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Chapter 121 The Invitation

Seeing the troubled look on Luo Ning's face, Lin Wanrong said, "Miss Luo, do you think my request is unreasonable?"

Luo Ning furrowed her brows lightly, whispering, "Big brother, these conditions indeed pose a challenge."

Lin Wanrong looked serious. "Miss Luo, do you find this challenging? I don't think so. Have you considered that, while you may have a thousand reasons to ask others for charity, it might put them in a difficult position too?"

Luo Ning bit her lower lip, mulling over his words.

"Certainly, there's a justification for charity, but everyone earns their money with hard work and effort," Lin Wanrong continued. "You may not like to hear this, Miss Luo, but you may only see their wealth without acknowledging the hardship they've gone through. Every single penny they earn is carefully calculated. Even if they've earned their money unscrupulously, they still bear the brunt of criticism and pressure. They have paid their dues. Though fundraising is tough, there's no such thing as a free lunch. If you want to gain something without giving anything in return, why would such a good thing fall into your lap?"

Luo Ning carefully considered his words and suddenly chuckled. "Big brother, I concede that your points are valid. However, by giving us an opportunity, isn't our poetry contest also providing you with one? As you said, it's a win-win situation. You're not at a loss here."

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, admiring the young woman's sharp wit. Conversations with her were refreshingly straightforward. He asked, "So, Miss Luo, are you agreeing to my conditions?"

Luo Ning smiled, "Big brother, I think your proposal should be feasible. As long as we are clever in our design to highlight your logo, making people recognize it without disturbing the artistic atmosphere of the poetry contest, it should be fine. What do you think?"

Lin Wanrong nodded, realizing that this was the best she could offer. In this era, advertising was a novel concept, and going overboard might cause backlash.

Suddenly, Luo Ning sighed lightly, "Big brother, do you look down on me for going around asking for donations to hold this poetry contest?"

Lin Wanrong replied solemnly, "That depends on your intention. If you're doing this for fame and to flaunt your reputation as the best female scholar in Jinling, then yes, I would find it distasteful. But I believe you're not that kind of person."

With gratitude, Luo Ning smiled, "Big brother, thank you for being honest with me. Everyone has dreams, and I'm no exception. I've loved poetry since I was a child. My wish is to gather the talented scholars across the world, to share amusing stories and compose poetry together. As for the title of 'best female scholar', it's quite a hollow title, more of a burden than a benefit. What good would it do for me?"

Luo Ning was born into a wealthy family, and it wasn't surprising that she held such dreams. What was commendable was her attention to the overlooked orphans. In this regard, she was truly a thoughtful woman.

Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, Miss Luo, and I admire your courage. However, there's always a gap between dreams and reality. Be careful not to become so engrossed in your dreams that you lose touch with reality."

After saying this, he sighed inwardly. ‘Young girls are all dreamers, always painting a beautiful picture of the future, oblivious to the harsh realities of the world.’

Gratefully, Luo Ning replied, "Big brother, thank you for your advice. I will keep it in mind. However..." She paused, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Considering the conditions you've set for this poetry contest, could I also make a small request on my behalf?"

Lin Wanrong looked at her in surprise. "You have another request? Let's be clear, a thousand taels of silver is the limit. Not an extra tael will I part with. I'm a miserly man."

Luo Ning laughed, "Big brother, stop teasing me. My request has nothing to do with money. It's a personal one."

"Personal?" Lin Wanrong chuckled, "What personal request could you possibly have? Be sure it's not something inappropriate. I'm a man of principles."

Luo Ning, hearing his light teasing, simply smiled and said, "I'd like to invite big brother to attend our poetry contest."

"Me, attend?" Lin Wanrong jumped, stunned. Wasn't this like forcing a duck onto a perch? He knew his limitations. He could recite some poetry, but beyond that, he was quite helpless. A poetry contest was a showcase of real talent, there was no room for cheating.

"Miss Luo, are you deliberately trying to make a fool of me? With my abilities, reciting poetry and composing verses are beyond me," Lin Wanrong said, showing a rare humility.

Luo Ning shook her head, seriously replying, "Big brother, you underestimate yourself. You may not realize, but the four timeless couplets you've hung on the fourth floor of the 'Food for Immortals' have not only made you famous throughout Jinling, but have also reached far and wide to the counties of Jiangsu. Every day, countless scholars come here to admire your couplets, and none have yet managed to complete the second line. If you aren't qualified to participate in this poetry contest, then who in Jinling would be?"

Sighing in feigned distress, Lin Wanrong shook his head, "Being talented is a curse sometimes. Being invited by Miss Luo is something to be envious of. In that case, I'll go and observe. But let's be clear in advance, don't expect me to compose any poetry. I'm a modest man. While you all engage in versifying, I'll just enjoy my wine and admire the beauties. That sounds enjoyable." His tone shifted, and he laughed, "However, I do have a concern."

"What are you worried about, big brother?" Luo Ning asked, curious.

"I'm worried that, unintentionally, I might steal the title of 'Jinling's Top Scholar'. That would be quite embarrassing," he declared, boasting unashamedly.

Seeing Luo Ning's surprised expression, Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Am I not the last genius on the rank?"

Covering her smile with a hand, Luo Ning replied, "Brother Lin, you're being too modest. If you're the last, then I fear Jinling would have no scholars left."

Lin Wanrong felt flattered by her high estimation of him. Luckily, he was clear-headed and wouldn't be fooled by such flattery. He nodded and said, "In that case, I'll go enjoy this feast."

When Luo Ning heard him compare the poetry contest to a feast, she was slightly irritated but also found it amusing. She sighed and said, "If all you want is a feast, that can be arranged. Not only will scholars from far and wide be present, but even ladies from wealthy families will be in attendance. You'll have a feast for your eyes, big brother. Every poetry contest produces romantic stories of talented men and beautiful women. This one won't disappoint you."

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, ‘I knew it! This so-called poetry contest is just a collective blind date. But, getting to admire some beauties would indeed be a pleasant experience.’

Seeing Luo Ning's serene expression and apparent anticipation for the poetry contest, he couldn't help but chuckle. "I almost forgot. Miss Luo, you're also of marriageable age. Perhaps one of those romantic tales will involve you."

Luo Ning only smiled lightly, "Big brother, you must be joking with me. Although I'm a woman, I've not yet considered such matters. Please, no more teasing."

Seeing her calm demeanor, seemingly undisturbed, Lin Wanrong felt a measure of respect for her. This woman indeed had her own standing.

As Luo Ning was Luo Yuan's sister and he held the principle of not coveting the grass next to his burrow, he didn't tease her excessively. However, he'd long forgotten that he'd already trespassed in Qiaoqiao's territory.

Luo Ning was a very determined woman. After their conversation, she left hastily, claiming that the imminent poetry contest required her attention and she couldn't stay long. Lin Wanrong thought, ‘You didn't mention this when you were asking for my silver. Truly a shrewd one, capable of rivaling me.’

Soon, Luo Yuan and Dong Qingshan returned. Upon seeing Lin Wanrong, both paused. Dong Qingshan exclaimed joyfully, "Big Brother, you're back!" Luo Yuan, trailing behind him, also looked pleased.

Grinning, Lin Wanrong replied, "What else should I do? Stay in the bandit lair to celebrate the new year?"

Luo Yuan laughed, "Qingshan and I rushed to the Xiao residence as soon as we heard you were back. But we waited in the guest room for half a day without seeing you. We had poor Young Master Guo to keep us company."

In front of his younger brother-in-law, Lin Wanrong couldn't admit he had been playing truant and flirting in the afternoon. So he just chuckled and said, "Eldest Miss Xiao had some urgent tasks for me this afternoon. She sent me to the Rosy Cloud Temple."

Dong Qingshan looked shocked. "Big Brother, are you really getting along with Eldest Miss Xiao?"

‘Darn it, Qingshan is still so coarse,’ thought Lin Wanrong, but he couldn't help but appreciate the clever use of the word 'getting along.' He stifled a laugh and replied, "Not quite there yet, but making progress."

[TL: There’s a sexual double meaning with the words ‘getting along’ here]

Dong Qingshan had not read many books and his speech was often filled with market-place vulgarities, which oddly enough, fit Lin Wanrong's tastes. Luo Yuan, who was not a traditional scholarly gentleman, also struggled to suppress his laughter as he said to Lin Wanrong, "Big brother, I heard that Eldest Miss Xiao has been travelling abroad for years, and I haven't seen her yet. I only heard she's incredibly beautiful. If there's a chance, please introduce her to me as well."

Speaking of Eldest Miss Xiao, Lin Wanrong could only wryly smile. How could he introduce her to Luo Yuan when they were on such different paths? Seeing Luo Yuan's sneaky gaze, Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "It's true that she's beautiful, but her temper is quite a distance from perfect, not nearly as pleasant as your sister, Miss Luo."

"Right, big brother, what did my sister come to see you about?" Luo Yuan asked. When he had just arrived, he saw Luo Ning leaving without even having a chance to speak.

"Your sister, she came to deliver an invitation to me," Lin Wanrong chuckled and explained Luo Ning's request for his help.

Luo Yuan knew about the poetry contest and nodded, "Big brother, my sister is good in many ways, but she can be overly tenacious. It's not appropriate for her, as a woman, to take the lead in this poetry contest. The number one scholar in Jinling, Hou Yuebai, offered to take responsibility for the charity, but she refused him."

Lin Wanrong was aware of the stories about the top male scholar and top talented lady of Jinling. He laughed, "I did hear that this Young Master Hou is quite persistent in pursuing your sister."

Luo Yuan nodded and said, "That's true. They belong to the same poetry society and have many opportunities to meet. Hou Yuebai often finds excuses to discuss poetry with my sister. I've been annoyed just witnessing it, let alone how my sister must feel. I believe this is why she doesn't want Hou Yuebai's help."

Indeed, Luo Ning was a woman of principle. Recalling her words, Lin Wanrong sighed, "Your sister is a person who bravely pursues her dreams. That's not an easy thing to achieve."

Luo Yuan glanced at Lin Wanrong and suddenly laughed, "Big brother, I suggest you not set your sights on my sister."

Lin Wanrong spat out the tea he had just sipped. This Luo Yuan was too straightforward, even Lin Wanrong himself was taken aback. Choosing him as a younger brother seemed to have been a good choice.

"Little Luo, since you're so frank, I'll be equally forthright," Lin Wanrong said, patting Luo Yuan's shoulder, "I'm not interested in your sister. I generally keep my distance from those bearing the title of 'talented lady.' Tell your sister not to take an interest in me. I have quite a charm, those who have met me know."

Qingshan, who was beside them, scoffed, "Big brother, I think Miss Luo is quite nice. She's beautiful and is a close friend of my sister. They get along well and wouldn't fight. Why don't you just marry her? She can keep my sister company."

‘Damn it, Qingshan, you beast. Are you doing this for my sake or for your sister's? How could you say such a thing? Do you think I am that kind of person?’ Lin Wanrong thought, taken aback.

Luo Yuan laughed heartily, "Big brother, don't misunderstand. My sister once said the man she fancies should be extraordinary, with a wealth of experiences and a broad mind. He should be educated, excelling both in literary talent and martial arts. No aspect should be lacking."

Lin Wanrong exclaimed in surprise, "How did your sister come to know all of my qualities?"

Luo Yuan laughed out loud. Having spent much time with Lin Wanrong, he was well acquainted with his character. While Lin Wanrong was exceptionally clever, his elegance and martial skills were somewhat lacking. Last time at Miaoyu Pavilion, Lin Wanrong managed to win over Miss Qin Xian'er with some obscure poetry he conjured up. However, Luo Yuan knew Lin Wanrong's martial prowess would hardly impress his sister. Hence, he earnestly advised Lin Wanrong to steer clear of her, having seen too many men fall short in the past.

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, ‘This young lady certainly has high standards. What use is literary talent and martial arts? Can they feed you? I may possess unmatched skills, but I'm still earning a living honestly. You girls have read too many romance novels and dream of a fairytale. If I weren't uninterested in you, I'd surely enchant you with my charm, making you fall head over heels.’

The trio burst into laughter, effectively ending the absurd topic.

After sharing his recent encounters with his two friends, Luo Yuan spoke with resentment, "The rebels of the White Lotus Sect are truly rampant, wreaking havoc and committing atrocities in Jinling. My father's guards are incapable of handling them. He has tried several times to persuade the Commander-in-Chief Cheng De to deploy troops, but the old fox always seems to resist. To me, this old man and the White Lotus Sect might be in cahoots."

Ever since Tao Dongcheng led the troops up the mountain that night, Lin Wanrong had suspected that Cheng De, Tao Dongcheng, and the White Lotus Sect were interconnected. Regrettably, he had not seen the true face of their master nor heard their voice without distortion, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

However, if someone could integrate these three forces, the power of their master must be considerable. Lin thought to himself, ‘Little Luo's father, the Governor of Jiangsu, Luo Min, should have some clues. I should find some time to visit this old fox.’

"By the way, Qingshan, how is the situation between the Hung Hing Gang and the Black Dragon Association lately?" Lin Wanrong asked, remembering the matter.

Dong Qingshan slapped the table angrily, "That damned Wu Zhenghu is getting more and more out of line. There are more and more disturbances in the southern part of the city. They are all spies planted by Wu Zhenghu. If it wasn't for Luo Yuan constantly advising me, I would have acted a long time ago."

"Oh?" Lin Wanrong looked at Luo Yuan with interest. "Little Luo, what do you make of this situation?"

A glint flashed in Luo Yuan's eyes. "Vengeance is not overdue; its time has yet to come. Let them be arrogant for a few more days. When they're at their most complacent, we will be well-prepared and concentrate our efforts to cut off one of their claws, ensuring they never dare to be arrogant again."

Lin Wanrong chuckled. Knowing that Cheng Ruinian was backing the Black Dragon Association only bolstered Luo Yuan's fighting spirit. While Cheng Ruinian merely lent support to the Black Dragon Association, Luo Yuan was one of the leaders of the Hung Hing Gang. With his status alone, Hung Hing was invincible. With Luo Yuan's astuteness and Dong Qingshan's strength, although Hung Hing was temporarily weaker, they showed great potential.

As for the matters of Hung Hing, Lin Wanrong didn't want to meddle too much. With these two brothers, he was confident enough. He would let them handle these matters. Even if there were some setbacks, that was the price of growth, which would only make them more mature.

"By the way, Little Luo, does your father know you've joined Hung Hing?" Lin Wanrong suddenly asked.

Luo Yuan shook his head. "I'm not sure. My father only instructed me to get closer to you, saying that you're our Luo family's benefactor. He wouldn't answer anything else, even if I asked."

‘Benefactor, my foot. This old man is a crafty fox.’ If Lin Wanrong wasn't mistaken, Luo Min had known about Luo Yuan joining Hung Hing. His lack of intervention was partly because of Lin Wanrong being the so-called benefactor, and partly because he probably wanted to use Hung Hing to counter the Black Dragon Association supported by Cheng De.

Having even put his own son into this game, this old fox was really putting a lot on the line. Why did he have so much confidence in me? Lin Wanrong thought for a while but couldn't figure it out. However, one thing was certain: whether willingly or reluctantly, the old fox was now on his side, and there was no escaping that fact.

Having confirmed this, Lin Wanrong had fewer worries. More questions could wait until he had a chance to meet the old fox.

After chatting for a while with his brothers, Lin Wanrong went upstairs, worried about Qiaoqiao's condition. But he found the young girl sleeping soundly, a sweet smile on her face in her dream. Seeing her brought a sense of tranquility and peace to his heart.

A thought suddenly sprang into his mind: What would it be like if he put Yushuang, Qingxuan, and Qiaoqiao together? Would they fight? Alas, this was a troubling question indeed.

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