First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 395 No Might Like Divine Might

Chapter 395 No Might Like Divine Might

Surprisingly, Erica was the one who completed her ascension first; and thus her pillar was the first to die down.

Her nude appearance was only briefly seen by Abaddon alone before clothes made from hypnotic flames covered it.

This would also be the day he learned about the small tattoo on her lower back.

Erica had never once been ugly in her entire life, but now she was positively eye catching.

Her long crimson hair travelled all the way down her body until it reached her feet, and it appeared to be made from the literal clouds above.

The red armor she wore had been blown away completely; replaced with only a simple pair of white pants and a sleeveless red crop top.

She exhaled and her full lips curled upwards into a satisfied smile; clearly exhilarated over the newfound power coursing through her.

Glancing over her shoulder, she gave Abaddon a flirtatious wink that contained a lightness within her spirit that he hadn't seen from her before.

And evidently, neither had his daughter.

*Stares suspiciously.*

"...Don't look at me, Mira, just eat your cookies."

"Okay..." She agreed.

Erica laughed at the little bit of trouble she had caused and temporarily mesmerized every male in the nearby vicinity.


Ephraim let out an unholy roar as he pointed a meaty white finger at the dragon sitting with his daughter in his lap.

"...?" Abaddon looked around from side to side before pointing to himself to ensure that Ephraim wasn't taking about someone else.

"You are the one who lays claim to my things! I will dine upon your flesh during our consumption night!"

"..." Abaddon bit another peanut buttery cookie before flipping off the large giant with a dry gaze.


The Nephilim rushed forward with it's large kanabo in hand that was already beginning to accumulate a staggering amount of divine power.

"You have five minutes." Abaddon said dryly.

"I only need three." Erica responded.

The phoenix goddess started to run at Ephraim directly; unafraid of the massive size difference between the two.


The Nephilim swung the barbed mace in his hands with enough force to demolish several city blocks, determined to knock Erica clear from his path so that he might demolish the one she so claimed to belong to.

However, he never expected that she would become so much stronger after ascending.

She who he was tossing around with so much ease earlier had actually thrown out no more than a single punch to counteract his massive barbed weapon.


A devastating shockwave rippled outward from the force behind their collision, and Abaddon put up a barrier of nether to protect he and Mira.

However, almost everything else not protected by the barrier's grace was either knocked clear off it's feet or sent hurling through the air.

Surprisingly, Ephraim was also sent skidding back a few feet, with his weapon that he was so proud of completely broken.

"W-What..?! You..-!"

"That's enough, son."

Out of nowhere, Samyaza appeared and placed a hand on the massive shoulder of his firstborn son.


"Divine power is given only to a select few mortals who are fated to be the shining beacons of their race. But it does not work against gods who have already ascended. She's out of your capabilities now."

"But I want her!"

"I'll bring her to you. But first you must-"

Out of nowhere, Erica appeared directly in between Samyaza and Ephraim with only a single gust of wind to announce her arrival.

With a spinning heel kick to the jaw; she sent Samyaza tumbling away before he could even react.

Not slowing down her momentum, she punched the overgrown nephilim in the jaw and knocked him off his feet cleanly; removing more than a few of his teeth in the process.

The giant fell onto his back hard and left out morbidly pitiful cries of pain as it clutched it's face in pain.

"Don't whine." Erica said coldly. "I still have two minutes and thirty seconds."

In her hand, she produced a small spark of rainbow flames came to life and she tossed them into the air above her head.

The flame grew larger and larger until a miniature sun appeared within the sky.

Out of this sun came phoenixes of multiple different colors of the rainbow; each of whom dove at Ephraim while screeching like demonic birds.

They carried the giant into the sky against his own volition.

Occasionally he would break free of their grasp and try to smash their heads with a leg or an arm, but since these creatures were made of fire they simply regenerated instantly and grabbed him again.

And their flames were hot!

They were nothing before, but now he could feel his skin literally bubbling with every second he was exposed!

The birds carried Ephraim higher and higher into the sky despite his continuous protests for him to put him down.

On the ground, Erica held out her hand for her yari to return to her grasp and she gave it a few complementary twirls.

With the weapon in her hand properly balanced, she looked up into the sky at the birds who were holding her possessive suitor captive.

"Bring him back."

At her request, the phoenixes shifted their course and started flying back towards the ground just as fast as they had left it.

Aiming up into the sky, Erica threw her yari so quickly and with so much power that it broke the sound barrier as it left her hand.

As he watched it, Abaddon had no choice but to let out an impressed whistle.

'Mach 3... Nice.' Even with his ability to move at the speed of light; he was fully aware of just how impressive a feat this was.

While rushing through the air, Erica's spear became larger and larger as it inched closer to the struggling Ephraim.

The nephilim's mind was not even capable of processing reality at the speed that everything was happening, so from his perspective he was staring at the ground and screaming at one moment, and the next there was an egregiously large weapon shooting through his mouth; cutting him cleanly from the rooter to the tooter.

The only good thing about his death was that he had gone so quickly that he hadn't even felt anything.

He had been out down humanely like the animal he was.

The phoenixes dispersed not long after that; dropping the mangled body of the nephilim onto the ground as if he were hot garbage and not caring in the slightest.


In a single breath, Erica retrieved her weapon from the sky and appeared directly in front of Abaddon, an enchanting smile on her face.

"So? I wasn't late, was I?"

"Not at all. You've actually finished with a minute to spare."

"You did good, Miss Erica!" Mira said.

The young girl held out her pouch as if she was offering the phoenix goddess the most coveted reward imaginable. "I will let you have one cookie to celebrate! ...Not a crunchy one though."

"So you're only offering her cookies from my stash?" Abaddon asked.

"Daddy don't be selfish, she just did something really cool!"

The dragon opened and closed his mouth like a fish several times before inevitably falling silent and resigning himself to his fate.

Erica laughed melodically again at the two of them; the sound becoming more and more dreamlike.

"Thank you, Mira! But I think I will take this instead."

Using her new lightning quick reflexes, Erica planted her lips firmly on Abaddon's cheek under the stupefied gazes of the entire battlefield.

Once she pulled away she saw a shocked look on his face as well.

In all of the time she's known him, she had never seen his hypnotic red eyes go quite as wide as this.

It almost made her want to do it again.

"...They're going to kill you." he reminded.

"It'll be worth it."

"As long as you've made peace with it. I'll take care of your children in your place."

"How chivalrous of you~"


Darius : 'How long are they going to sit on me...?'


At that moment, two very distinct but different cries echoed throughout the battlefield.

Looking towards the ruined body of the nephilim, one could see Samyaza and Charlene kneeling in front of his corpse and sobbing unmercifully.

The archangel suddenly looked up at Erica with eyes as red as fire and cursed her endlessly as he sobbed.

"Y-You slut! Harlot! Whore! I'll skin you alive and hang your damned skull on my son's tombstone!!"

"...?" Erica looked around just has Abaddon had done before pointing at herself for clarification.


Samyaza rushed at Erica like a rocket while gathering a nuclear level of energy within his body.

Perhaps twenty feet before he reached her, a large weapon came flying out of nowhere and cut in between them.

'You took too long...' Abaddon thought as he chewed.

It was a large black battle axe with flecks of gold all throughout the handle and an entirely golden blade.

There were white enochian runes written all along the powerful weapon that caused it to give off an even more oppressive feel; combined with a small but noticeable sense of holiness.

Instinctively, everyone looked towards the violet column on the battlefield that was only now beginning to die down.

A man stepped into everyone's field of view.

He was very tall at a staggering six foot six, and the twin oni horns jutting from his forehead made him look even taller.

His unholy and irredeemable pitch black skin had lightened drastically; becoming a more lively brownish-grey color, somewhat reminiscent of a dark elf.

Just like his son and second daughter, he boasted a scarily impressive muscular physique that was like night and day compared to his previous one.

He was only naked for a millisecond before fabricating clothes out of the darkness around him.

A black and gold ceremonial skirt covered his lower half while his feet were covered with dark sandals that allowed his clawed toes room to breathe.

His forearms became adorned with golden vambraces while loose black sleeves travel up the rest of his arms.

A choker of the same color was locked permanently around his neck; and earrings that were dangerously similar to the ones that his son wore hung from his ears.

Because obviously he made them look better, right? (No, but don't tell him that.)

His long silver hair came down to his waist and blew gently in the breeze like a delicately curated bundle of spider's silk.

When his heavenly yellow eyes fluttered open, he immediately smiled as if he knew there was no longer a single blemish or imperfection within him.

If one were to rank the attractiveness of all of the men, women and monsters in creation, one could easily find him in second place behind only his firstborn child.

For lack of any better alternatives, there was only one way to describe him.

"I... Am... Glorious."


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