First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 434 Leaving Earth Unlike Before

What do you think would happen if humans one day found out that vampires and the supernatural were real?

Go on, I will give you a moment to think about it.

…Have your answer?

Yes, that's exactly right!


The world went positively mad almost overnight.

And there were just as many different reactions as there are people.





…And a certain section of the internet was displaying a very unchecked and fanatical lust. ('Tumblr' users.)

World governments with compelled officials lying dormant inside had to be uprooted forcefully, and there were rumors that the U.N was putting together a combined strike force to storm Haiti and eliminate the vampires supposedly slumbering beneath the earth.

The only lies that came about from this unexpected revelation of truths were about the leader of the vampires himself.

A man named Mateo Vasquez was said to be an unbridled nightmarish monster.

A vampire who made a deal with the devil in exchange for power that this world shouldn't have possessed and who used it to enact all kinds of mayhem.

He did everything from biting the heads off of babies to violating women, funneling drugs into poor neighborhoods, and being a major investor in the American prison industrial complex.

He was described as an all around disgraceful and parasitic beast who should never have been allowed to walk the earth for even a single microsecond.

He was now being hunted the world over by humans, other vampires, werewolves, and of course the hunters.

All were demanding that this abominable monster be nuked to all hell for the crimes that he had committed against the world.

"Coochie coochie coo!! There's my handsome nephew! How're you doing little man??"


Valerie smiled wryly as she watched Mateo make a number of odd faces and dances to appease the baby boy sitting in her lap.

By this point, she was unsure which of them was having the most fun.

But still, she had to warn him again.

"Be careful, Mat. You keep forgetting that Straga is-"


With unbridled glee, the baby in Valerie's arms became a bit too excited once again and knocked Mateo clear through the wall and sent him flying into oblivion.

Valerie chuckled without much worry as she lifted up the young boy so that they could be face to face.

"My little man is so strong! You sent your uncle Mateo all the way to hell didn't you?"


"I'm so proud of you! You're your father's son alright!"

The eighth of the Tathamet children was a young boy affectionately named Straga.

He had a very warm and delicate golden brown skin tone that was a mix of his mother's and father's.

His eyes were permanently golden like his father's, and he had two short but proud golden horns that stood proudly from a head of short black hair.

Another trait that he had inherited from Valerie and Abaddon was his absurdly muscular body and titanic strength that put even the powered up Mateo to shame.

Like most of Abaddon's children, he showed signs of becoming very attractive in the future.

But for right now, he was just a baby who was still learning to talk and go to the bathroom on his own.

Well… there was one minor difference about him.

"You are just the cutest little god I ever did see!"

The family got more than one surprise when Straga was born two days ago.

The third son was born a god.

Not like Belloc who was born a demigod.

Straga was a fully fledged divine being who would one day grow up to wield the full might of creation, destruction, hope, and monsters.

Like his father and mother who were destruction and creation made flesh, he was capable of breaking things down and putting them back together again in an entirely different manner than he first found them.

Using his divinity of hope, he would destroy something then read his mother's mind accidentally using his divinity of hope.

Then, he would make whatever it was that she might have wanted in the moment and present it to her with child-like glee.

The theory was that he could do the same with his divinity of monsters, although he would be pulling on the target's fears instead of their hopes to create the most diabolical creature that they could envision.

A moment later, Valerie heard a gust of wind and Mateo came flying back in from the rapidly closing hole in the wall.

The lower half of his jaw was completely obliterated, but healing at a decent speed.

Somehow Valerie felt like he was still going to keep playing with the baby even though he had just come dangerously close to death already.

"I warn you about getting too close to him!" Valerie said.

"Hahaha, I know, I know! But he is just so very adorable that I cannot help but suffer a slap or two just to appreciate his cheeks!"

"You had better hope that he doesn't accidentally unmake you. Or even worse, alter you into a creature that you cannot even recognize."

"Haha… you're kidding, right?"


"Big sis?"

Valerie got up without saying another word and simply carried Straga to another room.

Leaving Mateo behind to contemplate how he has almost had his life taken away by a baby on numerous occasions today.


"How are things going?"

Abaddon looked up from his task on the living room floor and smiled when he saw Tatiana and Valerie enter at the same time.

"They're going well, I think that we will be ready to return home soon. I am only making the final adjustments now."

"And how's the bonding going?" Tatiana asked with a smile.

Abaddon looked down at the two young girls sitting on opposite sides of his lap.

They were very clearly twins, and both girls were equally adorable and precious.

…Even if they did not behave the same.

One of them had a darker, more chocolate skin tone and the other had a brighter caramel complexion.

Like multiple members of their family, they had bright golden eyes that coursed with power and confirmed that they were part spirit.

They had extremely soft and pretty teal hair that already showed signs of growing very long.

They had the standard horns and pointed ears of a dragon; along with various tattoos in different places on each of them.

The twin with darker skin and a mellow, peaceful temperament was named Yemaya. She was the 6th child. (Leviathan).

The twin with lighter skin who was currently trying to bite off the skin on Abaddon's arm was named Yemaja, and she was the seventh child.(Livyatan).

Both girls were named after the Orisha sea goddess; Yemoja.

Just like their namesakes, they were also great goddesses of the water.

Where their birth mother symbolized the ocean in all of it's entirety, Yemaya embodies the ocean's protection, while Yemaja is it's wrath.

"What does it look like? We are becoming closer and closer by the second." Abaddon said with a smile.

"No!" Yemaja complained. "We most certainly are not bonding! You are not my father!"

"Oh? It certainly seems like my wife gave birth to you though."

"T-That's because you're all weird! Now stop trying to give me cheek kisses!"



Yemaja hated this so much!

Last week, she was living her normal boring life in Sheol surrounded by her old riches that had somewhat lost their value.

Then all of a sudden, her very blood started to heat up and she suddenly became a mass of pure energy that vanished from the land of dragons.

At the next time she gained consciousness, she realized that she was somewhere dark, humid, and all encompassing.

And she wasn't alone.

She spent the next six days growing slowly, accumulating more and more power and a new body that was drastically more durable and contained much more potential than her old one ever had.

She also was able to talk to her new sister while she grew, but there wasn't much that she wanted to say to her.

How would you feel if you were suddenly trapped in a confined space with the one person who you've been compared to your whole life but never knew?

All of those things considered, it was no wonder that Yemaja was having a hard time adjusting to her new life and family.

Yemaya on the other hand…

"…May I have the cheek kisses?"

"Of course, my darling. Your father has enough for you both."

Abaddon proved his statement in kind by showering both of his daughters in affection, irregardless of whether or not they wanted it or not.

Yemaya seemed to sense her twin's mood get worse for some reason and she stared at her quietly before inevitably dismissing her inner thoughts.

Abaddon of course noticed this and sighed internally in his heart.

Clearly, his two youngest daughters were going to need more than just affection before they could really behave like family.

'All in good time… I'll add it to my list of things to do when I get home.'

Abaddon gently put Yemaja to sleep before she even knew it was happening and handed Yemaya to the anxious Tatiana.

As both she and Valerie stared at the item sitting on the floor in front of them, they silently wondered if this latest scheme of his was too crazy.

"My love, are you sure that you wish to use them like this..?" Tatiana asked warily.

"Those are really precious… and they could help our people back home a lot." Valerie added.

Abaddon could not say that he did not understand their skepticism, but he had already made up his mind.

"You know me, girls. When our children make a request of me I will never half ass it. There will be another time in the future to collect resources for our people. Or have you already forgotten about our next trip?"

Both girls smiled wryly before shaking their heads in denial.

"Alright then… You will here no more objections from us."

"As long as you know what you are doing, babe."

Abaddon thanked them with their own kisses for their confidence and reached out in front of him to pick up the item causing such a disagreement.

The small bag he'd obtained from his last campaign; the one that contained billions of powerful nephilim souls.

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