First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 418 Demon Goddess Galore!

Chapter 418 Demon Goddess Galore!

As one would ave expected, it took the gods and goddesses assembled at the meeting a while to subdue Ares.

Unlike when he fought against Abaddon, the powers the war god used were more flashy in terms of ability.

Instead of simply relying on his body and knowledge alone, Ares summoned a legion of dead warriors felled in battle, and led his army to lay waste to the gods.

But right now, Zeus was staring down at his son who seemed to be almost feral in nature.

Ares was screaming a great number of obscenities at his father from underneath a glowing golden net, seemingly not showing any signs of calming down at all.

The rest of his army had already been put back to rest by any assembled death gods, leaving him alone once again.

Eventually, the thunder god grew tired of listening to his son's irate ramblings and stomped on his face hard enough to crack pavement- knocking him out.

"How many did he kill before being brought down?"

Standing at Zeus' she was a beautiful woman in a white dress with long chocolate brown hair.

She had a stern, no-nonsense demeanor about her that she almost seemed to have inherited from her father.

Her cold, icy grey eyes swept over the destroyed colosseum where the bodies of some gods had been hacked into pieces or run clean through with blades.

"Around eighty or so."

"Anyone important?"

"...In addition to Aphrodite, Hermes was not quite fast enough to survive having his head detached from his body." Athena said honestly.

"Tch.." Zeus clicked his teeth in frustration as he kicked the unconscious body of Ares.

Now was not the time for olympians to start dying out needlessly, not when they were so close to vanquishing the threat breathing down their necks.

"This.. doesn't matter for now. Go find Osiris and Amaterasu and tell them what we've learned." Zeus decided.

Athena nodded and prepared to follow her father's orders when a familiar spectacle unfolded.

Small, brilliant flecks of starlight fluttered down from the sky above, and brought along with them the familiar prickly sensation that came from the presence of a higher being.

"On this day, three new anointed ones have come into being..."

'Don't tell me...'

Despite Zeus' gripe, the mother goddess only continued to make his headache even worse.

"Lailah Tathamet, Demon Goddess of..."







"And Foresight."

"Bekka Tathamet, Demonic Tiangou Goddess of..."

"The Void..."







"And sloth."

"Lisa Tathamet, Dragon Goddess of..."







"And Motherhood."

With the end of Asherah's announcement came an even larger headache for Zeus.

And as he rubbed his temples, he thought of an entirely different issue.

They were spending all of this time dealing with Abaddon and the threat he posed, but the dragon god would not act alone.

As they'd just learned, the women at his side were also getting stronger at every turn they could.

They needed to be dealt with, but since they were said to be equally as attractive as their husband... it was possible that he may need to keep a few for himself.


Abaddon watched all three of his wives come floating back down from their dissipating columns of light with a massive smile on his face.

Godhood had done the bodies of his wives exceptionally well!

Lailah displayed the least amount of changes, but her ascension had filled her body out more in all of the right places and made her look older and more mature.

On the other hand, Lisa looked like she had actually lost weight and gotten younger.

Her stomach had shrank and become more tied and her breasts appeared to have shrank a cup size or so.

But on the other hand, her thighs were full and soft looking and her ass was still big enough to sit a cup on top of, so Abaddon would never complain.

But out of the three of them, Bekka changed the most.

Her black skin and orange eyes were back; paired with her head full of silver hair and a new symbolic tattoo on her right arm.

The abs on her body still looked sharp enough to grate cheese, but now they also had a softness to them that made one want to touch her endlessly.

But as charming as she was, there was something more noticeable about Bekka now.

She was scary.

Looking into her bright orange eyes was akin to staring back into the deep and dark unknown, where there was no fear, hope, or light.

There was only a dark, bottomless, unfathomable-

"I'm so hungry!"

Everyone stared at Bekka with slack jaws and empty gazes.

"You have just reached godhood... and those are the first words you have to say?" Abaddon asked.

"Should there be more?"


"...I think I want chicken wings. Can we go back to America really quickly?"


"Hold on a moment!"

Seras stormed to the front of the crowd and scrutinized Bekka carefully.

She sniffed her, dragged her eyes over every corner of her body, and even gave her cheek an investigative lick.

But that did not change what she already knew.

"What the hell... You're stronger than me..!"

For the longest time, Bekka and Seras have had a cute but needless rivalry.

Both of them had been raised with warlike natures, and because of that they had been competing against each other to see who was the better warrior.

The competition was always a 50/50 one.

Seras was a hard worker, and a student of two very powerful parents.

But Bekka was natural talent personified.

She didn't train until she physically felt herself becoming rusty, and whenever she sparred against Seras she was able to copy anything new she saw her do within a few moves.

And then, she would go take a four hour nap afterwards as if she couldn't stay awake after expending so much energy.

After Seras ascended to godhood, their contests were temporarily put on hold.

But now that they were equals in status for the first time in their lives, Seras could feel it plainly.

Next to their husband, Bekka was the strongest in the group.

The two of them could fight for twenty days and nights, and she would only be able to win 1/3 of the contests at most.

And only if she cheated.

It was infuriating!

"T-This isn't fair..!" Actual tears started to form in Seras' eyes and she buried her face into Abaddon's chest for comfort.

Bekka's lips curled up into a smile as she suddenly gained an authoritative air out of nowhere.

Her hands dropped to her waist and she laughed proudly with her nose in the air.

"Go on, my family! Give me the praise and acclaim I so deserve!"


"...Along with an offering tray of chicken wings and celery!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and simply ignored her in favor of Lisa and Lailah.

After all, they had ascended too and it wasn't right to simply ignore them just because Bekka was the most surprising.


"You look so beautiful!"

"I hardly recognize you!"

"Oh the kids are going to be so proud!"

Bekka noticed that no one was still paying her attention besides her husband; causing her tail and ears to droop just a bit.

She ran behind Abaddon and crawled on top of his back like she was some sort of monkey and perched there comfortably.

"Is this the burden that comes with being the strongest..? I feel so lonely."

"Don't be silly, my love." Abaddon said with a laugh.

He gave Bekka a small kiss on the cheek and she perked up just a bit.

"Alright then, shall we go?" he asked.

"Where are we going now exactly?" Lisa asked.

"We have another child in this world, love. And I'm sure she has just enough energy for the last of us to reach godhood."

Everyone looked at Lillian and Tatiana and they blushed slightly as they tried to contain their excitement.

"Shall we go?"

"C-Can we please pit stop in America first?" Beka begged again.

As a response, her entire family smiled helplessly as they agreed to the request of the glutton they would never grow tired of.

- 50 Minutes Later, Western Pacific Ocean

Space seemed to distort above the thrashing waves as ten individuals appeared floating in the air.

After eating, Bekka had fallen asleep almost immediately and was now snoring her life away peacefully without a care in the world.

With her husband's hair being so long, it was rather easy for her to use it as a sweet smelling blanket and stay warm and toasty even while they were out and about like this.

However, she was going to have to settle for being uncomfortable for just a bit.

"Audrina, we're covered, right?"

"Of course, darling. Why do you ask?"

"I wanted to go swimming."

Abaddon passed a groggy Bekka into Valerie's arms before somersaulting into the turbulent water below.

The girls wondered what exactly their husband could have been up to, and they smirked silently when they saw his head break through the water.

Or heads actually.

Seven identical heads of a fearsome black dragon just barely made themselves visible on the surface, in the same manner that a crocodile lazily rests within a swamp.

'Climb aboard.'

As the girls saw Abaddon, they had no choice but to suck their teeth.

It had been a long time since they'd seen him as a complete dragon, and certainly not since he'd reached godhood.

With all seven heads assembled, he looked similar to Typhon except for a few key differences.

His entire scaly underbelly was cosmic in appearance, almost as if he'd commissioned someone to paint a Milky Way on his stomach.

The eye in his chest was now permenantly open, and the feeling that it radiated ensured that nothing within hundreds of kilometers even wanted to go near him.

His wings had been folded into his body, and instead he grew seven pairs of gills underneath his necks.

The bone masks he wore on his heads had finally fallen away, and revealed strange golden symbols on each of his heads that were entirely different from one another.

It was very likely that there were other changes too, but there was only so much that the girls could see beneath the water.

But what they could see was impressive and frightening enough already.

It did raise a particular question though.

"Husband… how big are you now?" Eris asked curiously.


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