First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 431 Mateo Almost Dies... A Lot

Chapter 431  Mateo Almost Dies... A Lot

Standing in front of Abaddon was a man that was practically unrecognizable from his previous self.

At 6'5 in height, he was a lean yet chiseled piece of marble with a healthy tanned complexion. While before Mateo possessed something of a baby face and voice, now he both looked and sounded like a real man. His short hair was no longer immeasurably clogged with grease and now possessed a natural luster and sparkle that was incomparable to any amount of product. His shirt had popped open to reveal a chest that was jammed packed with well defined and impressive muscles. Abaddon assumed him to be so stunned by his transformation that he could barely function, and he let out a chuckle as if he were watching a kid play with a new toy for the first time. "Quite surprising isn't it? No matter how many times my body changes myself, I still find it to be-"

"W-Who is this girl??"


Mateo turned Abaddon's phone back around to show him his Lock Screen. There, one could see a group photo with every member of his family on it, smiling happily and looking like the most Mateo's focus was on the mature looking dark skinned woman with silver hair who had angel wings coming out of her back and looked to be sleeping peacefully. "...That is my younger sister, Malenia."

"I-Is she single!?"

"..." Abaddon showed a smile that was not a smile as his brow twitched dangerously with homicidal rage. He already knew that his sisters were especially pretty, in fact they already had a great number of suitors clamoring for them. But both of them had already claimed that they were looking for very different things in prospective partners. Kanami did not want to submit to anyone, and Abaddon was unsure whether or not she had her eyes on multiple male or female partners. Malenia did not seem to want anyone at all honestly, and given the fact that she was part angel, that could not be said to be all that surprising. But as their brother, Abaddon knew exactly what he wanted for both of them already. A kind and gentle man without too much blood on his hands who was also strong enough to protect them if they should ever be in danger. Though that dream was significantly more difficult to achieve with Kanami's strength being so monstrous that few in the land of Sheol were capable of rivaling her. But irregardless of his hopes, the dragon god was not necessarily ready to hand over precious members of his family to anyone, much less Mateo.

No matter how well his first impression had gone off. "Mateo... how do you feel about your head?" Abaddon asked dangerously. "...I'm pretty attached to it." "Would you like it to stay that way?"


Abaddon snatched his phone back and fought the urge to take Mateo's heart along with it. Now that he was no longer so distracted by the beauty of Malenia, the newborn vampire finally noticed just how much stronger he felt compared to this morning. He picked up the remnants of a broken mirror and stared at himself in an entirely new light. "This is... me..?"

"It is. What do you think?"

"I look like a fuckboy."

"Yes you do my friend. It comes with the territory I'm afraid."

Mateo suddenly sniffed the air in the room and gagged as he was nearly knocked onto his butt by the stench. "Shit! What is that smell?!" "Also you. I am amazed by just how many impurities can reside in that frail little body of yours. The hell where you doing? Drinking rat blood?"

When Mateo fell silent again, Abaddon let out a deeply held sigh as he placed a hand on his shoulder. "The past matters not. For now, all that you need to know is that the future will be whatever you make it. You need not ever dine like that ever again... Unless of course you have developed a taste for it then.."

"Ha! Not likely!" Mateo laughed. Once Abaddon saw his spirits were lifted, he gave him a pat on the shoulder and sent him upstairs to shower. After Mateo was gone, the dragon turned his gaze back towards the group of assembled vampires who were still standing around in wonder. "Go. Spread the news as far as you can about his ascendency. Transfer all of Raphael's accounts, assets, and contacts over to him."

Using his authority over monsters, the men did not even hesitate to follow his orders as they scrambled out the door. Only after he was alone did he call three women from their hiding place. Lailah appeared atop his shoulders while Bekka and Seras found their way underneath each of his arms. "Our love has made a friend!"

"How unlike you. You're becoming sentimental in your old age."

"You've chosen well though. He seems to have great potential as a leader."

Abaddon rolled his eyes at all of his wives but Lailah. "Yes, well... he will still require some proper instruction first. I've given him too much power just to let him figure things out on his own. He could hurt somebody or even himself."

Bekka's eye shone thoughtfully as she rested her head on Abaddon's shoulder. "We do not have a lot of time to teach him, darling. Tati and Val are due in two days and our trip ends in three."

"I'm aware..." Abaddon said with slight disappointment. "We will teach him what we can with the time we have and hope that it will be enough. Luckily this new body of his does not require sleep so that should gift us more time."

"Right... what should we start him with?" Seras asked. "He has no idea what a real vampire is supposed to be able to do. We should teach him about his new body first." Abaddon offered. "He doesn't look like he can fight at all. Since his combat will need the most work, I recommend we start there."

"Actually, I would suggest-"


A loud noise suddenly rang out from upstair and all four of them looked towards the ceiling with empty, tired eyes. No more than two minutes later, Mateo came running down the stairs with soap and water still on his body and a towel wrapped around his figure. "A-Abaddon, you won't believe this shit! I was just staring at the shower head minding my own business and it suddenly exploded and now the bathroom is...Hey, where did those women come from?"

In perfect synchronicity, Abaddon, Bekka, and Seras looked up at Lailah with expectant eyes. """Magic studies first."""

- 7 Hours Later Mateo Vasquez was born just outside of El Salvador to a human mother and a vampire father. Contrary to what most would have expected from such an upbringing, he did not have an unhappy childhood in the slightest. His mother and father had a great relationship that was full of love and laughter with rarely any unpleasantness. His father's secret was fully known by not only his family, but the entire town. He had grown up in a small, one of a kind community that consisted solely of members of the supernatural mixed with humans. But living together out in the open like that had consequences that could not be avoided. Among the humans, there are three separate divisions. There are the ignorant, the humans that know nothing of the supernatural outside of books, movies, and bad tv shows. They make up around 96% of the human population. The next caste are the knowing, the humans that are fully aware of everything that goes on in the dark and are either fully accepting or just do not care to be involved. They make up around 3%.

The final caste is the smallest, and they are the hardest to find group in the world. The hunters are humans with special powers, traps, and knowledge who make it their mission to hunt down supernatural creatures wherever they may find them and kill them unmercifully. The reason that they are the smallest among the groups is because there are only ten clans descended from ten families who maintain their special powers and ability to use their divine objects. When Mateo was only eight years old, his village was visited by three of these clans. Needless to say, what followed was an absolute slaughter that resulted in not only all of the supernatural beings there dying, but their human lovers and children as well. The only reason that Mateo was still alive was because when his father told him to run, he listened. Though he had regretted it every single day of his life afterwards. He ended up stowing away on a cargo ship that was heading to the Congo, and was dropped off on a shipping yard right on the outskirts of Haiti. On that day, he was found by members of Raphael's organization who were at the shipping yard for their own purposes. They brought Mateo back to the Necropolis, but not for some heart warming adoption story. He was brought back to be a simple indentured servant. The treatment he received was only slightly better than the compelled humans in the Necropolis who helped the place function by doing all of the tasks that the vampires considered to be beneath them. But since he was half human, he still was never seen as 'one of them'. As the years went by, he had never been able to forget the fear that he had felt when the hunters had come for he and his family. Time and time again, he found himself wishing that he had the strength to overcome that sense of dread and run back to do anything, everything, that he possibly could to see that his father and mother remained safe. And now... that task seems easy. Because the dread he felt when his entire family and village were killed was absolutely nothing.. compared to the fear that was plaguing him right now. *Bang!*

Mateo hit the ground with an a loud thud, groaning and holding his abdomen. He'd dropped his weapon against his better judgement at the last moment, and he let out a cry of indignation when he realized that he would suffer another punishment for dropping it. "Get up, Mateo! We have little time to waste here."

The new vampire king raised his head to look up at the hulking dragon standing above him wielding a black and red Guan dao that gave off an oppressive feeling that made Mateo want to stay down and take a nice nap. "Be honest with me, cabrón.... is this because I asked if your sister was single?"

"No!" (Partially)

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