"Wufu, why are you still standing there! Hurry up and get my medicine box!"

Li Haitang saw that Wufu was in a daze, so he pushed her directly, he should see the world more, otherwise he would not be calm enough when encountering small things.

She was anxious now, Biluo was hiding something and didn't say anything, but the sudden vomiting of blood was either caused by external force or poisoned, generally there were two kinds.

The former had internal bleeding and was in danger, while the latter could die at any time. If there was no life due to a delay, the Ruan family would definitely blame her for the problem.

But such a major event cannot stand idly by.

Fortunately, after Wu Fu reacted, she quickly prepared the medicine box and took all the pills available at home in a small package. She also knew the seriousness of the matter.

The inn was not far away, and the delay on the road was not long. Li Haitang jumped out of the carriage in a hurry, and almost twisted his foot in a hurry.

Seeing this, Bai Bing quickly helped the man through the door and went straight to the second floor of the inn.

Li Haitang's eyelids kept twitching, and she always had a bad premonition, but when she went to Ruan Mianmian's room and verified again, her bad premonition came true again.

"Cousin, this..."

When Li Haitang entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of blood, walked around the screen, and Ruan Pingzhi was squatting on the ground with his face buried in his chest, without saying a word.

"Begonia, Mianmian is gone."

Ruan Pingzhi raised his head, his eyes were covered with criss-crossed bloodshot eyes, they were flushed, obviously he had cried.

He couldn't figure it out, his sister just came to the Northland once, and she left her fate here. He couldn't go back to Beijing to see his parents, grandmother and grandmother, and he couldn't get this ending.

"I got news..."

Li Haitang took a step forward, Ruan Mianmian fell on the bed, her face was blue and black, and there was still black blood on her mouth, just as she thought, poisoned.

It's very simple, someone poisoned her, and the person who poisoned her probably wasn't Ruan Mianmian herself. Her cousin was not that stupid to make things difficult for her.

In order to protect the scene, Li Haitang just hung a red thread on Ruan Mianmian's wrist, pinched it for a long time, but there was no pulse, and he died for at least half an hour.

"As soon as Biluo went out, Mianmian died."

Ruan Pingzhi finally couldn't help it, and burst into tears. He still couldn't recover, he always felt that he was dreaming.

There is no magistrate in Lucheng now, the former magistrate colluded with the Zeng family, and was killed by people from the northern camp of the city long ago, so Xiao Lingchuan is temporarily handed over to manage the whole city here.

Soldiers and yamen servants patrol together every night to maintain order. Lucheng does not need the magistrate at all. No one is searching for the people's fat. The people are living better than before. It is not an exaggeration to say that they live and work in peace and contentment.

"Wufu, go and inform Little General Yun, and go to Zhuangzi by the way, and send the news to Ruyi."

After all, he was an old friend, even though Zhang Ruyi and Ruan Mianmian didn't like each other, once he left, the past enmity would disappear.

After Li Haitang finished explaining, he took out a pair of gloves from the toolbox and asked Biluo, "I remember that your lady also has a maid named Longjing."


Bi Luo paused, the haze in his eyes flashed away. Long Jing is lying in the medical hall, afraid that he still doesn't know the news.

Ruan Mianmian was overjoyed when she learned that the big goose was not dead, and thought of settling after Qiuhou, because it was Longjing who told her that the big goose was dead.

She beat people up with a whip, which has long been a common practice for Longjing. She learned that there were female doctors in the medical center opened by Li Haitang, so she rushed to get the medicine.

Biluo was in a hurry to find someone, so she ignored it, fearing that Longjing didn't know about it yet.

"That's it!"

Yun Jinghong hadn't returned to the camp in the north of the city yet, so it would be easier to find someone. For the follow-up, he had to investigate clearly, at least give the Ruan family and the Yun family an explanation.

It is too coincidental that people die when they come to the Northland.

"Haitang, Yun Jinghong must have done it!"

Ruan Pingzhi recalled that Yun Jinghong said that if his sister died, then Tassel would be the main wife, so that the two families would not have to quarrel, what a vicious heart!

Kill Ruan Mianmian, he will be next!

"Master Ruan, why did Little General Yun kill you? You are not a woman, you are still married. It is impossible for Little General Yun to marry you!"

Wu Fu answered next to him, almost making Ruan Pingzhi vomit blood, this is the juncture, is it time to talk nonsense?

"Besides, the black blood that Ms. Ruan spit out is poisonous. General Yun wants to kill someone, so why bother!"

One size fits all, the guy was poisoned by Jiang Yang's robbers without anyone noticing, and it was very troublesome to poison him like this.

"Yes, it's not Yun Jinghong, it's Liusu. Liusu is a person from the black market who is good at using poison. This bitch, the marriage is the wish of the two families, and it's not Mianmian's proposal. Why can't she be tolerated!"

Ruan Pingzhi continued to cry, crying until Li Haitang became restless. She also met Tassel at night, and Tassel would not kill anyone at all!

"Tassels don't kill."

Li Haitang is very sure, not to mention her good sister's character, even if she is hunted down by the black market now, it is impossible to come to the inn, which is tantamount to revealing her whereabouts.

"You are her friend, of course you help her to speak, Haitang, you are still too simple, but Liusu and General Yun are the reasons for hurting Mianmian."

Ruan Ping's brother and sister grew up together, and the younger sister died tragically in a foreign land before she was married. The weather is hot in June, and it will take about a month to transport it to Kyoto, in case you can't return to Kyoto..."

His grandparents, father and mother are all white-haired people sending black-haired people, how can he bear it?

"Little Wuzi didn't know that he had an aunt, so..."

Ruan Pingzhi couldn't continue, and everyone in the room was silent.

Li Haitang felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't spend much time with Ruan Mianmian. Although she didn't like her, the delicious food in the capital was made by Longjing and Biluo. She hadn't tasted it all yet!

"Biluo, when did your lady have the seizure?"

Li Haitang checked the teacup with a silver needle, and found that there was no poison in it, only a few cups of overturned rock sugar tremella soup.

She carefully identified it and found that it contained arsenic.

"This kind of arsenic can be bought in pharmacies. It is not a strange poison. If it is really tassel poisoning, it will not use inferior means."

Li Haitang shook his head, and continued to ask Biluo, "Who cooks this bowl of tremella soup?"

"Miss Cousin, before the maidservant went out, our lady vomited blood and her limbs twitched..."

Bi Luo wiped the sweat off her nose. When Ruan Pingzhi came back, she called someone first, and then went straight to Li Haitang's house.

"Biluo is right. Before I could speak, Mianmian died." Even, even the last sentence, she didn't say anything, just stared at him blankly, Ruan Pingzhi felt extremely uncomfortable. .

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