First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 437 An Unexplored Avenue

Yamaya had already seen her sisters and brother in the memories that Abaddon showed her during their second meeting.

And as she watched them all rush in, she felt her heart get caught in her throat.

Thea, her oldest sister and the only one in their family who was human despite having Abaddon's DNA.

"You're back! Apophis and Belloc poisoned me by feeding me atomic wings!"

Apophis, her eldest brother and the one who was the unanimously agreed upon counselor for all of the siblings.

"We did no such thing! She ate it of her own volition but is now wining about the results!"

Next, her adorable yet objectively bloodthirsty sister Mira.

"It was so funny that I almost died! Sister's lips were swollen and red for two whole nights!"

And then there was her mature and all knowing sister Gabbrielle, the former dragon goddess of infinity.

"I am glad that you all are back, I have missed your company very… much?"

Almost on cue, the four siblings stopped just shy of rushing into their parents arms.

For they had just been made aware of the three young babies sitting peacefully in the arms of their parents.

Thea / Mira / Gabbrielle : "BABIES!!!"

Apophis : "Two girls, one boy… we are being closed in on yet again."

The four of them immediately swarmed around the new children with clear excitement and gleeful anticipation.

"Kids, you're being rude…" Lailah scolded lightly.

Thea: "Ah, right. Hello Ms. Asherah."

Apophis: "It is nice to see you again, mother goddess."

Mira: "Hello, veil lady!"

Gabbrielle: "Hello, Asherah. I hope you haven't come to ask me to bestow more origin flame."

The mother of all and the eternal counterpart of Yesh himself was utterly ignored by the children of her first creation.

It was a very humbling experience that she was largely unused to.

"…Hello, children."

Thea stared up at her father with wide eyes as she reached for the baby in his grasp.

"W-What's his name..?"

Smiling, Abaddon brought his son close enough to his daughter's face that he could touch her.

"Thea, this is your younger brother Straga. He is effectively a normal baby so you have to be careful with him, alright?"

Abaddon had conveniently forgotten that Straga was already a god and was absolutely NOT a normal baby.

But because he said to be careful, Thea was so determined that she changed her prized gauntlet into a pair of mittens and reached out to hold her brother.

"Okay, I'm ready..!"


"…What? I already put mittens on!"

"Well you didn't think I would just hand Straga over to you when you haven't even hugged me since I've been back, did you?"

Thea smiled wryly before she threw her arms around her father and hugged him with almost all of her strength.

"I missed you so much… I'm glad you're back, dad."

Feeling his heart warming, Abaddon placed a small kiss on the crown of her head. "Me too, Thea."

He finally passed Straga over to the eldest of his children, and he watched the two of them become instantly captivated with each other and display a powerful familial bond.

Audrina: "Hey, where's my little Bel-Bel?"


Thea, and all of her siblings let out their own surprised choking noises.

Once Audrina brought it up, everyone else in their family finally addressed the absence of the fifth child.

"Don't tell me he's sleeping again or too wrapped up in his reading to notice us?"

Abaddon / Bekka : 'It always amazes me just how much our children can inherit from us…'

Abaddon finally noticed the way that his teenage children were sweating and he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"You all… why do I feel such nervousness coming from you?"


Just as Apophis started to explain, the family finally sensed Belloc's presence return to the castle.

"There he is! And he's brought… a friend?" Lisa tilted her head slightly in confusion, already knowing that her son was an unsociable otaku.

A moment later, the doors to the dining room were flung open and Belloc came running inside with a woman's hand in his.

"You're back! I'm sorry that I wasn't here to welcome you."

"A-A-As am I!"

Abaddon and his wives were completely floored by the sight of their son who usually only wore a hoodie and baggy pants in beach clothes.

He wore simple black swimming trunks with little white eastern dragons embroidered on them; alongside a pair of simple matching slides on his feet.

A beach towel hung around his neck and was currently helping to soak up the water dripping from his wet hair and skin.

At his side, Stheno seemed unusually expressive and nervous as she kept her gaze locked onto the floor.

The Rabisu dragon wore a beautiful white bikini that contrasted perfectly with her inhumanly black skin and dark silver hair.

Her lean, but chiseled figure was very sexy and feminine, yet it also exhuded a power that was becoming of one of Abaddon's best.

Belloc's parents could have continued to play ignorant, but two matching apparel items the pair wore made such a thing impossible.

Belloc wore a simple black baseball cap with an image of a little green alien on it that said 'I come in peace.'

Stheno wore one with a similar design, only hers said : 'I'm peace.'

Both of them also had no small amount of hickeys on their necks.

"Oh, right… I wanted to tell you all that Stheno and I are together."

"I-I hope that we will have your blessing… I promise that I will be an honorable daughter-in-law if the time should ever come."

Abaddon and all of his wives wanted to speak, but they were locked into a stunned silence.

Asherah took the liberty of waving her hand and closing all of their jaws that had fallen open from surprise.


The mother goddess stared at the china cup of dark liquid seated in front of her.

'How long has it been… since I ingested something?'

Underneath her veil, she shaped her being to give herself a mouth with a working set of tastebuds and a throat.

She lifted the teacup up to her veil and allowed it to slip past so that she could drink without revealing what was underneath.

The unfamiliar sensation of taking something into her being took a moment to get used to, but she was eventually able to move past it and enjoy her first beverage.

Her tea had a very mild and delicate flavor with a subtle sweetness on the back of her tongue that just made the mother goddess want to keep drinking.

"This is.. a marvelous experience indeed." Asherah finally said. "It would be even better if all of you did not look like you were about to die."

As long as Asherah had been around Abaddon and his wives, she had never seen them like this.

Faced down on the table, each of them making no noise or sound.

It was worth noting that Abaddon's children were around as well, but because they already expected this they were not too concerned with their parents' reactions.

"I am surprised at all of your behavior. How can you behave this way as if you are unhappy with your child's growth?"

Lillian: "We are always happy to see our children grow…"

Audrina: "But they are so cute when they are babies…"

Seras: "Just once, we would like to see them remain as children a little longer…"

Bekka: "The passage of time is too cruel to us…"

Abaddon: "I must learn how to manipulate time with my powers asap…"

All: "Indeed…"

*unanimous sighing ensues*

"U-Umm… I don't understand something…"

While still facedown at the table, everyone tilted their heads slightly so that they could look at a rather embarrassed Stheno.

"Are you displeased with me as a candidate for your son..? Or not?"

Belloc put down the muffin he had been working on to squeeze her hand lightly. "I told you, dear. To them it's more about-"

"Don't be silly!"


While still slightly teary eyed, Tatiana pulled the ancient demoness in and sandwiched her head between her breasts.

Feeling a great many new experiences at once, Stheno was utterly unaware of what to do in the moment.

"We are very happy that you two are together and we wish you both nothing but the best. You don't need to be so tense dear."

*muffled* "I-I see… I will strive to be a worthy wife and bear strong and healthy grandchildren."

Almost immediately, it was like a bomb went off in the room as Abaddon and his wives sat up in an instant.

They were so focused on the negatives of their children growing up that they had neglected to think about the overwhelming positives.


As soon as they had this thought, the doors to the kitchen opened up a third time and three red haired women came striding in.

"You're back!"

"It's good to see you all, how was earth??"

"I missed you, Abaddon~"

Not even the ass whooping that she took last time could have made Erica stop flirting with the man of her dreams, and the moment that she saw him again she was back on the prowl.

Against her expectations, Abaddon actually stood up from his chair and appeared in front of the three girls in an instant.

Once again Erica was mesmerized by his one of a kind beauty that was the apex of everything that she had ever wanted in a partner.

She opened her mouth to unload another sultry comment when Abaddon suddenly threw his arms around Claire and Jasmine while smiling magnificently.

"How are you girls' relationships with my son and daughter going? Have you thought about children yet?"



Erica: "I mean I've had some fantasies, but those have more to do with me and you…"

Abaddon only seemed to just now be aware that Erica was here too, and his face warmed under her relentless assault.

"Ah… hello, Erica. I didn't see you there."

"Should I walk in again so that you can get another look?"

"No, that won't be necessary…"

"Are you so certain? I heard that you were fond of watching women walk away~"


"Don't be selfish girls, your needs are taken care of every night and I would like the same."

Abaddon silently backed away from this group of women, already feeling like he was going to develop a migraine from being home.

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