Chapter 191 The Talented Woman

Young Prince Ning sauntered, presenting his fist in salutation and bowing respectfully as he walked. His smile charmed the room, his demeanor exceptionally courteous and gracious. It didn't take long for him to win over the crowd with his congeniality.

Lin Wanrong remembered what Luo Yuan had once shared about Young Prince Ning's father, Prince Cheng, a well-known and virtuous ruler, adept at forging alliances with talented and unusual individuals. It seemed the prince had indeed learned from his father.

Luo Min invited Young Prince Ning to take a seat. With a humble smile, the prince replied, "How could I presume to sit before my elders? I've come today specifically to wish the Old Lady a happy birthday."

As a royal prince and grandson of the emperor, it was inappropriate for Young Prince Ning to kneel, so he stepped forward and bent deeply at the waist, "Prince Cheng’s son, Young Prince Zhao Kangning pays respects to the Old Lady. May her longevity rival the heavens and her blessings and prosperity be endless!"

The Old Lady chuckled, "How could I accept such a grand gesture, Young Prince? Please, take a seat."

"Thank you, Old Lady," said Zhao Kangning modestly. With a wave of his hand, one of his attendants brought forth a brocaded box. Zhao Kangning held it with both hands, reverently presenting it to the Old Lady. "I had to rush my visit to Jiangsu, and had not made proper preparations for the Old Lady's birthday. Last year, when I was on a mission to Goryeo, the King gifted me a thousand-year-old ginseng. I present it to you as a humble birthday gift, wishing you eternal youth and vitality."

Everyone in the hall had heard of Goryeo ginseng and its reputed miraculous effects, including the ability to resurrect the dead. Such a generous gift was being described as modest, making Young Prince Ning appear extremely humble.

‘A thousand-year-old Goryeo ginseng? Quite a claim.’ As a modern man, Lin Wanrong knew exactly what ginseng was. ‘Bluff all you want,’ he thought to himself.

Zhao Kangning's extravagant gift was not lost on the people in the room. They were well aware that he was trying to curry favor with Luo Min. Zhao Kangning's father, Prince Cheng, once served as Minister of Personnel, with protégés throughout the realm. A third of the high-ranking officials across the numerous provinces owed their positions to him. Luo Min, however, was an exception. Given that Jiangsu was the granary of the empire, it made sense that Zhao Kangning was investing heavily to win him over.

Zhao Kangning's eyes brightened when he saw Luo Ning standing beside the Old Lady. He smiled and asked, "Might this be Miss Luo Ning, the renowned genius of Jinling?"

Luo Ning blushed and shook her head, "I am but a simple, unlearned girl. I dare not claim such a title."

Zhao Kangning laughed heartily, "Miss Luo is too modest! Your talent and renown have been the talk of the capital for a long time. Meeting you today is like basking in the warmth of spring or a long-awaited rain, bringing much joy."

‘Well, this young prince surely knows how to charm,’ Lin Wanrong thought. His sweet talk wasn't too shabby, and it was pretty clear he was somewhat smitten with Luo Ning. But he couldn't help but wonder, would Luo Ning be moved?

With a soft smile, Luo Ning replied, "Young Prince, please do not jest at my expense."

Shaking his head, Zhao Kangning signaled his servant to bring forth a scroll of painting. He smiled, "You may not believe what I've said, Miss Luo. But once you see this scroll, you will understand."

He slowly unfurled the scroll. The figure in the painting was that of a delicate woman, with eyebrows as delicate as willows, almond-shaped eyes, and a slender figure. She stood under a peach tree, holding a book, observing it closely. The woman seemed warm and natural, her eyes gentle, exuding a quiet grace, even though she was silent. The resemblance between her and Luo Ning was striking; they could have been mistaken for each other.

Luo Ning wondered aloud, "Young Prince, could this woman in the painting be me?"

Zhao Kangning nodded, "Indeed, Miss Luo, it is you. This scroll was inked by me personally three years ago, always hoping that one day I could present it to you myself. Today, finally, my wish has come true."

"Three years ago? Are you saying you've seen me three years ago?" Luo Ning frowned, "But I don't remember ever meeting you."

Zhao Kangning gave a charismatic smile, "Three years ago, I had a chance encounter with Miss Luo at the Imperial Academy. We were a distance apart and before I could greet you, you had already left. When I returned home that day, I couldn't sleep, so I spent the night creating this painting."

Luo Min, who had been silent for a while, looked at the prince with a faint frown. He understood why Zhao Kangning was trying to win them over, and seeing his daughter being charmed continuously, his worry deepened.

He painted this picture three years ago, and brought it personally on the occasion of the birthday celebration. What a clever move! Lin Wanrong thought to himself, this prince was no fool. His courtship strategy was first-rate, starting with a story of unrequited love to elicit sympathy, then presenting the painting as a token of his affection, expressing his longing in front of everyone. He left an unforgettable impression. If it had been an ordinary woman, she would have been moved. This man was not to be underestimated, Lin Wanrong reminded himself.

Zhao Kangning handed the scroll over with both hands, speaking softly, "I have no other intentions, other than to fulfill my long-cherished wish with this scroll. I hope Miss Luo will accept it."

Clever, very clever. He insisted he had no ulterior motives, but his actions spoke otherwise. ‘If I were a woman, I'd be moved,’ He thought. Seeing Lin Wanrong shaking his head and smiling, Eldest Miss couldn't help but speak up, "Seems like you're thinking again. This is the young prince's chosen one."

‘Oh please, the young prince is nothing. You really think that with just a painting and a few words of affection, you can win over Luo Ning? You're too naive.’ Lin Wanrong had spent some time with Luo Ning, and he knew that she was a woman of principles and not easily swayed by wealth or nobility. She had high standards for her future husband; a man of letters and a warrior. A painting and a few sweet words were not enough to fool her.

Luo Ning sneaked a glance at Lin Wanrong and slowly said, "Thank you, Young Prince, for your kind treatment of me. But this painting, which you have put so much effort into, should be a keepsake for you."

Her words were highly significant, and everyone in the room understood. Zhao Kangning's face remained unchanged, and he sighed in disappointment, "It's truly regrettable that my long-cherished wish could not be fulfilled today."

Lin Wanrong studied the prince's demeanor and compared it to the mysterious master he encountered in the White Lotus cult. He was now seventy percent certain that the master was indeed this Young Prince Zhao Kangning. No wonder Cheng De and the others were so pleased to see him.

He pondered for a while when he felt a gentle tug on his clothing. He turned around and saw it was Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan spoke softly, "Big brother, come with me. My sister has something to say to you."

Luo Ning wanted to speak with him? What could they possibly have to discuss? He looked around and sure enough, Luo Ning was nowhere to be seen. He had no idea where she had slipped off to. He must have been deep in thought for quite a while.

Luo Yuan led him to the backyard of Luo's residence. It was a private area for the Luo family, off-limits to outsiders. Luo Yuan ushered Lin Wanrong in and said, "Big brother, my sister is waiting for you inside. Go in quickly."

Sweat trickled down his brow. This little Luo was acting mysterious. If anyone didn't know any better, they might think he was trying to court his sister. Lin Wanrong entered the garden. It was early winter, the garden was bare and the flowers gradually withered. In a corner of the garden stood a solitary figure. Upon closer inspection, it was none other than Miss Luo Ning who had just recited three linked couplets.

Luo Ning stood serene, gazing blankly at the remaining flowers in the garden, a stark contrast to her usual open and cheerful demeanor. Lin Wanrong walked over and softly called out, "Miss Luo--"

At his voice, Luo Ning turned around. Seeing him, she said joyfully, "Brother Lin, you're here?"

Lin Wanrong nodded. "Miss Luo, you called me here. Is there something you wish to discuss?"

Luo Ning stared pensively at the wilting flowers in the garden and said slowly, "Brother Lin, which do you think is more vibrant and enduring: women or flowers?"

Where did that come from? She had been so lively while reciting poetry earlier, why the sudden melancholy? Lin Wanrong was puzzled about the change in her.

"Brother Lin, do you think I'm strange?" Seeing Lin Wanrong's furrowed brow as he tried to decipher her intentions, Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Wanrong nodded solemnly, "Very strange. I find it hard to reconcile you with the eloquent Luo Ning from earlier."

Luo Ning said shyly, "Brother Lin, people are multifaceted. My confidence in front of others doesn't mean I can't be shy, because, at the end of the day, I am a woman."

"Women and flowers are actually the same. Their blooming period is the most beautiful and vibrant moment of their lives. But once spring is over, they wilt and fall like fallen leaves, ground into dust, forgotten and no longer fragrant." Luo Ning's words were so quiet and profound that it felt like they were drifting in from afar. Lin Wanrong couldn't grasp her thoughts at all.

This time, things were getting serious. He might be the one getting courted, Lin Wanrong lamented internally. Luo Ning giggled and said, "Brother Lin, don't be surprised. These are just some thoughts I had a while ago."

"Miss Luo, a tiny thought can change your life," Lin Wanrong stated gravely.

Luo Ning spoke softly, "Brother Lin, you're right, a small thought may indeed change my life, but it might already be too late. I don't even know when the change began."

Luo Ning looked at him and smiled faintly, "Brother Lin, do you know, when the Young Prince showed me his favor earlier, I suddenly felt very scared."

"Scared? Of what?" Lin Wanrong asked curiously.

Luo Ning blushed as she giggled, "If I may be frank with you, Brother Lin, when I was young, I made a vow that my future husband should be an outstanding man. He should not only have scholarly talent but also be a brave warrior capable of killing enemies on the battlefield. I've aimed for this goal all these years."

Lin Wanrong grunted in acknowledgment, thinking, ‘I knew about your lofty ambition. Your younger brother warned me about it early on. When it comes to wisdom and bravery, I can't even compare.’

"Young Prince Zhao Kangning, I've heard of him before. He's not only known for his literary talent but also his martial arts. And he seems to have a liking for me. In theory, he should be my ideal match," Luo Ning said shyly, "But even though he's had feelings for me for three years, I haven't felt anything. Not just for him. I realized that even if the man of my dreams appeared before me, a man who excelled in both literature and martial arts, I still wouldn't accept him. I'm really scared. I suddenly discovered that the goal I've been aiming for isn't what I want at all."

Perspiration dripped down his forehead. Lin Wanrong understood her meaning. In professional terms, it was called a collapse of faith, quite cruel. Lin Wanrong silently mourned for her. ‘Little girl, the gap between dreams and reality is enormous.’

"Just like you told me before, Brother Lin, I might want to travel the world, but that doesn't mean I can. The wish to travel is beautiful, but the actual process of traveling might not be."

Luo Ning's words made Lin Wanrong's head spin. The minds of women were indeed hard to decipher. First, it was the Eldest Miss, now Miss Luo. ‘Women who read too much are troublesome. My Qiaoqiao is the best behaved.’

"Um, Miss Luo, are you saying that your beliefs have subtly changed, is that right?" Lin Wanrong carefully chose his words, even more carefully saying them. He actually wanted to say that her choice of spouse had gradually changed, but when the words reached his lips, they turned into the vague term 'belief'. If he accidentally misled a young lady, that would be a serious offense.

Luo Ning let out a small sigh, "Yes, Brother Lin, that's right. It changed even when I hadn't noticed it myself."

Crap, this meant the little girl didn't even know who she liked now. This was indeed a serious problem. Lin Wanrong cautiously said, "Miss Luo, you don't really not know who you like, do you?"

Luo Ning's face flushed, and she scolded, "Brother Lin, what nonsense are you spouting? Of course, I know who I like."

"Oh—" Lin Wanrong drew out the word, then said, "I see, Miss Luo, you've fallen for someone who is entirely different from the ideal person you once yearned for. That's why your old beliefs have crumbled, isn't it?"

Luo Ning's face turned scarlet, she didn't confirm, but she didn't deny it either.

Lin Wanrong's heart was enlightened. It was indeed astonishing that someone could make this young lady abandon her original beliefs. He chuckled and said, "Falling for someone often happens without realization. All those stories about love at first sight, they are all deceptive lies."

Luo Ning's face reddened in embarrassment and she quickly said, "Brother Lin, it's not that I like him, it's just that I enjoy talking with him."

Lin Wanrong laughed out loud, "It's the same thing. Miss Luo, I'll repeat my earlier words, life is short, do what you like, change as you wish. Don't force anything, contentment lies where the heart finds peace."

After their conversation, Luo Ning felt as if she had let go of a significant burden. She giggled and said, "Brother Lin, talking with you is always relaxing, and I learn a lot. I enjoy talking to you the most."

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