First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 440 The Two Heads

True to her word, Yamaya did not get up from her sister's stomach until the entire four minutes had passed by.

Only then did she release her from her punishment and instead sat cross legged on the ground opposite her.

Once she caught her breath, Yamaja begrudgingly started to tell her sister all about her life- or more accurately the circumstances behind her birth.

She shared everything with her, from the fact that she was a homunculi created by the devil himself to replace her, and even how she failed to gain her original father's approval because she was not as powerful as the primordial beast she was created after.

She told her how she instantaneously went from receiving all of her father's affection to all of his scorn instead.

Without even ever getting to attempt the trial she was created for, she was found to be useless and a joke in comparison to the real thing.

It filled her with so much horrible envy that she created her own power from her emotions.

"So do you get it now? I'm just not interested in waiting around for history to repeat itself. You will be their sweet and perfect golden child and over time they will come to see me as something unnecessary."

"That's not.."

"Abaddon has already freed me from my envy once, I will not live with it thrust upon my shoulders again."

Standing up while holding her stomach, Yamaja once again made a beeline for the balcony doors.

The good part was, she succeeded in opening them.

The bad news was, her sister tackled her once again and sent them both tumbling over the balcony.

"KYAAA!! What are you doing, you imp?!"

"It seems that you, my dear sister, are in dire need of some perspective. I intend to give you some, even if I have to kidnap you to do so."

"Put me down, Yamaya!"

"Listen to me. From the moment that we were born, you have held an unfair grudge against me for some undeserving reasons. My life before father and mothers came to me was not one to be envious of.

I spent everyday asleep, with no comforts or even a modicum of warmth. Not to mention I was constantly plagued with flirtatious 'visits' from that damned sea god."

"Sea god?"

"Nevermind, just stay focused."

Yamaja didn't know why that last bit of information that her sister let slip out seemed more important than she was willing to discuss, but she elected to ignore it just this once.

"Do you know what my grand power is for? The role you were trying to copy? It was to die for humanity. To kill those I thought were my true brothers so that our bodies could be used to feed the righteous descendants of Adam."


"But I was freed from that uneventful life.Our parents came to me like beings of true righteousness and saved me from my bleak fate.

They told me that I could be more… that I could want to live. I admit that their surplus of affection needed time to grow on me at first but since then… I have never not been grateful for it."

Falling silent, Yamaja got more comfortable in her sister's grasp and allowed her to fall through the air as she pleased.

"…Where are you taking us?"

"Somewhere that I can show you that there is no need for competition or superiority between the two of us. Whoever we were before is of little consequence. We are sisters now, and twins at that. Our bond must transcend any and all petty grievances."


"You look great, my queen!"

"I hardly recognized you!"

Smiling wryly underneath a wave of such sincere compliments, Yamaya hurriedly tried to get the focus off of her.

"This appearance, power, all of it is but a gift from my true mother and father. They have bestowed upon me the name of Yamaya and made me a fully fledged goddess no weaker than that pissant Poseidon."


"No wonder everyone here reveres the dragon god so highly, he is truly amazing!"

"FUCK Poseidon!"

"Queen Yamaya… a splendid name indeed!"

"And this…"

With a proud smile, Yamaya grabbed her sister by the hand and thrust her into the spotlight.

"This is my twin sister Yamaja. Where I am your protector, she will be your horrid avenger."

'H-Horrid feels like a little much..'

"This is your second queen, Yamaja Tathamet! To worship me is to worship her!"


"A new queen!"

"Glorious, simply glorious!"

"This day is such an incredible one!!"

Yamaja felt a lump form in her throat as she watched the sea of monstrous creatures bow before her as if she were some sort of monarch.

She had been in a position of power before so she was not entirely unused to this, but for some reason this scenario felt significantly more meaningful than when she was one of the seven sins.

As if to make her feel even more vulnerable, Yamaya suddenly hugged her sister from behind and whispered in a voice that was only for them to hear.

"Do you see now, sister..? We are free to lay down the burdens of our pasts and choose any outcome that we want for ourselves.

No one else in this world or the next shall have the right to put us against each other, and from now on there will never be any reason for either of us to be envious of the other."

Tears dripped from Yamaja's face but were immediately washed away by the crystalline water around them.

"You're just like all the rest of them… such a sap."

"Well that is to be expected, is it not? We are all family afterall."

Before she knew what she was doing, Yamaja had turned around to hug her sister with everything that she could muster.

"Yea… I guess we are."

Relief and joy flooded Yamaya's heart as she returned her sister's hug in kind.

"I'm glad to see my girls are getting along now."

A very familiar masculine voice suddenly grabbed the attention of both girls.

Appearing in the water with his arms around the both of them was their father; Abaddon.

Although… he was a bit different from how the girls had seen him until now.

"Ummm…daddy are you drunk?"

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