First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 433 Surprises All Around

Outside of what used to be Raphael's home, a small army of rather militant vampires looked like they were ready to burn the whole place down.

They hadn't come with torches or spears of any kind, but there were a few who were armed with guns containing either metal or wooden bullets.

They were already starting to make the grandest ruckus possible, demanding to speak to either Abaddon or the one who he was attempting to place in charge.

At the head of the mob were four vampires who were dressed in the dressed in a variety of the nicest designer suits that money could buy.

The banker Charles was also standing within this group of men, and it was easy for one to tell that he was the only one who was truly nervous out of this entire group.

"This is a mistake I tell you… we should not be doing this…!" He reminded.

"We had no choice, Charles. We have to take a stand."

"We know too much for our lives to be wantonly ended at the drop of a hat. We of all people should be able to express our feelings on this matter without fear of repercussions!"

"And we have the numbers! When he sees the majority of us are unsatisfied with this decision, then there will be changes made!"

Charles did not know if his constituents actually knew what they were talking about or not, but the one thing that he did know was that he didn't want to go against Abaddon ever in his life.

If an opportunity for him to flip sides presented itself, then he would waste absolutely no time in doing so and cement some favor with the dragon who was capable of creating chunks of diamond and gold bars out of thin air.


After several minutes of audible protests, the front doors to the home finally swung open and a man that no one recognized stepped out.

While the group were almost expecting the dragon god himself to come out, the man who arrived in his in his place practically stunned them all with his appearance.

Stepping out of the house was a tall man, just a few inches shorter than Abaddon at a solid 6'5. 

He wore a simple yet stylish outfit that consisted of black pants and dress shoes with a white button down shirt. 

Across his shoulders he wore a long, light grey robe with the wrist openings and seams adorned in mayan designs. 

On the back of his outfit there was a mayan-like depiction of a demonic looking black Quetzalcoatl with seven heads instead of one. 

He came outside with a weapon slung over his shoulder; a very large macuahuitl that looked like it was capable of pulverizing a tank with a leisure swing. 

This was the first time that anyone here was seeing what a real vampire was supposed to look like, and since he was made directly from Abaddon's bloodline the effect was even more pronounced. 

"You niños look a bit disgruntled, no? I wonder why that is."

The man beside Charles stepped forward, clearly aggrieved to see Mateo seem so haughty as if he had already settled into his role as king despite having no real claim to it. 

"We have no words to share with you, Mateo! Go and get your master and we will speak with him in your stead."

Briefly, Mateo felt his grip on his weapon tighten and his jaw slightly clenched. 

Abaddon had already warned him about this, but he was still slightly pissed now that it was actually happening. 

Because of who the dragon was and the nature of how he and Mateo met, people would assume that there was a hierarchical master-servant relationship between the two of them.

But Abaddon did not want that. 

He simply hoped that since he and Mateo were of the same vision, they would be able to lend each other helping hands when it was needed. 

Abaddon had just been the one to help Mateo first. 

He had also given him the warning that people who tried to infer otherwise were intending monumental disrespect. 

And now that he was in a position of authority, disrespect had to be handled in very specific ways. 

Gradually, Mateo unclenched his jaw and relaxed before raising up a single finger. 

"That was your one free insult, Cabrón. I can promise you that you won't get a second one. Do you want to try that again?"

The vampire, a man named Hamil, seemed more than a little caught off guard by Mateo's drastic change in personality. 

He could still vividly remember the days where he was a weak and sniveling dhampir who wouldn't even speak up when he was driving Raphael's car. 

"If you all are looking for Abaddon, I'm afraid you are going to have to wait he's a little busy with his wives at the moment... Lucky bastard."

Mateo muttered that last bit, but since everyone in attendance had super hearing he may as well have used a bullhorn. 

The new king sighed as he started twirling his weapon around and started to walk towards the assembled crowd. 

"Actually, I see this as a fine opportunity. I knew I would have to address you all at some point and there seems to be no better time than now."

"You are NOT our king, halfbreed! We owe you no-"


There was a flash of light before an explosion that sounded like a cannon went off. 

From Mateo's outstretched palm, a blast of destructive violet mana flew outward and blew apart Hamil's entire upper body, minus only his legs and head. 

"Hey! Did you see that, Sister Lailah?! I did it- Oh, right you all are busy." Mateo realized.

"What did you just do?!"


"It got in my eye!!"

While Mateo watched the first few vampires in line panic and wipe blood off their thousand dollar clothes, there was one who was not so disturbed. 

Another of the influential vampire lords shakily held up a small trigger that looked like a silver capsule with a red button on it that was already being pressed down. 

"That is quite enough, Mateo! Do not dare to take another step forward!"

"That's your one." Mateo warned carefully. 

"I-I mean it! I don't care what fancy new powers the dragon has given you! If you take one more action without my permission then my finger comes off this switch and the whole world is going to know about everything!"

Mateo was so surprised by this revelation that he buried his weapon in the ground and leaned against it like a pillar. 

"Wow... you all abhor my existence so much that you would be willing to expose us to the entire world rather than serve under me?"

"That's right!"

"Oof... this is a new level of bigotry. Nevertheless though, it makes my speech that much easier and simpler."

In the blink of an eye, Mateo appeared directly in front of the old vampire and shredded him cleanly down the middle with his jagged weapon. 

He easily snatched away the dead man's switch with out removing his thumb from the red button and turned his attention towards the stunned and slightly fearful crowd of vampires. 

"Alright, can everyone hear me? Good. Today I am here to tell you that it doesn't matter if none of you want to serve me, because you aren't the kind of people I want to build with in the first place. 

You think I got this gift and just forgot about everything I have seen in the last sixteen years? The corruption we spread among the humans, the way we compelled them to never leave this place so that they could keep our bellies full?

How we have controlled multiple aspects of their lives from the shadows even if they do not live in Haiti?? No, no, no, I haven't forgotten any of that. And I'm not just going to let it slide either. So in that regard..."

Mateo held up the dead man's switch and gave it a quick once over under the horrified gazes of everyone present. 

"As far as this whole letting the whole world find out thing... I'm not too worried about it, and I don't think it really matters. After all, the world's about to get turned upside down anyway."

With zero sense of fear or concern, Mateo tossed the switch over his shoulder and let it hit the ground. 

In that instant, an electronic signal was broadcasted to every tv, radio, smartphone and satellite on the face of the earth. 

Mateo pulled out his own phone that was vibrating hard enough to give a woman a happy ending. 

There, numerous news articles were rolling in by the second, with everything from crime reports, to photographs and all around confirmation of the supernatural. 

"Yea... they're going to be really mad about this." Mateo chuckled as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Ah well, I hope they'll be able to take some condolences in the fact that all of the people responsible for this stuff are dead." 

"W-Wait, you can't do this!! What kind of king kills all of his subjects!?"

"You have already said that I am not your king, and I certainly don't see you as my people. I will make new vampires with new values, ideals, and temperaments. I feel that is the best way to move forward so that we can join hands with the evolved humanity."

"H-He's crazy!"

"It's all over!"


Smiling proudly, Mateo slung his weapon over his shoulder as he picked out the first couple of vampires to die as retribution. 

"I will make this quick, niños! It's judgement day!!"


'I told him not to use that catchphrase.' Abaddon thought with a wry smile. 

He would have gone to watch Mateo personally, but he currently had bigger matters to attend to. 

For some reason, Valerie and Tatiana were ready to give birth an entire day early. 

The both of them were lying side by side in two tubs of water for a more natural water birth. 

After around twenty minutes, they were now fully dilated and ready to start pushing, and they gave each other reassuring looks as they began the painful process.

And as always, there was lots of colorful language being thrown about.






When the two girls finally finished giving birth, the rest of their family could not help but stare at them with wide eyes. 

Valerie had given birth to a... very healthy baby boy. 

In fact he was so healthy that he may have been the first baby ever born with an eight pack.

And Tatiana on the other hand...

"It is good to be out. I was starting to feel a bit cramped inside-"

"Fuck that noise!! Abaddon, what did you do to me!?"

Though the voice was small and different from what he was used to, the dragon god would have recognized it anywhere. 


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