First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 396 An Angelic God of Cruelty

Chapter 396 An Angelic God of Cruelty


"And conceited…" Abaddon muttered.

If Asmodeus heard his son's snide comment he certainly didn't show any visible reaction.

Right now, he was in too good of a mood to ever let something as simple as a childish remark change that.

...But he would beat him up later with his newfound strength just to establish dominance.

Asmodeus held out his hand and his axe came flying towards his palm like it was waiting to be called.

The light that the weapon gave off only became stronger when it returned to it's rightful owner and it seemed to let off it's own chorus of happy noises.

"I bet you never imagined either of us would be here, did you...? Literal gods among the rest of the rabble. I can't imagine anything better than this." He said humorously.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Yara staring at him through the window of the viewing room, and even from here he could smell her lust and desire to be taken to bed.

He gave her a single but powerful wink with his long eyelashes and she went down like a house of cards, falling into the already waiting lap of Audrina.

"...I take it back, there are still a few things better than this." he realized.

"ASMODEUSS!! Stay out of my way!!"

Samyaza was more enraged than the demonic god had ever seen him.

His entire face was completely red, and the veins within his forehead looked like they were going to pop out at any minute.

To make matters even stranger, the tips of his perfect white wings had begun to turn black; with the corruption spreading more and more every second.

As a rule of thumb, most gods are relatively lighthearted and unserious, and Asmosdeus was no exception to this rule despite only being a few seconds old.

"Pfft... You look like a cherry tomato!" Asmodeus pointed.


Samyaza temporarily forgot all about the woman who had just killed his son as he recklessly threw himself at the newly christened god in front of him.

His entire body started to glow like a nuclear reactor; sometimes a heavenly gold and others a very cold black.

But as threatening as he should have been, Asmodeus couldn't feel anything.

"Oh, are you mad..? I don't see why, since your son was only killed in front of you. It's not like you were ripped away from him for seventeen years and forced to miss his birth, his first steps, first poopies, first words, give him the sex talk-"



Samyaza threw out a fist that shone with pure light and struck the flat side of Asmodeus' axe at the last second.

The demon god looked largely unbothered by the sudden explosion and had no visible blemishes.

Although he did seem to have acclimated a small bit of dust in his eye that he lazily wiped away.

He looked at the tears of blood that were running down Samyaza's face and a strangely happy smile spread on his lips.

"I want you to understand.... That I do not pity you, no matter how much you lash out or weep like an eighty year old bitch who's just had her hymen torn. Your judgement has only just been set in motion, so grit your teeth and bear with it just as I did."

"I should have just cut your head off when they brought you to my doorstep!!"

"Shoulda coulda woulda."


Samyaza suddenly grabbed Asmodeus by the collar and pulled the two of them up into the sky.

The angel's entire body began to heat up like a miniature son as he became fully encompassed in an all consuming light.

By now, he was too bright to even look at without risk of permanent eye energy.

Asmodeus blinked, and his eyes became covered with a sort of black film that made his eyes look lifeless.

"My bastard brother had a technique like this. Not a fan."


What happened next was something only a handful of individuals on the battlefield were even able to see.

And even less were actually able to react in time to do something.

Luckily, Abaddon was one of the few who was fully capable of doing both.

'My dragons, you're pulling out right now!'

All two billion of the remaining transcendent dragons disappeared in an instant, leaving only the scattered nephilim around whom also seemed to have their own defenses.

As soon as the last dragon was pulled back to Sheol, that was when it happened.

An explosion half the size of a supernova took place and ripped through the entire domain.

Abaddon put up a barrier to protect himself, Thea, Mira, Sabine, Darius, and Erica, but with forty percent of his power missing they were still in for an incredibly rough ride.

The area inside the forcefield trembled as if they were in the midst of a category seven earthquake.

Abaddon ended up having to hold all of the girls and begrudgingly Darius close to him to minimize the chances of them suffering damage.

However, they didn't see the worst of it.

Samyaza' supposed wife Charlene was too busy grieving over the loss of her son, and she failed to defend herself properly against his power.

As she sobbed endlessly, a wave of power washed over her and she was eviscerated completely without even leaving so much as a single pile of ash behind.


"Thea, stay back!"

Abaddon grabbed his daughter by the arm and pulled her in close to his chest to prevent her from running out and getting herself hurt.

As he held her close to his chest, he could feel her shiver before she started to sob quietly without even alerting the others.

His own heart wept for her and he was unbelievably concerned but for right now there was still a battle raging in the air above them.

And just for a moment, he felt his own heart sink to the ground when he saw tha his father was no longer among the stars.

Samyaza floated alone in the air, looking very different from normal.

On one side of his body his angelic white wings had started to break down and turn into a dirty black smoke.

On that same side of his body, his skin was starting to turn black and less blemish free, whiles joints lightened to become more spider-like and the fingers on his hand just became enormous and sharp claws.

Half of his beautiful androgynous face was now marred with three additional blue eyes that glowed more noticeably than one million lightbulbs in the dark.

The angel huffed and puffed continuously as his chest rose and fell; clearly exhausted from the expenditure of so much raw energy at once.

There was a flash of light, and then the combined cherubim appeared beside him while trying to extend his support.

"My liege, let us assist you! What you've just accomplished was far beyond the power that your body should posses and it's had an affect on you!"

"G-Get away from me, you mockery!" Samyaza said scathingly, uncaring of his changes.

"I will avenge Ephraim regardless of any danger! They must all die today, so you will either help me kill them or stand aside!!"

The cherubim immediately retracted it's offer of help, and directed it's attention towards Abaddon and the group along with him.

"Now, now... You'll hurt my feelings if you just ignore me."

Samyaza's face became ugly again as he spun around wildly looking for the annoying voice he knew all too well.

"You should be dead, abomination! I felt your flesh disintegrate, you should be back in the heavenly realms by now!"

"Uh-huh. Probably should."

Tired of games, Samyaza directed his attention towards the angel beside him.

"You! Kill that damned slave, now!"

The cherubim's head started to turn as if it was going to activate another ability.

But Samyaza noticed that for some reason the head just kept turning and turning long after it should have stopped, and unsettling sounds were beginning to come from his body.

"What are you-"


The cherubim's entire head came free with all four of his faces intact, and his body fell out of the sky harmlessly.

As if a veil had been dropped, Asmodeus suddenly appeared from out of nowhere holding up the head of the angel with a face full of glee.

"I have gotta say... THAT was almost as satisfying as sex....Just almost though... There is still a clear winner."

Samyaza looked back and forth between the single head of the cherubim and the gloating Asmodeus.

"How... Did you do that...? I felt you die!"

Asmodeus patted his belly proudly as if he suddenly had a beer gut.

"It's not as pure as my son's but it seems that I do also have a small bit of nether being generated within my body now. And as you know, one with total mastery over nether has the power of...?"

Samyaza's eyes nearly popped out of his skull as he pointed at Asmodeus like he was a walking-talking monstrosity.

"Absolute death manipulation..." he said in a horrified tone. "Y-You can control the death of anything and everything... even yourself..!"

"I can only control my own death at the moment, but that is about the gist of it. Are you impressed? Are ya?" he gloated.

As Asmodeus gloated at the surging amount of despair he could feel flowing off of Samyaza, he suddenly felt a gust of wind and an annoying chorus of chewing sounds come from behind his back.

Turning around, he found his son wearing a modified version of a sleeveless black dougi with a red belt and nibbling on a cookie.

"Son...What are you doing?"

*Munching sounds continue* "You took too long. I finished all of my cookies already."

"The hell you did! I'm looking at one in your hand right now!"

Abaddon broke the pastry in half and then stuffed the pieces in his mouth before holding up his empty hands.

Almost immediately, a vein bulged in Asmodeus' head. "This is how you got fat in your last life!"

Abaddon lifted up his shirt and looked at his tattooed eight pack abs that were solid enough to grate cheese.

"I think I'll be okay this time around. Besides, I can shapeshift now."

"That is so not the point!"


Samyaza lunged at Asmodeus and Abaddon with twin blades of light in his hand.

Raising them high, he attempted to stab the father-son pair in the head before both of the blades were caught by each of them.

"Do you mind, you prick?"

"Be respectful. My father and I are trying to settle something."


Asmodeus punched the angel in the sternum while Abaddon aimed for his face, and the combined might of the two of them was more than enough to send him plummeting to the ground so fast that his back caught on fire.

The pair wiped off their fists and continued their debate as if nothing had happened.

"You knew my terms already. You had until I was done to wrap things up."

"You literally only finished a few seconds ago!!"

"And you still weren't done." Abaddon shrugged.

"I almost was!"

"So? You should have been like Erica and finished with time to spare."

"Why don't you go and reward her and I'll finish up right now?"

"Shut up.. You know I'm not that kind of man."

"But you thought about it just now, didn't you?"


"HA! Slut dragon!"

"You decrepit old bastard!"

Yara: 'Boys... Can you not fight in the middle of a battlefield please?'

Immediately, both of the proud and noble dragons shivered when they heard the icy yet sweet tone of the woman they both had to answer to.

They unanimously folded their arms as they fell silent, both of them sufficiently refocused.

"...I guess we can work on this together."

"Perhaps that would be for the best... Have you ever seen Jujutsu Kaisen by chance?"

"I'm going to let you think about what you think the answer to that might be."

Abaddon rolled his eyes as he smiled and started to stretch his body.

"Just follow my lead... And don't let your old bones slow you down..!"


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