First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 438 The Things That Abaddon Does Not Know

"Not at the table, please.."

"But if I wait till later it won't be as satisfying."

"My love, we have a guest."


Begrudgingly, Bekka released Erica from the dramatic chokehold that she held her in and allowed her to keep breathing.

Erica rubbed her neck as the bruising quickly faded, and she ostentatiously flashed Abaddon a provocative wink along with a whispered thank you.

Of course, he pretended that he did not see it so that there would be no more risk of Bekka stuffing a teacup down her windpipe.

'She's become much more aggressive as of late…'

Abaddon was glad that he was as strong as he was, because if he wasn't he was 995% sure that Erica would try to take him forcefully.

He thought of a game that may have helped aid in breaking her of her fascination with him, and smiled mischievously as he put it into motion.

Sipping his tea as normally as possible, he nonchalantly shifted into his human appearance, and waited for her to notice. 

And she did... immediately. 

But unlike what he was expecting, the look she was giving him did not change.

Instead, she looked like she became even more voracious, and she licked her lips discreetly before he inevitably changed back. 

'I don't think I feel safe...'

"Hey veil lady!"


Mira leaned in close to Asherah and subjected her to the full weight of her childlike curiosity. 

"How come you came to our house? We don't get a lot of guests who aren't family."

"Well your mothers and father did some bad things on earth so they brought me here as a means of apology."

"Bad things? Like kissing private-"

"M-Mira honey, we were just a little bit naughty and broke a few things that we shouldn't have." Lisa interjected with a nervous laugh. 

"Like our backs..."Audrina muttered. 

Mischievously, Valerie chuckled and the two clinked their cups together like a couple of best friends with knowledge of an inside joke. 

"A-Anyway.." Abaddon hurriedly tried to shift the conversation into an avenue that did not involve his bedroom efficiency. 

"Have you kids gotten a chance to meet your grandma Imani yet?"

At the table, the eyes of all of the children lit up. 

Gabbrielle: "We have."

Apophis: "She's really great."

Thea: "She made us crawfish étouffée the other night and it was heavenly...!"

Belloc: "She opened my eyes to the miracle of beignets... I will never be able to go back to my life as before."

Mira: "She taught me how to say swears in creole!"

Abaddon felt his heart warming slightly as he smiled into his cup. 

He was a bit worried about how his mother would acclimate to being in such unfamiliar surroundings, but hearing that she was getting along so splendidly with the family was a revelation better than he could have hoped for. 

"Thank you for making her feel so welcome, my children." he said sincerely. 

At his praise, all of his children smiled adorably and touched his heart. 

"Where is she? I hope you were able to set her up with a nice room in the castle."

As quickly as they showed up, all of the smiles on his children disappeared as they looked every other way but at their father. 

Thea: "D-Did you bring us anything back from earth?"

Belloc: "Mother, did you succeed in copying the media databases from all over the world like we talked about?"

Mira: "I-I want to hear more about how the ten of you got into trouble!"

Abaddom's brow twitched as he leaned both elbows on the table. 

"My precious children... why do I feel as though you are keeping something for me?"

Straga, Yamaya and Yamaja each stared at the rest of their siblings accusatorially. 

*Unanimous inconspicuous whistling ensues*

Abaddon gave up getting any answers out of these five so he simply searched for his mother on his own. 

Since all of Sheol was his, he found her easily. 

"Please excuse me."

In an instant, he teleported from his seat and left the rest of his family behind. 

Once he was gone, all of his wives stared at their children with clear anticipation. 

"Would any of you like to explain what that was about?" Lailah asked for the group. 

"Grandma Imani got married to Grandpa Asmodeus!"


Unanimously, all of Abaddon's wives choked on their tea as their eyes left their skulls. 




"We need all of the details!"

Like a sea of women at a nail salon, Thea gave her mothers all of the tea about her grandparents' new relationship. 

While all of this was going on, Asherah sat quietly and listened to every word without any real interest in the subject. 

She was just rather glad to see the family dynamic of her first creation up close and personal like this. 

'You relaxed as soon as he left.'

Out of the corner of her eye, Asherah glanced at Gabbrielle.

The third princes was still sitting quietly in her seat on the other end of the table, not even making direct eye contact with her. 

And yet her voice was still within Asherah's head. 

'I'm sure that you can understand why. I am a bit worried about him asking me things that he shouldn't.'

'You needn't worry, your little fabrication about him being a god is still believed by him and the rest of the family.'

'...But not you?'

'I have lost my power, not my memories. I know exactly what class of beings produce Aether and Nether in tandem like him.'

'...Are you upset with me for lying to him?'

'No, I of course understand why you did it. But you are running out of time to tell him the truth of the matter.'

'Yes... I noticed that this world was growing rather fast.'

'This? This is nothing. He almost created Mediae on a whim for my sister.'

Asherah was so surprised that she nearly dropped her teacup all over her white dress.

'I am teaching him as little as possible on purpose to slow his ascent, but he is so very clever... his mind is constantly thinking of ways to grow even when he is lying around in his boxers.'

'...I... see.' 

So as not to tip everyone else off about how disturbed she was, Asherah continued drinking leisurely as if there was nothing wrong. 

But in the back of her mind, she was beside herself with unimaginable levels of worry. 

'How funny that for all our power... time is truly not on my side.'


Abaddon appeared right in front of his father and mother's home and knocked on the door. 

A moment later, the door finally swung open and his aunt Lusamine poked her head outside. 

"Oh hey, Abaddon! How was earth?"

"It was.. eventful. Are my parents in?"

"Obviously, it's their house."

"...Then are you going to stand aside and let me in?"

"Will you tell me that you missed me firs- Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry! Ow!!" 

Placing his entire hand on top of Lusamine's head, Abaddon gave her cranium a few necessary squeezes as he moved her aside. 

Stepping inside of his parents' house, he smiled when he saw that both of his adoptive sisters were already there. 

"You're back!"

"It's good to see you, brother!"

Both girls came flying into his arms and hugged him with all of their might, and he promptly reciprocated. 

"Eh? My boy is home?" 

A familiar melodic voice played Abaddon's ears and he looked up just in time to see his mother Imani coming in from the kitchen. 

"It's good to see you, Mother. I'm glad everyone has been taking care of you in my absence."

Smiling happily, Imani rushed to join the group hug taking place between her three children. 

"You've really built a wonderful home here, my son. The air, the architecture, the people... it is all so incredible."

"I can hardly take credit for it, mother. I've just had some good people helping me along the way Like my sisters here for example." 

Abaddon pressed his forehead against Kanami's and Malena's as a show of tenderness and thanks that they reciprocated in kind. 

"And besides, I must give the rest of the credit to my wives Lisa and Valerie have done wonders to ensure that this place is everything that you see."

At the mention of another of Abaddon's wives whom she hadn't yet met, Imani's eyes started to sparkle with a golden light. 

"They have come back with you, yes?? I absolutely have to meet them. Have you all had lunch yet?"

"Well, no but-"

"Imani? Is our boy back??"

Smiling, Abaddon looked towards the staircase where he found both Yara and Asmodeus coming down together. 

Once they saw him, his parents rushed towards him excitedly and joined in the group hug. 

And because the dragon was also excited to see them, he did not attempt to fight off his father's overtly emotional demeanor. 

He figured that if it was just this once, he could act as if he did not hate it and really enjoy the company of his family as they truly-

"Oh, by the way! Your mother and I are together now!" Asmodeus said proudly as he kissed Imani on the cheek.

It was a good thing that Kanami was as strong as she was, because it made it that much easier for her to catch her brother as he started to fall over. 

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