about the fact that they couldn't breathe.

"D-Do you mean it?!"

"Don't joke with us please!"

"Of course I mean it."

Smiling like a happy idiot, the dragon god lessened his grip on the girls and hoisted them both onto his shoulders.

"From now on, this entire biome is yours alone to rule, not mine. I wish the both of you the best of luck."

Disbelief flooded Yamaja's mind as she looked back and forth between Abaddon and what was to be her shared kingdom.

"So what do you girls think? Will you accept my apology?" He asked.

Faced with the best gift they had ever received, there was only one way that they could have ever hoped to respond.

""Father… Thank you!""



Like the golden dragon Helios, the Tathamet family had a rooftop garden that sat atop their floating castle in the sky.

Eris spent a lot of time cultivating this place into the very best that it could possibly be, and usually the only ones who got to fully appreciate it were the family pets Entei, Bagheera, and Little Black.

But for the first time since moving in, the Tathamets had opened up their garden for their own delightful spin on a backyard barbecue.

Abaddon's wives, children, in laws, parents, siblings, and even a few friends had all made an appearance, with each of them having the time of their lives.

Even Asherah had been forced to attend.

They had a picnic table lined with expertly cooked smoked meats and sides dishes galore.

But of course, the real focus of the event was the alcohol.

When Eris' ability to create the most vibrant and flavorful produce was used in conjunction with a blessing from a festival goddess like Valerie, the most delicious and strong alcohol ever created was born.

And since Valerie was a woman of variety, so too were the beverages!

Abaddon was still awake!

And most importantly, still horny!

He wasn't surprised that something like this happened to Bekka since she could fall asleep practically anywhere, but his lovely Valerie too??

There hadn't been a single occasion in all of the time they'd been married where she had ever allowed either of them to go to sleep horny.

'Seems you finally couldn't hold your liquor, huh my love?'

With a smile and a somewhat blurry field of vision, Abaddon sat up with an unhealthily persistent errection that was already beginning to stretch out his pants.

'Gods, I want to have sex..'


At that moment, Abaddon saw Erica coming through a grove of trees with a bottle of alcohol in her hand and angrily eating a rum-soaked piece of fruit.

"Ah, hey Erica. Enjoying yourself?" He asked with a smile.

Apparently, this was the phoenix's first time seeing him as she seemed rather surprised to find him sitting there.

But a moment later, she seemingly remembered what she was upset about and stormed over to him while dropping the items in her hands.

This disappointed Abaddon just a bit, as that fruit looked really delicious and he was going to ask her if he could have a bite.

"There you are you.. *burp* bastard… I'm sick of playing nice with you."


Today, Abaddon would learn that Erica was an angry drunk.

She had no problem pushing him down and straddling him forcefully as if he weren't the most powerful god to be born in the last 3000 years.

"Were you always this strong..? It's impressive…" he said drunkenly.

"Shut up..! I'm tired of you stepping on my pride at every chance you get while I use every trick I have to woo you! I should have just taken what I wanted like I normally would have!"

"Aww… you're cute when you're like this."


Abaddon sat up and dropped his arms around Erica's waist.

With her full weight resting against him, she could feel every densely packed muscle and thick throbbing appendage with agonizing clarity.

This was the first time that she had ever been this close to him, and it was sobering her up remarkably fast.

She fell silent as she opened and closed her mouth like a fish, and Abaddon chuckled seductively as he raked his eyes over her figure.

"Erica, why did you lose your nerve so fast? I was really getting off to that new side of you."

"D-Don't fuck with me, Abaddon…"

"Aww, I thought it would have been fun… in more ways than one."

Abaddon brought his lips mere centimeters away from Erica's and the sound of her heart beating could be heard by the both of them.

"I know you wouldn't take advantage of me like that…You're a virtuous woman, and you know exactly how much my vow means to me."

"W-What makes you think I care about that..? As drunk as you are right now you probably wouldn't even remember if I did anything."

"Because even with my lips this close to you, you haven't tried to kiss me. Because you know that it's not what either of us would want."

Those words made Erica's chest tighten because she already knew them to be true.

She didn't just want to sleep with Abaddon for a night so that she could get off, she wanted him to love her.

She wanted him to be just as loyal to her as he was to the rest of his wives.

She wanted a bond that did not come from force, but from a genuine love that transcended all.

And because she knew that she couldn't get that… she cried.

Abaddon wiped away her silent tears and pressed his forehead against hers tenderly.

"The more I get to know you, the more I wish that I would have met you earlier in my life… maybe then we would not both be hurting in moments like this…"


It took Erica a moment to fully wrap her mind around the full gravity of what Abaddon had just said.

With tears still running from her violet eyes, she pulled away in shock for confirmation, but it was too late.

In that brief moment, Abaddon had fallen asleep just like Valerie and Bekka did before him.

Erica gingerly laid him on the grass and allowed herself to be struck full force by the charm that came from the embodiment of desire itself.

Her tears returned even stronger than before, and she lay on top of his chest for perhaps what would be the only time in her life.

"I hate you so much… bastard dragon."

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