First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 419 Cue ‘The Little Mermaid’ Soundtrack!

Chapter 419 Cue ‘The Little Mermaid’ Soundtrack!

Bekka: "Up on the shore they work all day, out in the sun they slave away~!?While we're devoting, full time to floating under the sea!"

Lisa: "Down here all the fish is happy~ As off through the waves they roll!?The fish on the land ain't happy! They sad cause they in the bowl!"

Valerie: "But fish in the bowl is lucky, they in for a worser fate!?One day when the boss get hungry, guess who gon be on the plate?"

"""Under the sea! Under the sea!!"""

Within the freezing cold and dark waters of the northern Pacific Ocean, a monstrous dragon could be seen swimming persistently through the waters.

Atop one of it's seven heads sat a group of three women whose arms were all wrapped around each other as they sang a beloved children's song at the top of their lungs; seemingly magically unaffected by their underwater surroundings.

Bekka, Lisa, and Valerie were all singing a particular soundtrack that they fit their current surroundings to a tee, and they had already repeated that specific song six times over.

But now, it seemed like they were ready for a change of pace.

"Alright, next has to be 'Part of Your World!'" Valerie said cheerfully.

"No! As the strongest, I demand 'Kiss the Girl!" Bekka added mischievously.

""That shit is getting real old!"" Valerie and Lisa punched Bekka in her respective arms and easily disarmed her vanity.

"Besides, if we sing that song right now we're going to want to kiss our husband, and he's busy right now!" Lisa pointed out.

"Oh.. right, I forgot that was part of the appeal." Bekka agreed.

Tatiana: "I would also like to vote for 'Part of Your World!'

Eris : "As would I! Might I join you in song now?"


Bekka: "You're literally a song goddess now! Even your moans are prettier than ours!"

Valerie: "You'll make us sound like shit!"

Lisa: "You're like Beyoncé and we're Destiny's Child! Everyone knows you don't need us!"

Eris smiled wryly and just decided to take her exclusion as a compliment.

With their next song selected, the girls locked arms once again and took in a deep breath as they began.

"Maybe he's right~ Maybe there is something the matter with me..!"

As he listened to the girls sing, Abaddon had to stop himself from smiling so casually in his monstrous form.

As a dragon, his fangs were constantly secreting a terrible venom that if spilled casually could poison an entire ocean and mutate any fish that were fortunate enough to survive.

It might have been something he would consider in the future, but not while his precious daughter was sleeping down here.

'You're enjoying this, aren't you?'

Abaddon suddenly felt his center head receive a loving pat from Audrina, and he suppressed a smirk when he realized his mood had been found out.

How could he not be happy when a few hours scrolling through Disney plus a few days ago would bring him a scene as bliss as this one?

'I am. What gave me away?'

'You accidentally sped up a while back when they first started singing. Your tail still betrays you after all of this time.'

Abaddon cursed his extra appendage as his wife laughed at him heartily.

'It is nothing to be embarrassed about, darling. You simply continue to surprise me everyday with how much you care for us.'

'I had thought you were aware by now. You are all my reason for living. My most precious existences.'

'We know, but… it is still nice to feel it put into practice.'

Audrina lay on her stomach and planted a small kiss on the scales between his eyes.

'And just so you know, we all feel the same way about you as well.'

Currently, Abaddon was wondering if it would be possible to take a small pit stop underwater to see just how expressive his darling Audrina could be with her love.

And perhaps because she knew what she had done, she smiled mischievously as she ran her hands along his scales.

'Later.' She whispered.

Her promise sent shivers down his spine, and he tried his best to think about other aspects of his life that weren't focused on procreation.

Eventually, they hit 30,000 feet deep within the cold and dark waters and Abaddon had begun to feel like something was wrong.

At a certain point, he stopped seeing life down here.

However, he could feel lots and lots of different presences in the water all around him.

They were large, somewhat dragon-like, and clearly water breathing.

Not one of them dared to show up in front of him, so he simply continued his descent without a second thought.

Eventually, he happened upon an ancient and ruined underwater city that looks to have been very prosperous at one point.

At the back of the city, there was a large creature asleep within the rubble.

At around 100 meters height, she was larger than any other creature that Abaddon could feel from down here.

Her scales were a beautiful dark teal color, and her muzzle, though ferocious looking, was filled with numerous perfect white teeth.

"Aww... she's such a big girl!"

"So precious!"

"She looks like such a wonderful snuggler!"

After hearing voices underwater that she didn't recognize, the creature began to stir from it's slumber.

Blinding blue eyes illuminated the darkness when they flashed open, and they immediately scoured her domain for whatever voices had interrupted her rest.

"?? ??..? ?? ??? ????? ??-" (What is this..? Who dares intrude into my-)

When Leviathan saw the enormous seven-headed dragon in the shape of a naga, her mind was immediately transported back to a few months ago when she woke up from her slumber to find a strange voice in her head, who claimed to be her father.

Upon looking at this being, she knew those two individuals to be one and the same.

She sat up slowly as she began to back away, unsure of what was about to happen.

As one of the most powerful beings in this world, she wasn't used to feeling overwhelmed by the presence of another, but this dragon's sudden arrival had put her on edge.

Perhaps because they saw their queen looking nervous, the sea creatures who had been lurking in the shadows all this time swallowed their lingering fear before rushing to her defense.

"The queen is frightened!"

"Deal with this intruder immediately!"

"Do not give in to his fear!"

The sea monsters had only barely begun to rush at Abaddon when they were suddenly knocked to the bottom of the ocean by an invisible force and cemented into the ground.

As she sat cross legged on top of Abaddon's head, Lailah's eyes were glowing an unsettling red?color, and her demeanor was just about the coldest that her family had ever seen it.

"Since your intentions were to protect my daughter I will allow you all to keep your lives. But do not make this mistake again."

Unconsciously, Lailah's entire family suppressed small shudders.

They knew that they were seeing her domination divinity in full effect, but it was still quite different from what they had expected it to be.

It made them all feel really funny inside, and filled them with a desire to see a strong and dominant woman like her be dominated in bed.

'That's hot...' they all thought at once.

Because their minds are all connected, Lailah heard every single one of them at the same time and a small red blush formed on her tanned cheeks.

"Please, my loves.. Not in front of our daughter."

Valerie : "Okay."

Abaddon : "You're in for it when we go back to the hotel though..."

All: "Definitely."

Lailah blushed again as she crossed her leg out of a mild sense of fear, already anticipating another sleepless night that would take days to recover from.

"????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????!" (What have you come here for? Why are you harming my people?!) Leviathan asked.

The group quickly shook off their inappropriate thoughts and antics so that they could seem like normal, responsible parents.

Abaddon shrank back to his regular appearance and floated towards his daughter ominously.

"Your mother was not harming them, dear. She just needed them out of the way so that your family could have a simple discussion with you."

"...???? ???" (About what..?) Leviathan asked suspiciously.

"It is time for you to come home. Your entire family awaits you back in Sheol and we are here to bring you back to them."

"??? ?? ?????. ?? ???? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??." (I have no family. What you see before you is all that I have.)

Abaddon drug his golden eyes across the dark and barren underwater land that was teaming with sea monsters of every shape and size; all equally loyal to his daughter.

"This is nice, but you do indeed have a family, my darling. Let me show you now."

The dragon god placed a hand on Leviathan's snout, and she saw a wave of memories that didn't belong to her.

Somehow, it was true.

She really did have a family in wherever this 'Sheol' was.

She had a ditzy older sister, a studious one, and a maniacal one!

She had a dependable older brother, and a NEET one!

She had two perverted grandparents, a sweet grandmother, another set of warlike grandparents, and even two sweet aunts!

And this man... he was her father.

She was born from his flesh, and the power she held now was initially his own.

It was hard to come to terms with, but she could not deny the gravity of everything she had witnessed.

And subconsciously, she wanted to go with this man and meet everyone that he was promising to introduce to her.

However, there was still something that was holding her back.

"Your people are welcome to come as well." Abaddon offered. "Anyone who would protect you so fervently certainly deserves to-"

"I am sorry....father. But I can not go with you." Leviathan said honestly.

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