No one could believe that Li Haitang was suddenly bewildered by Nanny Yu, Wu Fu, and the maid and mother-in-law beside him, who didn't know the meaning of Tassel's words.

But think about it carefully, Xiao Taohong said this to her once before, when she relayed it to her savage husband, Xiao Lingchuan said with great relief, "Fortunately, I have always been someone you can trust."

"Liusu, you didn't leave here, I'm afraid you can't bear it?"

Li Haitang pierced Liusu's mind. In fact, the marriage between the two families is really difficult, and it depends on Yun Jinghong's attitude. As far as she knows, there is more than one young master of the right age in the Yun family. Ruan Mianmian is the only one who lives in the boudoir.


Liusu was silent, then nodded. She left, then turned back, just wanted to see if Yun Jinghong was serious, it was her curiosity.

"It's not that simple, you are not a gossip."

Because of his intentions, Tassel still doesn't understand it very well until now!

"Haitang, don't worry about my affairs, I can do it by myself, after all, I came here like this before."

Liusu sighed, if there were not so many twists and turns in the middle, it would be great if Ruan Mianmian didn't exist.

"You are pregnant!"

Li Haitang pulled Liusu's arm, accidentally touched her veins, and then froze, it seemed that it was not as simple as losing her innocence!

"Well, two months pregnant."

Liusu is also a healer herself, but she tried the medicine before and hurt her body. She was always inaccurate when she was a child. She thought it would be difficult for her to conceive, and she would have to recuperate for at least a few years. Who would have thought it would be so came out of nowhere.

"Then what are you going to do?"

If you are pregnant, it is best not to run around, if you are wanted by the black market, it is too unstable, in case there is an accident...

Li Haitang has experience, she knows how fragile the first three months are, and even emotional agitation and depression may lead to miscarriage.

"I have no idea."

Liusu shook her head. If she took the medicine, she would not be willing to bear it. Besides, her body would have to be recuperated for at least a month. She was alone, so she might not be able to take good care of herself.

She has a cold body, maybe if she misses this, it will be difficult to conceive in the future.

But she is very contradictory. In her own state, she is afraid that she can't give Xiaowa a comfortable environment. If this is the case, why do you still look forward to his birth?

Liusu vacillated from side to side, and finally felt that everything depends on fate, "Haitang, Ruan Mianmian is your cousin, and this matter has nothing to do with her. It is the decision of the Ruan family and the Yun family. You must not quarrel with her." broke."

"Although she is a bit petty, she is not too bad."

She is a pampered young lady, if she has a bad stomach, it is not like that.

Although Li Haitang tried to persuade her to stay, Tassel still didn't stay. Before leaving, he gave her a small package.

Li Haitang opened it and saw that there were various bottles and jars inside, which should have been specially prepared by Tassel for her during this period of time.

On a trip to the Northwest, all the poison and medicine powder in her hand were used up, and she could just replenish them. She is not good at poison, so she couldn't prepare it by herself.

Tassel didn't stay for too long, Li Haitang returned home and packed the small package with Wufu.

"Ma'am, Miss Tassel is a bit pitiful."

Wu Fu was watching at the door, hearing the general idea, seeing that his wife was restless, probably also worried about this matter.

"No matter what, it's her choice."

Li Haitang shook her head, the three parties involved had something to do with her, Yun Jinghong was a friend, Liusu was a good sister, and Ruan Mianmian was also her cousin.

In this case, there is no way to help anyone, but to stand aside and watch them struggle.

"Ma'am, if you were a tassel girl, what would you do?"

Wu Fu thought about it for a long time, but she didn't understand it. Anyway, she was in a dilemma. Maybe she was too stupid to find the answer, but her wife is different, so she must have a solution.

"I won't hide."

Li Haitang put down the dress in his hand, sat on the chair and rested his chin and thought for a while, even if he left, it would not solve the problem, it would probably help others and cause the three of them pain.

Rather than doing this, it would be better to be selfish. If Liusu could discuss with Yun Jinghong and solve the problem together, it might not be as difficult as it is now.

Wu Fu nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood something.

The master and the servant tidied up the boxes at home. Many of the dresses were from last year, and some of them hadn't been worn yet. They were neatly folded. After Li Haitang gave birth, her figure recovered well. Except for the enlarged bust, other sizes remained unchanged.

Most of the dresses she made before were slightly looser, which just fit.

It's not that Li Haitang is hard and simple, but that she really doesn't have any requirements for what to wear. Those silk satins are slippery, cold as silk, and comfortable to wear in summer, but when you go out for a walk, they stick to your body, sticky Yes, not as soft and comfortable as muslin.

Looking good is one aspect, but you can't make yourself uncomfortable for looking good, so over time, Li Haitang dismissed those silk materials.

In the middle of the moon, the heat of the day has already turned into a slight wind, and a row of jasmine flowers is planted in the corner of the yard, exuding an elegant and delicate fragrance.

After Li Haitang washed up, she immediately felt refreshed. She sat under the cool grape trellis and waited for her savage husband to return.

"Ma'am, there is a knock at the door."

The maid Baishuang was washing the diapers made of beanbags when she heard a hasty knock on the door.

"It's so late, who is it?"

Li Haitang stood up and walked towards the corner door. The door of the house is usually closed, and the family members go out through the corner door on the side of the alley, so that the distance is close and convenient.

"Miss Biao, you are a servant girl, Biluo."

Outside the door, Biluo's business was in a hurry, "Miss Biao, help me! Our lady is vomiting blood!"

Upon hearing this, Li Haitang opened the door in fright and asked, "Who are you talking about? Ruan Mianmian?"

I saw someone today, Ruan Mianmian was fine, but she vomited blood at night? Not so!


Biluo was sobbing and sobbing, she couldn't speak anymore.

The master and servant were sneaky when they went out this time, and she kept worrying about it. Fortunately, the group of people was lucky to follow the caravan to the north, and the journey went smoothly without encountering any bandits.

After finally finding Yun Jinghong, Bi Luo comforted her young lady and thought she had come to the Northland for a walk to relax.

Knowing that the goose was not dead, the young lady was very happy, and planned to go home in the next two days, but unexpectedly, for some reason, she suddenly vomited blood at night. She notified Ruan Pingzhi first, and then hurriedly came to Li Haitang for help, just in case, how would she explain to the old lady!

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