Chapter 190 The Young Prince

Seeing no one vying with him, Hou Yuebai was secretly pleased. Hastily, he recited, "Autumn water reflects the silver hall, mandarin ducks share the same wing; Azure sky meets the green water, playing the lute together." Though his couplet was quickly composed and met the standards of balance, the link between mandarin ducks and lute-playing was somewhat strained. It could barely be considered an average couplet.

Seeing the furrowed brow of Miss Luo, the Eldest Miss couldn't bear it. She couldn't help but ask Lin Wanrong, "Lin San, can you answer this couplet?"

Lin Wanrong, feeling somewhat apologetic towards Luo Ning for not keeping a better eye on Hou Yuebai, nodded and replied, "I should be able to."

"Can you do better than him?" The Eldest Miss asked again.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, "I'm self-taught, unrestricted and free-spirited. How could his couplet compare to mine?"

The Eldest Miss gritted her teeth and said, "If that's the case, then you should rise and respond. Suppress this monkey prince." [TL: The characters Hou in Hou Yuebai and Monkey sounded the same]

Startled, Lin Wanrong thought, "Did I hear her wrongly? Is the Eldest Miss delirious?"

Seeing his disbelief, Xiao Yuruo said angrily yet embarrassingly, "Miss Luo has done us a favor. It's only right for us to repay her. But don't get any ideas. If you do, you will not only be betraying Qiaoqiao and Yushuang, but also the Xiao family and me."

Feeling dizzy from her words, Lin Wanrong thought that betraying Qiaoqiao and Yushuang made some sense. But betraying the Xiao family and her? The Eldest Miss blushed, huffed and stopped looking at him.

Seeing no one else answering, and that Lin Wanrong was having a lively chat with Miss Xiao, Luo Ning sighed softly. Just as she was about to speak, Lin Wanrong's voice sounded, "Miss Luo, I have a couplet too."

Delighted, Luo Ning was about to respond when Hou Yuebai quickly interjected, "This couplet was originally answered by me."

Annoyed, Lin Wanrong retorted, "Young Master Hou, don't be impatient. Listen to my couplet first. Miss Luo's couplet was 'Autumn water reflects the silver hall, mandarin ducks share the same wing,' and my response is, 'Heavenly wind under the jade universe, phoenix harmoniously chirps.'"

Everyone present understood that Lin San's lower couplet was more imaginative and apt than Master Hou's. Indeed, this time, the servant of the Xiao family was victorious.

Luo Ning, blushing with both embarrassment and happiness, gave Lin Wanrong a grateful glance. Beaming with pride, Lin Wanrong nodded at her, while the Eldest Miss next to him snorted, "Don't get too proud. Don't forget what I told you earlier. You cannot betray Yushuang."

Lin Wanrong chuckled in response. Meanwhile, Luo Ning, with a blush on her face, coyly put forth the third couplet, "On the branches of parasol trees, two phoenixes perch—"

It seemed to continue from the previous couplet, both sharing the theme of romantic unity, whether it was the mandarin ducks or the perching phoenixes. Was this Eldest Miss really in love? Lin Wanrong looked at Luo Ning with puzzled eyes.

The Eldest Miss's face darkened considerably. The implication in Luo Ning's words was somewhat suggestive of courtship. Grinding her teeth, the Eldest Miss snapped, "Lin San, you don't have to worry about this couplet."

"Should I worry about the monkey prince?" Lin Wanrong asked.

The Eldest Miss said, "You don't need to worry about him either, leave him to me." No sooner had her words fallen than she stood up and said, "Miss Luo, I have the matching line to your couplet, 'On the branches of parasol trees, two phoenixes perch, amidst the lotus blossoms stand a pair of mandarin ducks.'"

"Wonderful, truly wonderful," Lin Wanrong started clapping, seemingly stirring up trouble. Both the Eldest Miss and Luo Ning, without any prior agreement, shot him a look of disdain. The people in the hall were excited to see Miss Xiao match the couplet; a face-off between the two legendary women of talent was not a sight easily witnessed.

Luo Ning, surprised to see that Xiao Yuruo had answered the couplet, blushed in embarrassment. She stepped forward, took the Eldest Miss's hand and said, "Sister Xiao, are you also teasing me?"

Xiao Yuruo, not wanting to offend someone with a laughing face, especially Luo Ning who was kind to Lin San, held her hand back and smiled, "Miss Luo, you've put forth three couplets, it's time to choose the one you like."

Luo Ning gave a light smile, intentionally or not, glanced at Lin Wanrong and giggled, "Of course I've chosen. I choose you, sister Xiao." Both women began to laugh and jest. Watching this scene, Lin Wanrong sighed. They had just been at each other's throats, yet now they were as amiable as ever. Indeed, women and tigers were the most fearsome creatures in the world.

Luo Yuan pulled Lin Wanrong to the old lady's side, affectionately introducing, "Grandmother, this is big brother Lin Wanrong, whom I know. He also knows father and is very close with my sister and me."

After bowing respectfully, Lin Wanrong stood up and asked with a smile, "Grandmother, is it your fiftieth birthday today?"

The old lady laughed, "What are you saying, child? I'm already in my seventies, not fifties."

Stunned, Lin Wanrong exclaimed, "But you look so youthful and vibrant, with such rosy cheeks and youthful hair, that you seem to be a fifty-year-old. I completely forgot it was your seventieth birthday. My apologies."

Luo Yuan sucked in a breath at Lin Wanrong's audacious flattery. The old lady, though amused by his extraordinary wit and talent despite being a mere servant, was pleased. She chuckled, "You sure know how to charm with your words, and you were quite clever and interesting with your couplet exchange with Luo Ning earlier. You should visit more often."

Blushing, Luo Ning quickly responded, "Don't worry, grandmother. I will certainly seek guidance from Brother Lin."

Lin Wanrong felt an icy glare from behind. He understood Hou Yuebai's resentment, but why was the Eldest Miss so infuriated? If anyone should be angry, it should be Yushuang. It was all too confusing.

Chuckling, Lin Wanrong said, "On your special birthday, I wish you eternal youth, good temper, healthy teeth, good appetite, fragrant meals, blooming flowers, a virtuous wife for your grandson soon, a good husband for your granddaughter soon, numerous descendants, wealth, and a house filled with blessings."

Upon hearing his lengthy blessing, the people in the hall were left either dazed or sweating profusely. They had seen shamelessness before, but never to this extent. They wondered from where this Xiao family's servant, who acted without the slightest regard for decorum, had sprung. The Eldest Miss found it both infuriating and amusing. But seeing how delighted the old lady from the Luo family was, she couldn't help but shake her head and smile. This scoundrel, blessed with the gift of the gab, seemed to be able to appease anyone in the world.

The old lady's spirits were lifted by his words. Laughing, she said, "Very well, reward him."

In his mind, Lin Wanrong was elated, ‘My diamond hasn't been presented yet, and I'm already making money.’ He pulled out a small diamond from his pocket. It was only a third of the size of the one he'd given to Qiaoqiao, but it still caused a stir among the people in the hall.

The diamond was crystal clear, brimming with unique colors. One glance was enough to know that it was no ordinary gem. Those present, already aware of the story from Sunshine and Rain Restaurant, instantly understood that this was the famed diamond from the West. It was indeed an extraordinary piece of craftsmanship.

Luo Ning covered her mouth in surprise, staring at the gleaming diamond. She hadn't expected him to present such an extravagant gift. Although it couldn't compare to the one he had given Qiaoqiao the previous day, it was extremely precious. Few such diamonds could be found throughout the entire Great Hua.

The appeal of diamonds to women was undeniable. Luo Ning's heart pounded, while the Eldest Miss appeared dazed. This Lin San, always so generous, had never given her a diamond despite having some in his possession.

With a sly smile, Lin Wanrong presented the diamond to the old lady, "Elderly one, this diamond was acquired from a Westerner in Hangzhou. On the occasion of your birthday, I hadn't prepared anything better, so please accept this little stone as my token of respect. Given your graciousness, I trust you won't mind that it is a small gift."

The old lady inspected the diamond, her face bursting with joy. She chuckled, "You, child, have given such a grand gift and yet call it small. Luo Ning, I'm old. This diamond is a token of Brother Lin's affection. I'll give it to you. You should cherish it and not disappoint Brother Lin's goodwill."

Lin Wanrong nearly choked at the old lady's words. He saw the Eldest Miss's murderous gaze sweeping over him repeatedly. But how could he be blamed for this? The old lady, nearing her eighties, was indeed not as sharp in her thinking and speaking. It had nothing to do with him.

Understanding the implication of the old lady's words, Luo Ning was half embarrassed, half annoyed, and didn't dare to respond. However, she loved the diamond so much that she accepted it without a word, holding it in her hand and examining it closely.

Lin Wanrong's generous gesture didn't surprise anyone since they knew about his escapade in Hangzhou. But the sight of the Eldest Miss's sullen face did stir some curiosity. Yet, they could only keep their questions to themselves.

‘Ah, I always strive to keep a low profile, but I've never truly achieved it. Life is so frustrating,’ thought Lin Wanrong when he suddenly heard an announcement from outside the door, "His Highness Prince Cheng’s son, Young Prince Ning has arrived..."

The hall erupted into a low buzz as murmurs spread among the crowd. This young Prince Ning was apparently an important figure, and even the always-composed Cheng De and Tao Yu had looks of delight on their faces.

Upon hearing about some young prince or heir, Lin Wanrong felt a bit dizzy. "What nonsense," he thought, "riding on the coattails of their ancestors, swindling food and drink, showing off... Damn, I disdain you."

Luo Min had already gone out to welcome a newcomer into the residence. The man, in his twenties, wore a purple-gold crown and a yellow robe embroidered with dragons. His physique was slender, his face handsome. He carried himself with grace and elegance, his warm smile appearing even before he spoke, his demeanor refined. At first glance, one could tell he was no ordinary person.

Was this the so-called Young Prince Ning? The so-called prince, the dragon's grandson, did indeed look quite impressive. Suddenly, Lin Wanrong thought of the master of Tao Dongcheng, whom he had encountered at the White Lotus cult. Could this be the same person? Lin Wanrong promptly rose to his feet.

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