Chapter 142 Enemies on Narrow Road

On the second day, in the small hours before dawn, Lin Wanrong was sound asleep when he heard a woman calling from outside his door, "Lin San, it's time to get up."

Blinking sleepily, Lin Wanrong recognized the voice as that of the Eldest Miss. He puzzled over her early rise. 'What could that girl be up to this early? Doesn't she fear getting panda eyes from lack of sleep?'

"Lin San, get up quickly. We need to leave," the Eldest Miss's voice came again from outside. With no choice, Lin Wanrong groggily got dressed, opened the door, and found the sky still filled with twinkling stars, with Venus shining brightly. Dawn was still more than an hour away.

The Eldest Miss was already fully dressed, with a long cloak draped over her. Her face was slightly red from the cold wind. She glanced at him and said, "I knew you'd still be sleeping. Wake up quickly. We're leaving now."

Suppressing a yawn, Lin Wanrong asked, "Eldest Miss, it's still early, is there such a rush?"

Xiao Yuruo snorted, "We're heading to Hangzhou, a journey of hundreds of miles. If we don't start early, how can we get there in time? You're so lazy, always making excuses. Next time I'll find a drum to beat near your ear and see how you can continue to slack off."

'There it comes,' thought Lin Wanrong, 'her excuses to discipline me. Heh, she's underestimating me.' He hastily washed his face with cold water. The weather was getting colder, so he put on a few more clothes and followed the Eldest Miss out.

Seeing his efficient movements, the Eldest Miss's face softened slightly. "Don't let it happen again," she said. "I shouldn't be the one to wake you." 'If you didn't, I would sleep until broad daylight,' thought Lin Wanrong.

Upon reaching the gate, Lin Wanrong felt a pang of guilt. Not only was Madam Xiao standing there, but Xiao Yushuang was also there, her face flushed, evidently having waited for a while. The Second Miss smiled sweetly at his arrival, warming Lin Wanrong's heart.

'I must be the laziest servant of this era,' thought Lin Wanrong, chuckling to himself. He stepped forward and said, "Madam, Second Miss, good morning."

The Madam nodded and smiled, "Lin San, did you sleep well last night? We wouldn't have woken you so early if we didn't have to set off."

The Madam's words were heartwarming, but Lin Wanrong knew it was her way of winning him over. After all, flattering words cost nothing.

"Thank you for your concern, Madam. I slept well last night," Lin Wanrong responded, feigning gratitude.

The Madam nodded and smiled, "Yuruo is a woman and can't travel alone. You'll need to take extra care on the trip to Hangzhou."

"Of course, of course. With the Eldest Miss's wise leadership, the journey will surely be smooth and safe," Lin Wanrong replied dismissively.

The Second Miss looked at him with a smile, biting her lip lightly as if wanting to say something, but hesitated with her mother and sister present.

Seeing that everyone was nearly ready, the Eldest Miss said to the Madam, "Mother, you and Yushuang can go back and rest. We are setting off." Xiao Yushuang hurriedly stepped forward, grasping the Eldest Miss's hand, "Sister, take care on your journey."

Xiao Yuruo nodded with a soft smile. The Second Miss turned to glance at Lin Wanrong once more, whispering softly, "Lin San, you... be careful."

"Thank you, Second Miss," replied Lin Wanrong, who stealthily drew a few steps closer. He was just about to grab the Second Miss's hand when the Eldest Miss blocked her sister and asked, "Lin San, have you prepared everything?" Seeing the sly smile flicker across the Eldest Miss's face, Lin Wanrong was annoyed. This girl was deliberately ruining his plan. ‘Eventually,’ he thought, ‘I'll ruin something for you too.’

"Oh, everything is ready. Speaking of which, Second Miss, do you enjoy the Buddhist scriptures you're reading? The Temple of the Hidden Spirits [Lingyin Temple] by West Lake in Hangzhou is famous. Maybe I can find some better scriptures for you there? I'm not sure if there are any with illustrations."

The Second Miss covered her mouth to hide a laugh. That scoundrel! All Buddhist scriptures were the same, what was this nonsense about better or worse? He thought they were like the tabloids he sketched, coming in illustrated versions. He was clearly just making trouble to chat with her.

Seeing the annoyed look on the Eldest Miss's face, Xiao Yushuang quickly said, "No need, just look after my sister on this trip. And take care of yourself too, don't stir up trouble, avoid disaster, and come back early." Her voice faded to a barely audible whisper towards the end.

Madam Xiao stood at a distance, not quite hearing. But the Eldest Miss and Lin Wanrong were close enough to hear. Seeing Lin San's broad smile, the Eldest Miss huffed and said, "In that case, let's set off."

After she finished speaking, she turned to mount the carriage. The Second Miss used the opportunity of helping her sister to subtly toss Lin San a small paper ball. Lin Wanrong quickly caught it. The Second Miss's face flushed as she stealthily glanced at him before swiftly retreating. Lin Wanrong felt a pang of affection; little Yushuang had even learned this secretive gesture of passing notes, becoming more and more enticing.

The Eldest Miss lifted the curtain from inside the carriage, waving to her mother and sister. "Mother, Yushuang, go back and rest. We'll be back in just a few days." Madam Xiao nodded, but the Second Miss's nose was a bit sore. She continued to wave at the carriage, faintly seeing the scoundrel smiling and waving back at her. Her eyes reddened, filled with a mix of shyness and longing, as she leaned against her mother, tears wetting her eyes.

Lin Wanrong swung himself onto his black horse. This time, accompanying the Eldest Miss to Hangzhou, apart from Lin Wanrong, there were two house servants and a maid, the latter naturally joining the Eldest Miss in the carriage.

The remaining two house servants were both familiar faces. One was the quick-witted Si De, and the other was the honest Xiao Feng. Due to supply issues with flower petals, the perfume workshop could only produce a little over 500 bottles each month, leaving Xiao Feng, the foreman, with some spare time. Si De was familiar with Lin San, having gone with Fubo and a few others to set up the soap workshop. Both servants were personally chosen by the Eldest Miss, thinking that Lin Wanrong was familiar with them, and could handle them effectively.

Upon seeing the three men mount their horses, Xiao Yuruo stuck her head out from behind the curtain and said, "Lin San, on this trip to Hangzhou, you are the leader besides me. Make sure to handle them well, don't cause trouble, and don't let me and mother's high hopes down."

This little lady was rather cunning, deliberately putting him in charge of two people to arouse his sense of responsibility. It could be considered quite a clever move.

Lin Wanrong chuckled, saying, "Xiao Feng, Si De, you two follow me closely. Don't get lost."

"Yes, Brother San," both men said respectfully. Lin Wanrong was now a senior servant, ranking significantly higher than the two of them, and his status in the Xiao household was quite prestigious. Even Chief Steward Wang would likely have to refer to him respectfully as Brother San.

This rogue actually commanded respect, the Eldest Miss silently conceded. She nodded and said, "In that case, take care of each other."

The three men split into two groups, with Lin Wanrong and Xiao Feng riding side by side on the left side of the carriage, and Si De guarding the right side. The entourage then made their way out of the city.

By now, Lin Wanrong's horse riding skills had improved. Using Xiao Feng's body to shield him from the Eldest Miss's view, he quietly opened the small piece of paper that the Second Miss had thrown to him. Written on it was a neat row of delicate characters: "Hurry back. I'll be waiting for you!"

Lin Wanrong nodded with a smile. Although the words were brief, the emotion was profound. Little Yushuang was becoming more and more clever.

As their carriage passed by the Food for Immortals restaurant, Lin Wanrong saw from a distance that the light was already on in Qiaoqiao's room. Surprisingly, she had woken up so early. A warm current surged in his heart. He was considering asking the Eoung Miss's permission to check on Qiaoqiao, when he saw a charming figure standing outside the Food for Immortals restaurant. It was Qiaoqiao herself.

"Big brother—" Qiaoqiao called out when she saw Lin Wanrong, and ran towards him like a gust of wind.

Lin Wanrong was taken aback, and quickly dismounted. "Qiaoqiao, what are you doing here?"

The weather was getting colder, and Qiaoqiao wore a small red jacket. Her cheeks were flushed as she tightly held Lin Wanrong's hand. "Big brother, I've been waiting for you."

Gently brushing away the frost from Qiaoqiao's hair, Lin Wanrong took her small, cold hand. "Silly girl, why are you here?"

Qiaoqiao gave a shy smile. "The Eldest Miss sent a message last night, saying that you were going to Hangzhou with her today. She asked me to prepare food for you."

As she spoke, Xiao Yuruo peered out of the carriage. "Qiaoqiao, thank you so much."

Qiaoqiao responded with a sweet smile, "Miss, why are you being so formal?"

With a wave of her hand, two waiters from the Food for Immortals restaurant brought over some food to put in the carriage. The young girl then handed Lin Wanrong a bamboo basket, saying, "Big brother, these are all your favorites. Just warm them up over a fire, and they're ready to eat."

Lin Wanrong took her cold hand and said, "Qiaoqiao, you mustn't stay up late anymore. Go to bed early and get up early. I've told you before, a woman's youth is precious. Staying up late is bad for your health, and I won't allow it in the future. Listen to your big brother and go rest now."

Qiaoqiao gave a soft murmur of acknowledgment, her head lowered. "Big brother, it's a long journey to Hangzhou. Please take care of yourself."

Lin Wanrong gently caressed her cheek, saying, "Silly girl, don't cry. I'll be back in just a few days. Hangzhou is quite near. I can make the round trip in a day and a night on horseback."

Wiping away her tears, Qiaoqiao quickly interrupted him. "Big brother, don't push yourself too hard. Traveling is not the same as staying at home, so you must pace yourself and proceed with caution. Don't rush."

Seeing the two of them in deep conversation, the Eldest Miss seemed a bit impatient. She said, "It's getting late, Lin San. We should be on our way."

In a low voice, Lin Wanrong asked Qiaoqiao, "Has the Eldest Miss paid for these meals?"

Qiaoqiao's tears turned to laughter as she replied, "Big brother, who else could be as calculative as you?"

Upon seeing Lin Wanrong's smile, she finally understood that he was only teasing her to lighten the mood. The girl felt a mix of happiness and embarrassment. It wasn't the first time they'd talked like this, but it always felt fresh. She didn't know where his charm came from.

After saying a lingering goodbye to Qiaoqiao, Lin Wanrong noticed that the Eldest Miss seemed a bit unhappy, so he kept quiet. It seemed to him that all this was deliberately arranged by the Eldest Miss, who had purposely informed Qiaoqiao in advance, under the guise of preparing meals, just to give Lin Wanrong a proper send-off. Was this supposed to make him feel grateful? This Eldest Miss was indeed crafty.

As they neared the city wall, about to leave the city, they saw a group of officials in the distance holding up torches and posting something on the wall. It appeared to be a notice.

Lin Wanrong signaled to Si De, who cleverly rode his horse forward to take a closer look, then returned shortly thereafter.

The Eldest Miss, having noticed the scene, asked, "What kind of notice is being posted?"

Si De reported respectfully, "Miss, Brother San, it's a proclamation from the governor."

"Oh?" The Eldest Miss seemed surprised. Governor Luo rarely posted notices, so why today? Could something big have happened?

They hurried forward to get a closer look. Lin Wanrong strained to read the vertically arranged, traditional characters, his eyes blurring from the effort. After a few glances, he lost interest and asked Xiao Feng beside him, "I didn't sleep well last night and my eyes are tired. Tell me quickly, what's in this proclamation from the governor?"

Xiao Feng explained, "It's an announcement about new taxes. The governor says that to raise funds for river defenses to benefit the people of Jiangsu, they are introducing new taxes on brothels by the Qinhuai River, based on the principle of those with money pay money, those with strength provide labor. Once these taxes are paid, the brothels can go to the yamen to get their registration, officially open, and then operate legitimately with that document."

‘Intriguing,’ thought Lin Wanrong. This old Luo had a strategy indeed. The simple idea of raising taxes had been brilliantly intertwined with the issuance of operating licenses. Thus, government-sanctioned and clandestine brothels were clearly marked with fixed prices. The nature of these brothels was always half-public, half-hidden, and the court had neither explicitly permitted nor forbidden them. old Luo had exploited this ambiguity to make some money. Paying this special industry tax amounted to obtaining a pass from the yamen, turning the brothels into public, legal establishments. Driven by huge profits, even if the taxes were high, those owners would pay willingly.

Old Luo's strategy was indeed impressive. Lin Wanrong marveled inwardly as he heard Xiao Feng continue: "Governor Luo has also said that he has ordered Commander-in-chief Cheng of Jiangsu to deploy troops to repair the defenses along the Yangtze River immediately. He has also called on the people of the province to generously donate money for this purpose. At this crucial moment, the military and civilians of Jiangsu must unite to protect their homes. Anyone who fails to heed the order would be a sinner for all time, guilty of destroying Nanjing and Jiangsu."

Despite the discord between Cheng De and Luo Min, Luo Min was, in name at least, the highest military and political official in Jiangsu, and Cheng De had to obey his orders. Old Luo's strategy was to create public opinion first and then pass the ball to Cheng De, exactly the method Lin Wanrong had taught him the day before.

The Eldest Miss found the brothel business despicable, but she too was a businesswoman. Speaking in commercial terms, the introduction of new taxes was unfavorable to businesspeople. She sighed, saying, "It's tough for those in business, yet the introduction of new taxes can be decided by a single word from the government officials. I wonder which wicked advisor came up with this idea."

Cold sweat trickled down Lin Wanrong's forehead. Wasn't he that 'wicked advisor'? He couldn't shoulder this undeserved blame. He quickly defended himself, "Miss, while it's true that we're all in business, there are differences. The obscene profits in the brothel business need no explanation. However, these profits are soaked in the tears and blood of women. The money that ends up in the hands of these unfortunate women is less than one-tenth of the total. So where do the enormous profits go?"

The Eldest Miss appeared thoughtful. Lin Wanrong continued, "The existence of brothels has its own reasons. Simply put, there is a demand, so they can survive. It would be better to be open and regulate them, imposing heavy taxes on their huge profits. This both limits their development and provides a source of tax revenue. Isn't it a win-win situation?"

‘What a limit to development,’ he thought. ‘It's pure nonsense meant to deceive people. Demand generates a market, an unchanging truth. Imposing heavy taxes on these brothels would not greatly affect those vampiric owners. The burden would cleverly be shifted to the customers under some pretext.’ Naturally, Lin Wanrong understood the workings of this system.

Inevitably, the value of those brothel girls would skyrocket, he thought, visiting a brothel would now cost more. Sighing, he said, "Don't blame me for this. Even pork is becoming more expensive these days, let alone brothel girls. If there are willing buyers and sellers, who can blame men for their preferences? It's all a contribution to the river defense, after all."

The Eldest Miss glanced at him, "Lin San, you're defending Governor Luo so ardently. Could it be that you're the one who came up with this idea?"

"Impossible," Lin Wanrong chuckled, "How could I possibly come up with such a brilliant idea? I assume Governor Luo must have sought the most intelligent person in the world to devise such a masterstroke."

The Eldest Miss snorted, choosing not to respond. Just as they were about to leave, the crisp sound of horse hooves reached their ears. A woman in official attire rode up on a white horse, an air of authority about her. She called to the officers, "Have you finished posting everything here, gentlemen?"

Looking up, Lin Wanrong saw it was Tao Wanying, that little lass. She was an official in the Jinling Prefecture, naturally involved in the posting of these notices.

Wanying seemed to have a certain influence, for the officers nodded in unison, "All done."

She gave a slight nod, preparing to ride off. But as she turned, her eyes landed on a black horse standing near the posted notice. The man sitting atop the horse had a mischievous look in his eyes, a smile playing on his lips as he gazed at her. Wasn't he that violent Lin San?

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