First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 400 Thea’s Plea

Chapter 400 Thea’s Plea

The eldest daughter of the Tathamet family twirled her thumbs as she climbed up the stairs to her home and headed towards her parents' bedroom.

For the first time in a while, her heart was racing as if she was about to jump out of a plane.

Ever since she was a little girl, she had always had difficulty asking for things.

Though it was something her family had tried to break her out of, old habits occasionally die hard.

She could sometimes still remember the very far back days where she was beaten for asking for old bread or something to stop her stomach from collapsing in on itself.

Though she knew that her parents were polar opposites of the one she had before, sometimes that didn't matter.

Luckily, her father and mothers gave her everything she could possibly need before she could even think to ask, and more often than not they would just randomly give her gifts for the smallest of reasons.

Bekka had even given her a small puppy out of nowhere that she and her wives absolutely adored.

But now, she was planning to ask them for something that was much more significant than a continent's worth of funds or exquisite clothes and jewelry.

…She did not know if they would grant it, or even if they could.

But she had to try.

Thea finally realized that she'd been standing outside her parents door when she suddenly felt faint vibrations traveling through her feet.

'Oh… they must be..' Thea smiled wryly before turning her back to their door and preparing to go back to her own wing of the castle.

However, she was completely surprised when the door opened a moment later and Lillian poked her head out.

Her cheeks were rosier than normal, she had a few marks on her neck that looked like they came from nine different mouths and she had on a dark red bathrobe that bore a striking resemblance to her father's hair.

"Thea? Are you going somewhere?"

"Oh I was just.. passing by."

"That can't be. We felt you standing outside you know?"

"Oh… I'm sorry if I ruined the mood." Thea said with an uncomfortable laugh.

Lillian gave her daughter a sad smile as she took her hand.

"My darling girl… You could never. You are always welcome to come and visit us whenever, no matter how big you get or what we may be doing. We will always make time for you and your siblings."

Lillian pulled Thea inside of their bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Our eldest has come to visit us!" She said happily.

Thea found all of her parents lying in bed looking like they were surprised to see her, but not unenthusiastic.

However… they looked very different from normal.

"My, don't I feel honored."

"Usually Mira is the only one who comes to visit us randomly."

"I thought she was getting too big for us.. I'm getting emotional..!"

"You guys are…" Thea said quietly.

"Ah, part of our preparation to go to earth. What do you think?" Abaddon sat up in his new human form and held out his arms like he was gesturing for her to join them.

Thea maintained a shocked expression as she crawled onto bed and positioned herself directly in her father's lap.

Never in her life had she ever expected to see her family looking so… human.

"You all look incredible… I never imagined I'd see you guys without fangs or horns."

Bekka said nothing and pointed to the top of her head.

"Or fluffy wolf ears." Thea added.

Her mother nodded in satisfaction before resting her head against Abaddon's shoulder once again.

"But did you all have to go this far? Mother is the goddess of all that is hidden, so you all surely could have walked around undetected through her power."

"…"Everyone looked at Audrina awkwardly before dropping their heads a bit.

"…You didn't think of that?"

"…S-So what did my daughter come to visit for, huh?"

"Is father changing the subject?"

"You look like you're hungry. I can make you something before we leave if you like."

"YES! I-I mean, no… I came here because I wanted to… ask … you… for… something."

Thea's words gradually got quieter and quieter as her parents started to circle her, each of them looking equally compassionate and understanding.

"How many times do we have to tell you..? There is nothing that you cannot ask us for."

"Whatever you need, we can get it for you if you only tell us what it is."

Thea let out a deep breath as she gathered all of the courage in her heart and voiced her wish out loud for the first time.

"I… want you to help the humans on earth when you get there… make them stronger."




"… I thought maybe you were going to ask for some kind of leash for the new dog we got you." Lailah muttered.

"Or maybe a really big dinner…" Tatiana's added.

Stunned silly, everyone nodded in agreement.

"I-I know that this must feel like a shock and a really big ask but… I keep thinking about what happened back in our old world.

An entire race of people just like me were just offered up to be eaten by a force that they never could have hoped to fight against and now they are all extinct…

I don't… want something like that to happen to the humans on earth during the endwar. I want at least some of them to have the power to protect themselves.

I know that it is a very large ask and I don't make it lightly but… please.. help them."

Thea was more so pleading with her father than anyone else.

With his power being the greatest, she knew that if he were to bestow humans with even a modicum of his abilities, they would undoubtedly become strong enough to protect themselves from any everyday supernatural threat who might be trying to nibble on them.

But there was just one problem.

Abaddon was not fond of humans, especially ones from earth.

He was not antagonistic towards them and would not just kill them needlessly if they came across his path, but that also meant that he would not go out of his way to help them if they were being attacked either.

He just… had no interest.

Therefore, Thea was the most worried about how he would receive her plea, and she had even begun to prepare herself for the difficult but decisive 'No' that would leave his lips at any moment.

"You are willing to go quite far for them. I would be lying if I were to say I am not surprised." He said.

"I… feel very strongly about this."

"I see… Alright then."

"You mean… you agree..?"

"Yes. I have already said that I will give you anything. If you want this for them so badly then I will make it so. There is nothing that I would not do for you."

"Thank you… very much."

Abaddon wiped away his daughter's tears and hugged her as tight as he could without crushing her.

"Your mothers and I will miss you and your siblings a lot. Take care of each other while we're gone, and we'll bring you back lots of souvenirs."

"I'll miss you all too… and I'm sure we'll be fine, so don't worry about us and just enjoy yourselves. " She said sincerely.

Thea was quickly bombarded with affection from all of her mothers after her father finally let her go.

While the girls were tickling her to death, Abaddon ran his hands along the waves in his hair as he let out a deep sigh.

'Only my children would ask me to create superhumans as if it were picking up toys at the mall… Ah well… I've done it to myself I suppose.' He thought with a smile.


The time for the group's departure came quicker than even they had anticipated.

After having a nice dinner with all of their children and extended family, the group of lovers met up in their room for a final time as they received a last minute pep talk from Lailah- the significant other with the most common sense.

"Remember, let's treat this like a honeymoon and try to have as much fun as possible."

The group nodded in understanding before Lisa hesitantly raised her hand.

"I know we're supposed to be incognito and all but… what do we do if someone flirts with one of us?"

At her question, everyone stared at Abaddon and Valerie accusatorialy.

Both were gods of sex with beauty and desire being added into the mix; and divinities like that come with a passive ability called sexual magnetism.

No matter how ugly either of them made themselves, their mere presence would garner no small amount of unwanted sexual attention.

It was like their ability to make slaves of lust on a much smaller scale, but they could not turn it off no matter how hard they tried.

Seras: "You two just stay together constantly and make sure you can always be seen holding hands and kissing. Perhaps you will be bothered less if they see you already have each other."

'I'll let them find out on their own just what swinging is and how popular it is on earth.'

Abaddon was almost sure that a lot of older couples were going to be rather bold in their solicitations.

And because of that, he was also fairly sure that he was going to have to kill them.

Because the bodies of his wives are his alone to lust for, and breaking that unshakable universal constant had a direct correlation with the forfeiture of one's own life.

And they all felt the exact same about him.

"Okay… but what if someone is REALLY pissing us off and we want to kill them? Can we?" Audrina asked.

Eris suddenly raised her hand excitedly. "How about this! If you feel like you're about to kill a human then tell us beforehand and we'll vote on it.

If majority okays it then you're free to do as you like, but if you don't then you'll have to settle for breaking a few bones and healing them or just inducing permanent nightmares."

'Settle?' Abaddon thought humorously.

Lailah: "That's a good idea, Eris!"

Lillian: "I'm fine with that."

Bekka: "I'm confident in my ability to persuade you all to vote in my favor, so I have no objections."

Everyone rolled their eyes at Bekka as Abaddon pulled out the small marble given to him by Asherah.

Before he decided to activate it, he glanced at all nine of his wives and felt a strange toothy smile force it's way onto his face.

When he left earth, he thought he was nothing and nobody with no purpose in life.

But now he was returning with his life partners and best friends, more knowledge than he ever could have imagined, and as a literal monster that stood at the apex of supernatural creatures.

It was all so funny that he felt like he was going to die laughing if he wasn't careful.


Valerie gave her husband a small nudge and shook him free of unnecessary thoughts.

Pushing his glasses back on his face, he gave her a short kiss to dispel her worries.

"Sorry for the wait, girls. Let's go now."


Oh shit we hit 400 chapters

I'm not going to give you guys a long mushy speech again but I would be remiss if I did not not sincerely thank each and every one of you for supporting my story despite it's flaws and giving me continued motivation as a writer!

It's kinda poetic how this ended up being the chapter where Abaddon finally goes back to earth, huh?

Everyone just pretend that I planned it like this from the beginning and applaud me for my foresight :-)


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