First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 430 The Most Powerful Vampire King on Earth

Chapter 430  The Most Powerful Vampire King on Earth

Abaddon folded his arms as he tapped his foot impatiently.

Four whole minutes had gone by and not a single vampire in the room had said a god damned thing.

The looks he was receiving now were even more absurd than when he first sprouted his horns and tail. Mateo looked to be the most broken. Abaddon could even hear him repeating the same sentences in his mind over and over again as he tried to make sense of this situation. 'Vampire king..?'


'He's fucking with me.'

'Should I laugh...?'

'No one else is laughing.'

'Does that mean he's not joking..?'

'Vampire king... me??'

This cycle had been repeating itself continuously with no visible end in sight.

The rest of the vampires weren't even saying anything, they were just standing around completely frozen from shock like broken little dolls. "This takes being surprised just a bit too far. Should mere words really cause such a reaction?"

As a response, all Abaddon received were slow, droll nods that made him roll his eyes.

"O-Obviously we know better than to question you.."

"B- But Mateo as our king…?"

"My lord… he is not even a full vampire..!"

"Why on earth would you choose him to replace Raphael??"

Abaddon smirked as he continued to strolll around the room and pluck out wood splinters wherever he found them in the walls.

"I'm not offended by your questions and I can answer them for you but… are you certain that you will not grow resentful over my answer?"

None of the vampires fully understood his question and their faces showed clear anxiety and apprehension that he really did already expect.

"You all don't know it yet, but you only have around… three days of this world continuing to be as you know it before this entire thing changes irreversibly."

Now, it was only fear that could be seen on the faces of the vampires, and Abaddon had to quickly clarify his statement.

"No, the world is not going to end just yet, you still have a bit more time before that happens." He said plainly.

"Then what…?" Mateo asked worriedly.

"The ease with which which you have gotten food until now is going to drastically change. A portion of humanity will soon see a reawakening that will make them more powerful than they have ever been.

Against you, a race of creatures who die after having their hearts pierced by wood, you will be subdued by them with practically no effort at all."


"T-That can't be…!"

"But there is no way that this can be done on such a scale!"

"You have to be joking!"

Abaddon fully expected all of these stunned and disbelieving outcries and merely shrugged as he continued.

"Whether you like it or not, if you want your needs to continue to be met, then you are going to have to invest in diplomacy. This is where I believe that Mateo can aid you.

As a dhampir, he alone has a place in both worlds that will aid in the future you should all be striving for; complete and total cooperation among the humans and monsters by the time that the endwar begins."

Abaddon's declaration did not seem to be going over very well.

A great many of the vampires present looked like they wanted to protest outright but were too scared of his reaction being the reason that they lost all of their lives.

However, he knew what they were thinking even without them saying anything.

"You think what I ask of you to be difficult?"

"D-Difficult?!" One stammered. "It is beneath us! How can you, the source of all monsters, ask us to join hands with humans?!"

"Because If you don't, you're going to die." Abaddon said plainly.

"Y-You cannot be-"

"Even if the humans with their new powers do not wipe you off the face of the earth first, the endwar certainly will. You will not find any side that is willing to either take you in, or spare you in any way."

"Y-You are just saying that! Surely there must be a-"

"You are inept vampires without a fraction of proper military, combat, or magical training whose bloodlines are so thin that you're basically all dhampir anyway.

Heaven will hunt you. Hell will hate you. Despite all that you have now, you will find no faction in creation who care whether or not you live or die.

So you need to make your own. And that will require a worthy leader that I am offering to help you select."

Changing back into his human appearance for some familiarity, Abaddon stepped up to Mateo and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Mateo, I know that my time knowing you has been brief, but I sense a rare gift for forming bonds within you. While I may not know your story, I can sense very clearly that you also want to see the two factions coexist."

"…And how could you possibly know something like that?"

"Would just saying 'I am a god' be a satisfying answer?"

Once again, Mateo had no choice but to give Abaddon an empty, blank stare with no small hint of disbelief.

"…You are not at all what I would expect a dragon to be like, cabrón."

Behind him, the rest of the vampires shook their heads in agreement.

Abaddon smiled wryly as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

"Well… I like to think I'm a bit more fun than them. I have young children to keep entertained, you know?"

Mateo looked like he was going to say something else when Abaddon cut open his palm to reveal his precious golden blood to the room.

Immediately his stomach began to scream at him loudly, and he remembered that he hadn't had anything other than animal blood in over a year.

"Do not let your mind be clouded by your stomach." Abaddon warned. "If you take this, you're accepting a responsibility, as well as great power. Think carefully, and know that there will be no turning back."

Just like that, the fog clouding Mateo's mind seemed to lift in an instant.

He was able to think more clearly, and truly visualize the possible outcomes that would happen if he took this one of a kind blood.

Typically, when one is offered power such as this they lose sight of themselves, and end up becoming tyrannical overlords unrecognizable from their previous selves.

His fear was that in taking the blood he would become no better than Raphael who maintained his foot on Mateo's neck for as long as he was in his service.

He would rather die than watch that happen.

"I won't… become some heartless son of a bitch if I drink that… will I?"

Inwardly please with this question, Abaddon's eyes shone with a humorous light.

"That depends on you. Power can't turn you into something that you aren't, only more of what you already are. So who are you?"

Mateo fell silent as he contemplated the answer to that question for a long time.

When he finally settled on one, he kept it to himself.

However, Abaddon could not help but notice that the look in his eyes was much more confident and bright than before.

And inwardly, he felt very proud.

It would have taken next to no effort for him to put up certain mental barriers within Mateo's mind to ensure that he would always stay as exactly the same kind of person Abaddon wanted him to be.

But such a thing would have been cheap and in bad faith.

And ultimately, Mateo would be stronger for having accomplished it under his own willpower.

Now that Mateo seemed ready, Abaddon controlled a decent sized ball of his blood to flow into the mouth of the dhampir.

It only took a few seconds before his eyes became crossed from ingesting the most heaven defying, delectable, one of a kind blood that he had ever tasted in his entire life.

It was like having god himself within your mouth, smothering every one of your tastebuds with sweet yet somewhat savory love.

There was no comparison in any of the realms above or below!

"I'm glad you enjoyed it because you ate alot. Meaning this is going to hurt all the more." Abaddon suddenly said.

"Hmm..?" Mateo muttered drunkenly.

Abaddon said nothing and instead held up three fingers for a silent countdown.





Abaddon backed away and pinched his nose as Mateo fell to his knees screaming.

The dhampir clutched his head as his whole body became wracked with pain and smothered in a dense red aura.

Every vein in his body was bursting over and over again in an effort to make his body leagues more powerful than he ever should have been.

Suddenly, the pores all across his skin opened to a visible degree, and released a noxious black gas that made an oil rig's air pollution seem like vape smoke.

Normally, when Abaddon rebuilds a being's body they are coming from Dola where the environment is significantly cleaner and less impure.

However, there were drastically more impurities within the body of someone living on earth.

Abaddon's blood was literally burning all of those things out of Mateo's system, while simultaneously latching on to any healthy cells and bestowing them with explosive growth and power.

However, it was an egregiously painful process.

Twenty minutes later, after the room was already filled with horrible smelling smoke, Mateo finally stopped screaming.

When he picked himself up from the floor, Abaddon let out an impressed whistle.

"There. Now you look like a vampire."

He held up his phone's camera to show the young man the full glory of his new appearance, and Mateo let out a cry of surprise, in what was a much deeper and more charming voice than he remembered possessing.

"Santa mierda…!" (Holy shit)

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