Chapter 399 Who That?

There are but a few things in life that must never have their consistency called into question.

1. The Alabama Crimson Tide will somehow ALWAYS make their way into playoff contention.

2. No matter how many times someone tries to argue otherwise, fish and spaghetti are NOT a meal that is meant to go together.

3. The same can be said for sugar and grits.

4. There are no race of beings in any realm that take parties or festivals quite as serious as the Transcendent Dragons.

After returning from the war against the nephilim, the mood was solely celebratory without even a single trace of despair.

With Abaddon in possession of the ability to resurrect the dead and having almost total dominion over the souls of his people, he brought them back even quicker than they had died.

Afterwards, everyone rushed home and preparations immediately got underway for the largest festival that had ever been held under Abaddon's regime.

And with the new addition of Belloc to the Tathamet family, this was doubling as his welcome party!

When the night finally fell, an event like none other took place.

A parade line went well outside of the capital where Abaddon and his closest friends lived, and went through every city on the floating continent.

And since dragons don't get exhausted like humans, this delightful festival went on for three days straight, with no signs of slowing down or losing intensity.

The booze was flowing!

The music was blaring!

The meat was grilling!

The booties were moving!

There was nothing that could have calmed these dragons down before they dropped dead again!

There was so much to see and do that the family had actually split up and gone their separate ways.

The wives had broken off into smaller groups at random and ran off to enjoy various booths or food, and Eris was even hosting a short but very packed concert.

Naturally, Thea and Apophis took their wives out for dates and to go to the sexier and more racy areas of the festival that weren't meant for children.

Mira and Gabrielle ran off somewhere hand in hand, each of them trying to see which booth would provide the sweetest pastries that could rival their favorites.

They ended up running into Lailah a lot.

With everyone else gone, that left Abaddon and Belloc alone to travel the festival together.

The dragon god was getting even more attention than usual, as there is little that women delight over more than a man holding a cute baby.

He receives double the points if he looks as good as Abaddon did.

He wore a simple outfit of bright crimson pants with a thick golden belt and a sleeveless black shirt with a sun in the middle.

This symbol was actually a bit of a nod to the latest nickname his people had given him.

'The Fire That Burns Even The Sun.'

The bold black tattoos that danced all along his body up to his throat were attracting even more attention, as their hypnotic effect seemed to be as strong as ever.

However, what was attracting just as much attention was the baby in his arm.

Belloc was proving himself to be just as adept at catching gazes as his father.

The young boy wore a simple dark hoodie that he'd zipped all the way up to his neck and grey pants over his little baby legs.

He wore sandals over his feet just like his father, and in his hand he held one of the hundreds of offerings he'd been given by the people partying in the street.

A giant chicken leg that was even larger than his head.

As Abaddon watched his son chow down on his meal fervently, he wondered if he was indirectly passing on the sin of gluttony to his children.

"Is there anything you want to do other than eat, son? There are more than a few games for children out here as well."

"Father does remember that I am not an actual child, correct? I just look like this."

"Right..." (He had totally forgotten.)

"So then what do you want to do?" he asked.

Belloc momentarily stopped eating as he dragged his black eyes along the area in front of him.

There were dragons dancing, drinking, vomiting, trying to screw a nature spirit or six, but none of it looked interesting to him in the slightest.

He was silently thinking about the collection of manga he was accumulating in his room, and he finally began to get tired of this whole celebration.

"Actually father, I believe I might..."

The words of the infant gradually trailed off as his eyes landed on a woman watching a street performance.

She was gorgeous, with soft grey skin and long silver hair that was similar to his own.

Her body was lean yet very muscular, and she wore a simple leather bra that barely held in her large chest and matching black pants.

On her belt dangled the heads of various animals that she'd hunted for sport, each more impressive than the next.

Her eyes were red with black sclera, and her face was sharp and enchanting, yet stern.

Though Belloc could tell that she was having a good time despite her aloof and uninterested demeanor.

"I... want you to teach me how to seduce that woman."

*Intense choking noises ensue*

Abaddon doubled over as he placed his son on the ground while catching his breath.

He'd chosen a really bad moment to take a bite of his funnel cake and was now paying the price.

"I... What woman..?" He asked dryly.

Belloc's eyes drifted towards her the street performance once again and he nodded towards a woman leaning against the wall.

"Her... She is so bewitching. Who is she?"

Following his son's gaze, Abaddon nearly let out a loud cry of shock.

"You are interested... in Stheno..? She and her brothers are some of my most devoted lieutenants."

"Can you give her to me?"

"She doesn't belong to me, nor does she to anyone last I heard. And if you want her then.. the order things need to go in is a bit... different."

"Different how?"

"Stheno was initially Rabisu. They are very old and very powerful demons from hell who even now are still learning to accept tender feelings.

If you want to make her your woman, best her in combat first, only then will she be open to giving herself to you in any capacity. You may learn to seduce and entice her at a later date."

"I see... She is a simple woman then? Exciting."

"Right... " Abaddon felt like he needed to lie down all of a sudden. "...and son?"

"I know, I know, don't tell mothers that we had this conversation or they will cry."

"Good boy."


The festival finally ended two days later, and after some much needed rest and alone time, our group of happy lovers were preparing for their trip to earth.

Currently, Abaddon, Seras, and Eris were standing in front of a large mirror in their bedroom- completely naked.

Though this act was completely unsexual (at least for the moment) and it was more so focused on a very important part of their upcoming trip.

Human forms!

With all three of them possessing the most unnatural appearances of their group, they were using this time to figure out how to blend in properly.

And since Audrina had given them the gift of transformation, they could do it just as easily as changing clothes.

The rest of the wives were sitting on the bed, hoping to act as impartial judges for this display of show and tell.

"Alright, who's going first?" Bekka asked while lacking her usual furry ears.

"I wi-....Why are you touching yourself already?" Seras asked.

"You're all naked in front of me. It would be strange if I didn't touch myself."

At her side, the rest of the wives nodded in unison as their hands found their way onto their own chests or panties.

Seras finally shrugged her shoulders as she turned back towards the mirror.

"Alright... let's try something like this..?"

First, she gave her skin a more healthy, rosy looking color.

Next, she hid her horns, claws, tail, and fangs before she shortened the length of her hair to stop at around her butt.

She also gave her hair color more of a muddled and unnatural look, as if she had dyed it quite a while ago.

She made herself a bit shorter, deciding on what she decided as a below average height of 5'9.

For a little bit of an added flair, she etched a tattoo of a rising dragon onto her back, before she pulled on a simple outfit of jeans, boots, a crop top, and a motorcycle jacket.

When she was all done, she spun around happily for everyone to see.

She looked like a beautiful Japanese woman of around twenty six years of age who was in excellent shape.

"So? What do my loves think?"

"You look great!"

"I'm wet.'

"I can hardly tell the difference between you and a normal human..."

"....Do you want another baby?" Abaddon asked.

Seras seemed to be only interested in responding to Abaddon, and she pressed herself against him as if they were glued together.

"And what if I say yes, huh? You gonna give me one?"


- 30 minutes later.

The atmosphere in the room was visibly hotter as they tried to return to some sense of normalcy.

Seras was completely naked on the bed, breathing heavily and still moaning softly as her husband's latest attempt to expand their family flowed out of her.

Licking his lips in satisfaction, Abaddon tore his mind away from the gutter as he returned his attention back to Eris.

"Are you ready?"

"I think so... Tell me what you think..!"

Eris took a deep breath as she focused on specific parts of herself in the mirror.

First, her grey-ish brown skin became a simple and soft brown like that of melted chocolate.

Her antlers shrank back in to her head and disappeared as did the colorful gem between her eyes.

She also shortened her height a bit, becoming a woman that stood at around 5'7.

Her unnatural golden eyes became a mystifying green, and her hair became shorter, black, and curlier.

To complete the look, she pulled on a pale green sundress that emphasized her slender but perky butt and thick thighs.

When she was finished, she looked like an African American woman of around 32 years of age who must've had some kind of background as a model.

"How do I- Kya!"

This time, Abaddon did not even let her finish asking before he was overcome with need and pulled her right into their bed.

- Another 30 minutes later...

Once Seras and Eris were lying side by side in bed with their husband's loving essence flowing out of them, he wiped his brow of imaginary sweat as he stared at himself in the mirror carefully.

"Alright... I guess it's my turn."

"Remind me why you don't want to stick to your normal human form again?" Audrina asked.

"Because humans on earth have very little decency, and I don't want to kill one of them for saying something out of turn."

"I'm sure they wouldn't be that ba-"

"One time when I was in the grocery store, a little boy I didn't even know walked up and told me that I was the biggest thing he'd ever seen in his life."

"...I'm sure he didn't mean-"

"He told me I was so big that he thought he was looking at a crowd of people until I turned around."


"He told me that he was surprised that I could even fit through the doors to get in-"

"O-Okay I get it!"

The girls were all trying and failing not to laugh at their husband's misfortune as he started the process of altering himself.

First, he hid his horns, claws, tail, and fangs to give himself a more defenseless look.

Next, he shrank his height to around 6'2 and stopped the tattoos running across his body from moving of their own volition.

He was still planning to keep his identity as Carter, so he kept the initial facial features minus the chunkiness of his face.

He had Valerie materialize a pair of fake glasses out of the air and calmly slipped them over his face.

For the finale, he shrank his hair back into his head and gave himself a simple bald fade.

Hair color like his was unnatural in this world but it wasn't uncommon.

He figured he could just tell people he'd dyed it like Seras was going to do.

When he finished, there was an uncommonly handsome and heavily tattooed African American man with red hair and black glasses who looked to be around 24 years of age.

"Alright girls, what do you thin-"


As seven women knocked the human-looking dragon to the ground, he got the faintest inclination that they may have liked it more than just a bit.


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