Chapter 143 Wrathful Punishment of the Obnoxious Lady

Her face was alight with joy, teeth clenched tightly as she called out loudly, "Officers! Arrest that suspect Lin San on the black horse, Master Hou will surely reward you greatly."

Upon hearing Miss Wanying's words, the constables swiftly moved into action, encircling Lin Wanrong and bellowed, "Lin San, dismount and surrender!"

Lin Wanrong smirked slightly, greeting Wanying, "Good morning, Miss Wanying. Working so early today? That must be tiring. May I ask why you all have me surrounded?"

Furious, Wanying replied, "Lin San, you assaulted Master Hou's son yesterday. I saw it with my own eyes. Today, I'm taking you in. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Laughing, Lin Wanrong retorted, "Miss Wanying, the country has its laws, families have their rules. If you wish to arrest me, it's simple, present an arrest warrant from the city Prefect. Then there's no need for you to act, I'll come along willingly."

Wanying hesitated, wondering if Lin San knew something. After returning to the city hall the previous day, the Prefect had been enraged at the sight of Master Hou's son. But after discussing matters with Lord Luo later in the evening, the Prefect's attitude had completely shifted. His fury seemingly vanished like smoke, saying that since Master Hou's son initiated the fight, it was difficult to judge the matter. He wished to dismiss it and even forbade them from seeking revenge on Lin Wanrong.

Wanying didn't understand why the Prefect had such a change of heart. But out of concern for Master Hou's son and feeling quite furious, she found no outlet for her anger. Now running into Lin San early in the morning was perfectly convenient for her. She decided to take him down first and report later.

Observing her reaction, Lin Wanrong knew that Old Luo must have settled the matter, which made him feel even less fear. Smiling, he said, "Miss Wanying, please produce the warrant."

Wanying blinked and loudly proclaimed, "I'm here to arrest you under the order of the Prefect. Once we return to the city hall, you'll see the warrant."

The Eldest Miss, having heard Wanying's voice, peeked out of the carriage, "Miss Wanying, you're here too?"

Upon seeing Xiao Yuruo, Wanying was delighted, "Sister Yuruo, you're here too? Where are you going so early?"

The Eldest Miss didn't answer her question, only asking, "Miss Wanying, why are you arresting Lin San? Do you have a warrant from Master Hou?"

Wanying had always been keen on pairing Xiao Yuruo with her own brother and had always tried to please the Eldest Miss. But given that Lin San had hurt Master Hou's son yesterday, she was indeed infuriated. She replied, "Sister Yuruo, let me arrest Lin San first, then we can chat."

Observing her evasion, Lin Wanrong sneered, "Miss Wanying, if you try to arrest me without a warrant, that's essentially robbery on the highway, no different from being a bandit. You should think this through."

Wanying bit her cherry lips, angrily ordered, "Officers, quickly arrest Lin San."

The constables, appearing quite partial to Miss Wanying, swarmed around even though they knew she had no warrant. They roared out, "Lin San, get off the horse and surrender immediately!"

‘Damn it,’ Lin Wanrong thought, ‘I've already warned you, but you still want to push your luck.’ He smirked disdainfully, "Miss Wanying, I've already reminded you once. If you try to take me without a warrant, you're just bandits. And against bandits, I won't show any courtesy."

"Insolent! Get down right now!" One of the constables who was closest to Lin Wanrong growled in anger, attempting to reach for the reins of Lin Wanrong's horse.

Lin Wanrong kicked him, sending him sprawling to the ground, "Since you insist on playing the bandit, I won't show any courtesy. Even if it escalates to the governor, I'm not afraid of you."

The constables of Jinling, typically displaying their might and power, had never been treated like this. They unsheathed their steel blades, charging at him.

Seeing her companions taking action, Miss Wanying also lightly urged her white horse forward, charging directly at Lin Wanrong. Despite her petite figure, her equestrian skills were exceptional. She was completely stable on the horse and even managed to extend a horse whip, aiming a brutal strike at Lin Wanrong's face.

"Be careful, Lin San!" The Eldest Miss cried out from the carriage.

This Miss Wanying was too ruthless, Lin Wanrong thought, cursing under his breath as he met her head on. His riding skills had become adept, and his martial arts prowess made dealing with a few constables an easy task. Seizing the opportunity, he grabbed the horsewhip. Miss Wanying pulled several times with all her strength, her face flushed red from the struggle, but the horsewhip remained immovable.

"Let go," Miss Wanying commanded angrily.

Lin Wanrong yanked the whip suddenly. Wanying cried out in pain, her grip loosening, and the whip fell into Lin Wanrong's hands.

Infuriated, Wanying drew the long sword she carried and aimed it at his chest, thrusting fiercely.

‘Damn, this girl is ruthless,’ thought Lin Wanrong, his fury fully ignited. He swiftly turned his horse, narrowly avoiding the stab, and with a powerful kick, he struck the neck of Wanying's white horse.

The white horse let out a long neigh, its wild nature triggered. Its front hooves reared up, threatening to throw Wanying off. Luckily, Wanying was skilled in horse riding. She held tightly onto the reins and clung to the horse's belly with her legs, preventing herself from being thrown off. Even so, she was drenched in cold sweat from the shock.

Seizing the moment, Lin Wanrong reached out, snatching her long sword. He forced her wrist with strength, causing Wanying to scream in pain as her wrist swelled red.

Lin Wanrong snorted, releasing her wrist, stepping back a few paces, and then swiftly turned around. He thrust the stolen sword into the ground and looked coldly at Wanying.

Seeing that Miss Wanying was at a disadvantage against Lin Wanrong, the constables cried out, their swords and blades ready, they charged together, "This criminal dares to resist arrest, let's take him down together, brothers!"

Seeing the bolstering presence of her companions, Miss Wanying regained her momentum. She clenched her fists tightly, her face flushed with determination. With a shrill cry of "Charge," she spurred her white horse forward like an arrow once again.

Witnessing their obstinacy, even the most patient of temperaments would have lost their composure, let alone Lin Wanrong, who was not one to shy away from a confrontation. He chuckled, instructed Si De and Xiao Feng to "Protect the young lady," then, he too, kicked his horse into a dash.

The exhilaration of a cavalry charge was truly something else—imposing and suffused with an aura of lethal determination. It was no wonder that the young Miss Wanying relished it so. Lin Wanrong, skilled and audacious, urged his black steed straight towards Wanying. As they passed each other, Wanying timed her move perfectly, lashing out with a punch aimed directly at his face.

Lin Wanrong deftly dodged her attack, lowering his body while his hands darted out with lightning speed.

Wanying felt a sudden weightlessness, and a scream tore from her lips. She was suspended mid-air, held by her waist in his hands as if she were a mere clay doll. Her horse galloped on beneath her, her outstretched fist frozen in mid-air.

"Let go of me, let go of me!" Wanying shrieked. The fury and humiliation of a young lady being held in such a way were unimaginable. She screamed again, kicking out wildly towards the belly of Lin's black horse.

‘Damn it, she's still so savage even when captured.’ Lin Wanrong pressed hard against her waist, and suddenly, Wanying's strength ebbed away.

Lin Wanrong flipped her upside down, holding her by her ankles. This new position, with her head down and legs up, was even more embarrassing than before. Wanying felt a rush of blood surge to her head.

"You vile scoundrel, Lin San! If I, Tao Wanying, don't kill you, then I'll forsake my own name," Wanying sobbed.

The young lady called out anxiously, "Lin San, don't harm Miss Wanying, she's just a girl!"

"Just a girl? Damn it, she didn't seem like 'just a girl' when she tried to kill me," Lin Wanrong retorted, eyeing the constables encircling him. He challenged, "Anyone else want to try?"

"You... you assaulted an official. We won't let you off," one of the constables plucked up the courage to say.

"Official? You had no warrant yet attempted to arrest and kill me—that's banditry. I'm not afraid to bring this to any court," Lin Wanrong shot back angrily.

Despite being held by Lin Wanrong, Wanying remained defiant, crying out, "Brothers, this Lin San first offended the Young Master, then assaulted the officers of the yamen. Where does a commoner get such audacity? I suspect he's in league with the White Lotus Cult. We should arrest him and report back to the Master."

To accuse Lin Wanrong of attacking the Young Master was one thing, but to allege that he was colluding with the White Lotus Cult was touching a nerve. If Wanying's previous actions could still be described as a protective measure, her current words were nothing short of naked slander and fabrication.

Upon hearing this, the Eldest Miss burst out in anger, "Miss Wanying, I swear on my personal integrity about the matters with the White Lotus Sect that I have been through with Lin San. He is absolutely not a demon of the White Lotus Sect. If you slander him like this, you are slandering me, and you are slandering my Xiao family. You have no official documentation today, but you want to block the road and arrest someone from my Xiao family. Do you really think there's no law in this Jinling City? Although my Xiao family can't compare to your Tao family, we are not so easily bullied. Miss Tao, if you give me a reasonable explanation today, that would be the end of it. But if you do not, I am going to report to the Prefect and the Governor to seek justice for my Xiao family."

It seemed like the Eldest Miss was truly enraged. It was one thing for Miss Wanying to persistently cause difficulties, but now she was accusing Lin San of colluding with the White Lotus Sect. If others did not know Lin San, she knew him the best. In the Xiao family, apart from her mother and younger sister, the person she relied on and trusted the most was indeed Lin San. Tao Wanying's words not only smeared Lin San but also belittled the Xiao family, igniting the Eldest Miss's anger.

Xiao Yuruo's words were very heavy, stern, and utterly ruthless, not hesitating to have a falling out with Wanying.

Lin Wanrong glanced at the Eldest Miss upon hearing these heartwarming words. The Eldest Miss, however, gave him a disgruntled look, indicating that if he hadn't beaten up that young noble, there wouldn't have been so many issues.

Tao Wanying seemed to realize the inappropriateness of her words and hurriedly said, "Sister Yuruo, I didn't mean that, ahem, ahem—" Apparently, she had been held upside down by Lin Wanrong for too long, and her circulation had somewhat stagnated, making it difficult for her to speak.

Xiao Yuruo said to Lin Wanrong, "Lin San, let her go. If she dares to cause trouble again, I will personally go to the government office and beat the drum for you to redress your grievances." Seeing that the Eldest Miss was standing up for him so strongly, Lin Wanrong had to show some respect. He lifted Tao Wanying around her waist with a strong upward motion, keeping her body as far away from his own as possible to signify that he had no intention towards her.

Tao Wanying urgently said, "Lin San, you scoundrel, let go of me quickly. Sister Yuruo, I didn't mean that. I don't suspect you of colluding with the White Lotus Sect—"

The Eldest Miss waved her hand and said, "Miss Wanying, we need not discuss this matter any further. Today, your suspicion of Lin San equates to suspicion of me and the Xiao family. We have nothing more to talk about. Lin San, please let her go."

Lin Wanrong asked, "Eldest Miss, do you want me to just let her go like this?"

The Eldest Miss nodded, and Lin Wanrong obediently replied, "Understood, I will let her go just like this."

With that, he abruptly let go of his grip on Tao Wanying, who was being held sideways. Without any support, Tao Wanying fell straight onto the ground. She let out a soft cry as her bottom hit the floor, feeling both embarrassed and angry, and struggled to articulate, "Lin San, I won't let you off—"

The Eldest Miss knew that Lin San had deliberately caused Wanying to make a fool of herself. She couldn't help but glare at him before her eyes turned cold. Turning to Wanying, she said, "Miss Tao, remember my words today. While the Xiao family may consist of women, we do not fear any provocation."

There is always a natural adversary for everything. Although Tao Wanying was wild by nature, she was somewhat fearful of the Eldest Miss. In a subdued voice, she said, "Sister Yuruo, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that this Lin San has been excessively bullying, and I—"

The Eldest Miss didn't bother to engage her in conversation. Instead, she addressed the few officials, "Dear officers, you have wrongfully detained a person today. While the Xiao family may not be a prominent lineage, we are not to be wronged in this city of Jinling. I know that today's events are not related to you, and I do not wish to pursue it, but I ask that you stop making things difficult for us."

The officers originally thought this would be an easy capture, but they didn't expect to encounter such tough resistance. In the first place, they were on the wrong side, and the Xiao family was not to be bullied by just anyone. The blame rested on Miss Tao, who had failed to clarify the situation, and they considered themselves unfortunate.

At this point, Tao Wanying didn't know what to do. She looked desperately at the Eldest Miss, her eyes full of pitifulness. No one would have imagined that just a moment ago, she had been fiercely threatening to kill someone.

Seeing Tao Wanying holding her waist with one hand and her bottom with the other, the Eldest Miss knew that she must have taken a hard fall. She couldn't help but glance at Lin San again, only to see him staring at Wanying's bottom with a smirk.

Did he have a peculiar interest in women's rears? The Eldest Miss felt her face heat up. She huffed, waved towards the carriage, and commanded, "Let's move on."

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