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Chapter 120 Playing the Talented Woman

Luo Ning chuckled softly, "Big brother, there's no need for such formalities. Qiaoqiao is like a sister to me. Besides, I had other business today, which brought me here."

Lin Wanrong nodded approvingly. This made sense; he was not so conceited as to think that Miss Luo had come specifically for him. Though he often prided himself as the most handsome man in Jinling, he was well aware that his charm had no effect on Luo Ning. Luo Ning was outgoing and sincere in her dealings with others. A woman like her would have many friends, but to win her heart was an exceedingly difficult task.

Regardless of Luo Ning's intentions, she had taken care of Qiaoqiao, and he should be grateful for that. He nodded and said, "Miss Luo, let's do this. Later on, you tell us what you need, and I, on behalf of Qiaoqiao, pledge our support. If we can help, we will."

A mix of shyness and delight suffused Qiaoqiao as she looked at Lin Wanrong but offered no words of objection.

Lin Wanrong held a bowl of medicine to Qiaoqiao's lips, "Qiaoqiao, be a good girl and drink this while it's hot. Big brother will buy you some candy."

Behind them, Luo Ning stifled a laugh, thinking that his method of cajoling was rather peculiar.

Qiaoqiao felt sweet inside but, upon smelling the medicinal brew, couldn't hide her distaste, crinkling her brows, "It's bitter..."

Unperturbed, Lin Wanrong suggested, "How about I taste it first, then feed it to you?"

Luo Ning was made uncomfortable by his words, thinking to herself, ‘This man truly is shameless. He can say such presumptuous things without batting an eye.’ Qiaoqiao, on the other hand, was so moved by his words that she obediently tipped her head back and swallowed the bitter brew.

Seeing Qiaoqiao's spirits lift and a smile return to her face, Lin Wanrong breathed a sigh of relief. He reflected that it didn't matter if he was caught, but involving his beloved Yushuang and Qiaoqiao was a grave mistake; he could not afford to repeat such folly. Now that he had both his divine skills and his gun, getting captured again would be quite a feat.

Qiaoqiao, still tired, fell into a peaceful sleep under Lin Wanrong's watchful gaze.

Lin Wanrong gestured to Luo Ning, who followed him out of the room. The two of them stepped outside. Lin Wanrong smiled, "Miss Luo, please tell us what you need help with."

As he spoke, he opened the window, allowing the cool breeze from the Xuanwu Lake to waft in, bringing him some relief. The five-story building was lavishly decorated. The lake, visible in the distance, shimmered under the fluctuating light, a spectacular sight that made him feel light and carefree.

Luo Ning shared a similar sentiment, admiring the lakeside scenery from the window and chuckling, "Big brother, you've chosen well with this place."

Lin Wanrong nodded, "It's not that I have eyes for quality, but my understanding of human psychology."

"Oh? What do you mean by that, big brother?" Luo Ning asked curiously.

"From a psychological perspective, everyone wants to be above others, looking down upon the world. This feeling can bring about a greater sense of accomplishment. It's like us standing here, everyone has to look up to us, so it feels great." Lin Wanrong went on to display his knowledge in psychology.

After some thought, Luo Ning nodded, "Big brother, your words are indeed insightful. I suppose since ancient times, all monarchs and generals must have felt the same."

Lin Wanrong laughed, "That's unrelated to what we're discussing today. Please tell us what you need our help with."

With a smile, Luo Ning thought to herself, ‘This topic of psychology was your idea, and now you're saying it's unrelated. Your leaps in thought are truly unmatched by ordinary people.’

"The reason I came to seek Qiaoqiao's help is that there's something troubling me." As she mentioned this, Luo Ning involuntarily lowered her head. It seemed difficult for her to voice out her request, a rarity for such a forthcoming person like her.

Seeing her hesitancy, Lin Wanrong wondered what was going on. Could it be she was longing for love, hoping for Qiaoqiao to introduce her to a boyfriend?

He chuckled, "Miss Luo, speak freely. Luo Yuan is my brother, you are his sister. We're family. There's no need for such formalities."

Luo Ning was silent for a while before saying, "I have two reasons for seeking Qiaoqiao, but in essence, they pertain to one issue. I wish to ask her help in raising donations."

‘Fundraising?’ Lin Wanrong understood immediately. ‘What donations? To put it bluntly, it's sponsorship.’ He hadn't expected her to have such a modern mindset. Luo Ning, truly Jinling's foremost talented woman, could come up with such an idea. If she were in business, she'd certainly be as crafty a merchant as himself.

"Oh? Donations? What are donations?" Lin Wanrong feigned ignorance.

Since Luo Ning had already started speaking, she decided to explain it fully, "Donations involve collecting some silver from wealthy city dwellers for charitable purposes. A few friends and I have set up a charity hall, specifically to aid orphans and widows."

‘Isn't that the Red Cross?’ Luo Ning's ideas were indeed advanced. ‘But being the daughter of the Governor of Jiangsu and blessed with such beauty, surely, wouldn't people readily offer their wealth to her? Why would she need to raise donations?’

Luo Ning seemed to anticipate his doubt, and she explained seriously, "Big brother, though my father is the Governor of Jiangsu, he is a man of integrity. He would never allow us to accept gifts indiscriminately. Though I am but a woman, I understand this principle. I would never accept unjust money."

Lin Wanrong chuckled, he hadn't expected this young lady to have such an upright character. This talented woman was indeed interesting.

"A few years ago, we were able to raise some donations, but recently, we've approached all the wealthy patrons we could find. Having supported us for so many years, they've lost interest, making fundraising increasingly difficult," Luo Ning sighed and continued.

Lin Wanrong thought to himself, ‘That's natural. The first year you approached them, they might have been inclined to help due to your status as the Governor's daughter. But people's patience wears thin; one cannot keep asking without offering something in return. Philanthropists do exist, but not in the way you imagined.’

Being a crafty merchant himself, Lin Wanrong was no benevolent patron. He thought for a moment, then asked, "How many children are you taking care of? How old are they, approximately?"

Luo Ning nodded, "We have more than a dozen children. The oldest are around eleven or twelve, and the youngest are three or four."

Lin Wanrong paused before saying, "Miss Luo, regarding this matter of donations, I can contribute—"

"Really? Thank you so much. Brother Lin, I, on behalf of the children, thank you—" Before he could finish his sentence, Luo Ning, assuming he had agreed, jumped up in joy.

With a wry smile, Lin Wanrong corrected her, "Miss Luo, you've misunderstood. I'm not offering to donate money—"

Luo Ning exclaimed in disappointment. Lin Wanrong thought to himself, this young lady thinks money is easy to earn. This money is the fruit of Qiaoqiao's hard labor. It's not right to let you gain without lifting a finger.

"However, I can offer you a suggestion," Lin Wanrong continued.

Luo Ning's spirits weren't high. She had traveled many places for these donations, only to be met with similar results, and the disappointment was hard to hide.

Lin Wanrong sighed, thinking, ‘This young lady only thinks of doing good, but hasn't considered that her good deeds are done at others' expense. How could this last?’

"Let me give you a suggestion. Miss Luo, aren't you Jinling's top talent? Your friends are also gifted individuals, so I presume you're all skilled in calligraphy and painting. Why not collect your works, periodically gather patrons who appreciate calligraphy and painting, and hold charity auctions?" Lin Wanrong suggested.

"Charity auctions? What's an auction?" Luo Ning asked in surprise.

Lin Wanrong explained the concept of an auction to her. Luo Ning pondered for a while and thought, this method is indeed good. Not only does it increase the visibility of the talented men and women, but it also provides a source of income. It makes a lot of sense.

She nodded, "Big brother, I've never seen an auction before, so I don't know what the outcome will be. But I can try. But, would people really be willing to spend a lot of money to buy our calligraphy and paintings?"

Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "Of course, you are all gifted individuals. The future masters of literature and painting will emerge from among you. Those with discerning eyes will certainly be willing to pay. Moreover, you can offer them some benefits. For example, incorporating their names into the calligraphy and paintings, and recording their good deeds, both in books and on stelae. This way, they gain prestige and acquire artwork they appreciate. It's a win-win situation. Why wouldn't they be pleased?"

Luo Ning clenched her teeth and said, "Alright, I'll give it a try when I go back."

Lin Wanrong smiled faintly, "You can go ahead, I guarantee you'll be satisfied. If your calligraphy and paintings sell well, remember to reserve a few for me."

Luo Ning chuckled but said nothing.

Lin Wanrong continued, "Since you're so compassionate, I'll contribute as well. But we have to be careful with the money matters. If we only give these children silver, it might sustain them now, but what about the future? You can't support them forever. It's better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Send the children over the age of ten who you have taken in to this restaurant. We'll be responsible for training them in cooking, waiting tables, providing meals and accommodation. As for their monthly salary, since they're still apprentices, it should be a little less for now, say five taels of silver per month. What do you think?"

Luo Ning gratefully said, "Big brother, you're very thoughtful. I was only thinking about how to support them but never considered teaching them skills to become self-reliant. I'm so grateful, big brother."

‘Thanking me?’ Lin Wanrong found it amusing. ‘In my world, I'd be arrested for employing child labor, but here I'm appreciated for it. I'm a businessman, I won't do business that loses money. We're short of staff at the restaurant anyway. These kids won't cost much a month. With training, they'll become the backbone of the restaurant. This is called talent reserve, a long-term vision.’

"By the way, didn't you say you have two things to discuss? The first one is pretty much settled. Let's talk about the second one," Lin Wanrong said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ning seemed embarrassed and lowered her head. Lin Wanrong understood immediately. ‘Ah, here comes the money matter again.’

"Big brother, we have a poetry competition in Jinling every year, and this year is the tenth one," Luo Ning said softly.

“A poetry competition? Interesting. But it doesn't have anything to do with me. It's you talented individuals who participate and make a show of yourselves, ending up in a collective matchmaking event. How does that involve me?”

"Do you need money?" Lin Wanrong guessed, noticing Luo Ning's discomfort.

Luo Ning's head dropped lower as she said shyly, "We're short by a thousand taels of silver."

Lin Wanrong jumped in surprise. ‘Good heavens, that much? To hold a damned poetry competition requires so much silver? Damn, these young masters and mistresses must be burning money for fun. It seems that Luo Ning, seeing my restaurant making money every day, has come specifically to ask for alms. However, a thousand taels of silver isn't something easily collected, it would take the restaurant two or three days of work.’

He shook his head in resignation. ‘Little Luo, you're an honest person, but you, Sister Talented Woman, you're acting a bit unfairly. Isn't there a saying about not eating the grass next to one's nest? Yet, you choose the soft persimmon to squeeze, thinking Qiaoqiao can't refuse? Damn it, Qiaoqiao is my wife, she should listen to me.’

As Lin Wanrong was ruminating in resentment, he heard Luo Ning say, "Actually, I feel embarrassed to ask Qiaoqiao for help, but we're running out of time. We've already approached the wealthy households in Jinling City during the previous competitions, it's difficult to raise more money."

A thousand taels of silver was no small amount. In Jinling city, only a handful of wealthy households could sponsor this poetry competition with that much money in one go. They must have been rejected elsewhere, and Luo Ning, unwilling to rely on her father's power, was left with no other choice but to approach Qiaoqiao.

"Isn't your poetry competition membership-based? Why don't you ask them for money, like a registration fee?" Lin Wanrong asked.

Luo Ning shook her head, "The purpose of the poetry competition is to discover more talent. If we start collecting money, things could get messy."

Lin Wanrong nodded. He had seen many talent shows and model competitions in his previous life; which didn't have shady deals and exchanges of power and sex behind them? It was rare for Luo Ning to be aware of these issues.

"Who do you invite to these poetry competitions?" Lin Wanrong pondered for a moment before asking.

Seeing his tone soften, Luo Ning hurriedly responded, "The reputation of the poetry competition is quite extensive. Participants are talented individuals from all over Jiangsu Province. Moreover, the Jiangsu Provincial Education Commissioner will personally attend, making it a grand and bustling event."

The personal attendance of the Education Commissioner was naturally attractive to those talents. Lin Wanrong nodded and said, "Miss Luo, I will provide a thousand taels of silver, but I have a few conditions—"

"Please tell me your conditions, big brother." Luo Ning's previously despairing heart immediately came back to life.

"My conditions are simple." Lin Wanrong smiled, "Firstly, the name of my restaurant, 'Food for Immortals', should be placed before the poetry competition, making it 'Food for Immortals' Exclusive Sponsor of the Jinling Poetry Competition."

"This—" Luo Ning hesitated for a moment, immediately grasping the key point. In her mind, he really was a cunning businessman, never missing any opportunity. However, there was never such a precedent, and she was a bit flustered.

Lin Wanrong laughed and said, "Miss Luo, this doesn't cause any loss to you and it benefits my 'Food for Immortals'. It's a win-win situation, why not take advantage of it?"

Luo Ning hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Fine, I agree to your terms."

Lin Wanrong gave a light smile, "This is what we call a win-win, Miss Luo, there's no need for such distress. Besides, I want my 'Food for Immortals' logo to be printed on all your items: stationery, official and flower boats, lanterns, silk, toilet paper, napkins, everything."

‘If you're going to squeeze my wealth, I will advertise, making my 'Food for Immortals' omnipresent. I will regain the lost silver, tenfold, hundredfold.’ Lin Wanrong thought fiercely.

Luo Ning was both angry and annoyed. No one had ever made such demands before, not even the sponsors of previous rounds had the audacity to match a tenth of Lin Wanrong's brazenness.

She sighed. What was supposed to be a very elegant poetry competition was now smelling of mere copper. She wondered how this man could come up with such harsh conditions.

Lin Wanrong didn't care about the 'copper smell'. ‘This is called mutual benefit, business is king. You 'talented' folks enjoy your high-minded poetry, I prefer things more earthy.’

"Miss Luo, don't worry. To show my sincerity, 'Food for Immortals' will provide some elegant gifts for the poetry competition," Lin Wanrong chuckled.

"What kind of gifts?" Luo Ning asked curiously.

"Every participant will receive a free oil-paper umbrella from 'Food for Immortals'," Lin Wanrong grinned mischievously.

"I bet it will also bear the logo of your 'Food for Immortals'," Luo Ning snapped.

Lin Wanrong laughed heartily, "Mutual benefit, simply mutual benefit."

He imagined a rainy day in Jinling, when the streets were filled with oil-paper umbrellas, each imprinted with 'Food for Immortals'. It would be hard for 'Food for Immortals' not to become famous.

Luo Ning was completely defeated by the man before her. She had once thought he was learned, and his manner unique. However, this uniqueness soon proved a headache for her.

She sighed inwardly, wondering where he got these bizarre ideas. With these conditions, the poetry competition would essentially become an exclusive advertising platform for him.

Luo Ning felt like a lamb in a wolf's den, and she was on the verge of tears.

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